Chapter 47 - What Happens Now?

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You never really understood the feeling of wanting the ground to swallow you up.

You've always been one to just kinda brush things off. You never really get too affected by little things or embarrassed about stuff - the accident really helped to put things in perspective for you so the small things that go wrong day to day just don't really have an effect on you like they might for any other more 'normal' person.

That is, until this moment, right now, standing in Robert's kitchen squinting at the photograph he's holding up to you to try to make sense of it because it can't possibly be what it looks like from over here at the opposite side of the room.

You want to move closer but your legs don't let you; it's almost as if your brain doesn't allow your body move towards the one thing that may invoke the stress response that you've gotten so good at avoiding. Your ears feel like they have cotton wool in them but Robert's voice breaking through the muffled silence snaps you out of your daze. 'Rem?'

'Is that...' you start, feet finally walking you closer to him, albeit tentatively. You're near enough now to confirm what you thought it was and your heart drops into your stomach. 'But... how?' Your head is shaking in disbelief as you try to make sense of it all.

In Robert's hand is a printed image of the two of you in the airport. His arm is around your shoulder, hands intertwined, and he's kissing the side of your head. There are more papers behind it and you assume they're more of the same but you don't even need to see them - there's no denying what this photograph shows.

Staring at the photograph, your mind is swimming with questions - who did this? Why did they go to these lengths? How the fuck are they benefitting from this? And then - oh.

'Oh my god, Robert, the trial.'

His eyes are hard, his expression stony as he slowly nods, the weight of what this could mean seeming to rest behind his eyes. Wishing you'd never said anything, you quickly attempt to claw back control; anything to dissipate that sadness in his eyes.

'Okay, I'm gonna make breakfast,' you announce, despite it being midday by now. His eyes flick to yours in a moment of confusion but you continue. 'And you're gonna sit right here,' you say, pulling out a chair and pushing him to sit by his shoulders, 'and start prepping that letter.'

He's taken aback - you can tell by the way his eyebrows are knitted in the middle and his mouth forms an open pout. 'Rem, I can't just-'

'You can, Robert,' you cut him off. 'You have to. This,' you say, taking the handful of papers from him. 'This can wait until you've finished writing this very important letter. I know it's impossible but just pretend we haven't even seen these yet, okay? You need to get this right and to do that, you have to just... remember who you're doing this for.'

He stares at you for a second, but then - as if a switch flips - he nods curtly and pulls his chair in, beginning to sift through papers. You breathe a sigh of relief and make your way back to the refrigerator, ensuring to put the photos (face down) on the counter to deal with later.

Breakfast is spent in silence as Robert writes between bites of his food, his hand often scratching his stubble as he sighs, pressing his eyes together before scribbling down a few more words. Obviously he hasn't been able to switch off from today's revelation but he's trying. You're washing the dishes, attempting to keep things as normal as possible but inside, you're floundering.

There wasn't even a note with the pictures - no threat, no context. You don't get it. This is clearly someone you know - or at least someone that Robert knows because the pictures were in his room. But who? Your mind goes right to Jen or Harry but they would've gone straight to the lawyer with this, right? Hell, if this wouldn't strengthen their case then you don't know what would. After them, you draw a blank. You literally have no idea who would want to do this or why.

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