Chapter 42 - Sneaking Around

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A/N - Wow - over 20k reads! I'm blown away. I stopped writing this because the most recent chapters just weren't getting as many reads at all like in the beginning and I felt like I was wasting my time. But, alas, I feel like I owe it to the characters and to anyone who is still with me to finish it. So that's what I'm going to do.

Hope you enjoy - I really do appreciate you all 🩷


A low rumble startles you awake but before you have chance to panic, a strong hand holds out your vibrating phone in front of your face, sleepily grunting an 'oops' with a smirk when he sees that it's Lexi. You giggle, only now realising as you're waking up that you actually feel asleep together. You spent the night with him. In his house. You inwardly punch the air in victory and take the phone from him, turning on your side to face him as you answer.

'Hey, Lex-' you start, but you're cut off.

'Oh thank God. George! She's alive! Take your shoes back off!' she calls into the background, making both you and Robert chuckle, holding your hand over your mouth to stop yourself.

'You're so dramatic Lexi, I swear. Of course I'm alive you idiot,' you laugh, not even trying to hide it now.

'Oh yeah, well I'd have known that if you'd remember to text me once in a while! Your note said you'd be back in a few hours so I started to panic when you didn't come home last night!'

Robert rolls his eyes playfully but you can see that he's finding it funny. 'I don't know whether to be flattered or offended that the search party you choose to assemble was just a George,' you giggle.

'Hey!' you hear him call out in the background, causing Lexi to burst into laughter as well. 'Okay okay, all is forgiven. I bet I don't have to guess twice where you found yourself last night,' she teases.

Robert's eyebrow quirks cockily as he turns onto his side, eye to eye with you and arms folded, waiting expectantly for your response. You want to kiss that cocky look right off his face. 'I may have stayed over... unexpectedly. Is that alright, mom?' you say sarcastically.

'Oh my God tell me everything! Was it good? Like really good, like last time?' Your eyes press shut, embarrassed that Robert now knows how well you sold him to your best friend when telling her all about New York. You squeeze one eye open to the sight of him grinning mischievously at you and pointing to himself mouthing 'really good'.

You shake your head, covering your eyes with your free hand. 'It was...' you ponder, and then lock eyes with him. '...okay,' you finish, the smirk from his face now on yours. He hits his chest with his hand and drops his mouth open in mock despair and you can't help but laugh at him.

'Okay? What happened?! Last time you said that he made you c-'

'-Goodbye Lexi!' you shout, cutting her off and hanging up the phone before she gave all your secrets away. You can imagine the expression on his face without needing to even look at him, but you do anyway. He's laid back, hands laced together behind his head with a very pleased smile on his face.

'I wonder what she was about to say...' he ponders aloud. You feel your cheeks getting redder even though he's only teasing you.

'I have no idea,' you reply innocently. He chuckles and holds his arms out, waving his hands, inviting you in to snuggle with him. You oblige, crawling across the bed and tucking into his chest as his bear arms encircle you.

He puts a finger under your chin, lifting your head so that your eye to eye with him. 'Last night was...' His eyes dart around as if searching for the right words. 'You have no idea how much I needed you,' he admits, gazing lovingly at you. You squeeze your arm around his torso, cheeks warming. 'I love that you need me almost as much as I need you sometimes,' you say, tilting your head to look him in those dreamy eyes. He pecks your forehead and tightens his grip around you.

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