Chapter 38 - Putty in his Hands

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'Yeah, yeah I know.'

Hushed whispers rouse you from sleep. You peer around through squinted eyes, confused at first until you remember where you are. And then you remember.

Your fingers find their way to your kiss-bruised lips as you can almost feel him still pressing his mouth against yours. You feel the sheets encircle your still naked body as you shuffle up the bed and your cheeks flush crimson at the memories of last night. The weight of his body on yours, his strong arms gripping at your shoulders as his hips bucked into you again and again...

That's when you actually realise that he's not in the bed with you.

'No, it's not like that. Come on Callie, you know me better than that.'

Standing up, you wrap one of the sheets around to cover yourself and move towards the door, craning your ear at the doorframe to listen better. You hope it's not the conversation you're imagining as you listen on.

'Of course not,' he sighs, pausing. 'I know she is. Trust me, I really do.'

Your eyebrow quirks, wondering if he's talking about you and what he could possibly be saying. You slightly panic when you hear him bringing the conversation to a close and tip toe quickly back over to the bed, his footsteps moving closer down the hallway. You just manage to sit and look like you just woke up as he ever so quietly opens the door and peeks around it. A look of surprise flashes across his face when his eyes meet yours, followed by a shy smile as he makes his way across to the bed.

'Hey, you,' he says, his voice like smooth chocolate as he lowers himself onto his side of the bed. He's sitting up, his body sidewards to you and the fact that he's in his sweats and a black t-shirt reminds you that you are still very much naked under this thin sheet. You pull it up higher self-consciously, although the pointlessness of you covering up after what happened last night isn't lost on you.

'Hey,' you almost whisper back, eyes never breaking contact as you feel a shy smile reach your lips. You notice his cheeks redden slightly as his own smile widens before he scratches the back of his head and drops your gaze.

'Are you... I mean... how are you feeling about... everything?' he finally asks. He's nervous, you realise. But about what? That you might regret what happened on what has easily topped the list of best nights of your life? He chews his lip nervously as he awaits a response from you, huge eyes searching yours as if scared to hear your answer.

'I, um-' you start, struggling to find the words. 'I still can't really process it. It was... it was amazing.' You're shaking your head, still in disbelief and his face lights up at your words.

'Yeah?' he asks, a look of relief washing over him.

'Yeah,' you reply simply.

You're not sure what to say next. You both just sit there breathing in the moment, his eyes gazing at you adoringly. Then suddenly, something shifts in him as his gaze drops lower. You follow his eye line and hitch a breath when you see that the sheet has dropped slightly, exposing your left breast fully to him. Your eyes dart up again as you begin to formulate an apology but you're met with a sight that makes your stomach clench. His mouth is slightly open, eyes hungry as he flicks his tongue out, bringing your attention to his lips. Those lips...

Before you can register what's happening, he's up on his knees towering above you on the bed, eyes searching yours for a split second before he comes crashing down on your mouth with his.

His kiss is frantic and you're swept up in it, tongues tangling, your hands balled up in his hair. He's animalistic in his movements, a strong arm pulling you upwards into his chest with the other hand tangled in your hair, guiding you with him. You feel your bottom lip being dragged out between his teeth and can't help the tiny moan that involuntarily escapes your lips. You don't even have time to care when the sheet slips and gathers at your waist, leaving your chest fully exposed to him. He pulls back for a moment to take you in, his hands slowing down, trailing from your hips up to your waist and back down again.

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