Chapter 31 - New Beginnings

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A/N: I can't believe that last chapter I'd just hit 300 reads and now we're over 450! Thank you guys so much - honestly, every comment and vote and read means a lot so I hope you keep enjoying my little story!


Slumping down on the sofa exhausted, you gladly take the large glass of rosé that Lexi holds out to you. It's Saturday night and you've been hard at work all day moving into your new home.

'To new beginnings!' George exclaims, holding up his beer triumphantly. You clink glasses with them and take a big drink.

'So, what do you think?' Lexi grins.

'It's great. I'm really happy here, guys. Thanks for having me,' you say, beaming at them.

'Of course!' George exclaims, raising his beer again and taking another swig.

Your dad and Rex had transported a couple car loads of your stuff over and George and Lexi had helped you unpack and get things sorted in your room. It was nice; a double bed, wooden floors and sage green walls. You brought your rug with you from your room at home and it looked tiny on your huge floor space.

You'd spent your week as you always did, school during the day and sneaking in to see Robert every night after school. Rex had been finishing early so that you could get home and pack every night. It was sweet of him, but it meant that your time with Robert was cut short. You'd tried catching his eye in class but he's been so stressed after sending the letter to Jen's attorney.

He hasn't heard back yet - at least he hadn't as of yesterday afternoon - and he's on edge. You'd tried to comfort him, to encourage him that it would all come back fine, but the truth is you have no idea what will happen. You can just hope that they see what you do in him and that it'll be a no brainer to allow his visitation again.

'So, Rem,' Lexi announces, breaking your daydream. 'A little birdie tells me that you have a birthday coming up.'

You roll your eyes dramatically. 'You really must stop Facebook stalking me, Lex. It's weird,' you joke. 'How did you even see that?'

'I'm your best friend! It's my job to know these things!' she laughs. 'So, do you want to go out or something?' You think for a minute. You hadn't really thought much about your birthday. It'll be strange not having Robyn around to share it with and you're not sure how you'll cope. Maybe going out would distract you. Then again, maybe it would just make things worse. Before you have chance to reply, Lexi speaks again. 'Well you deserve to be celebrated, Rem, so we are going out. I won't take no for an answer.'

'Well when you put it like that, how can I refuse?' you laugh.

'Good. It's settled then.'

You spend the rest of the evening hanging out with your new roomies and send a quick goodnight message to your dad before hitting the hay. You're so tired from the day's events that you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.

The next morning, you wake up to three missed calls from Robert. You call him back as soon as you sit up and he answers on the third ring. 'Hey,' you hear him strain on the other end of the line.

'Hey, are you okay?' you ask worriedly, trying to keep the concern from your voice.

'Uh... I got the response back to my letter. It's not... it's bad, Rem. I-I don't know what to do, I...' He trails off, his breath catching in his throat.

'Hey, hey. It's going to be okay. Where are you? I'm on my way over,' you say, hurrying around your room to find some clothes to pull on.

'No, you don't need to do that. I...' He stops speaking. 'Okay. I'll see you in a minute,' he says finally. You stand upright, surprised that he's given into you so easily.

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