Chapter 43 - Dinner

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'Wait, she texts you every day to make sure you're being good to me?' you ask, laughing in surprise. Robert nods, pursing his lips. 'Yep. Like the sister I never had... or asked for.' You cackle, stroking his face with the hand that's resting on his shoulder as he drives. 'Aww, it's nice! I like Callie even more now,' you say, truly flattered that she's looking out for you. He chuckles a low chuckle, turning his head slightly only to plant a peck on your palm.

No sooner, you're rolling into your old street and you feel more out of place than you ever have here, suddenly nervous to go into your own family home. Robert must notice because he takes your hand from around his neck and laces his fingers through yours, squeezing as it comes to rest on his lap.

He pulls into the bus stop that he used to pick you up from and your heart warms at the memory of the doughnuts and caffeine he'd regularly provide for you in the door of the car. 'You ready beautiful?' he asks, putting the car into park and grasping your hands between his two. 'It'll be fine, you know. Try not to build it up too much in your head. It's just a dinner with your family... and there are gifts. Yay?' You chuckle and kiss his hands, appreciating the effort and knowing he's right really. It's just a dinner.

You sigh. 'I know. I just hate not knowing which version of mom I'm walking into, that's all,' you admit, resting your head against the headrest. 'I'll be fine. I have missed dad, and Rex I guess, so I'll just focus on them if she's being weird.'

'Atta girl,' Robert grins. 'You'd better go Rem, you're already running a little late. You gonna be okay getting home later? I can come get you if you want,' he offers, eyebrow quirked. You shake your head. 'Don't worry, Rex will drive me back. Thanks though. And thanks for... earlier. It was...' you blush, the redness only deepening when you see that seductive smile slowly creeping onto his face.

'Cataclysmic,' he beams, making you laugh.

'If you do say so yourself,' you tease, raising an eyebrow in challenge. 'Really though. I just have the best time with you. I love you.'

His head lolls back into the headrest this time as he looks lovingly at you. 'I love you too my girl,' he replies sincerely. 'Now go before I kiss your face off and nobody ever recognises you again.' You giggle as you step out of the car and he slaps your ass playfully on your way out. Here goes nothing.

You don't feel that knocking is necessary so you just walk in and announce your presence with a falsely cheery 'hellooo?' into the empty hallway. You can smell the meatballs cooking which can only mean one thing - Rex is responsible for the food tonight. Right on cue, his face peeks around the doorframe from the kitchen and his face lights up when he catches sight of you. 'Hey little sis!' he calls, wiping his hands on a towel before getting you with a hug in the hallway, an apron slung haphazardly around his waist. 'You came.'

'I almost turned back around when I smelled the meatballs but you caught me just in time,' you joke sarcastically.

'Hilarious as ever,' he retorts, walking you to the kitchen with his arm around you. 'Hey - Remy's here guys!' he calls, announcing your entrance. You get to the door and your dad rises from the couch coming straight at you, arms outstretched. 'Come here you, oh I've missed you Rem,' he says, squeezing you into that big bear hug only dads can give. 'I've missed you too, dad,' you reply meaningfully.

Over his shoulder, you watch in amazement as your mom shakily lifts herself out of her chair and stands supported by her walking frame. 'Oh you don't have to get up mom, I can come to you,' you say, pulling away from your dad and making your way over. You reach her as she's turning to face you and instinctively reach out your hand to hold her by the elbow. 'Look at you, mom. Almost back to it, huh?'

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