Chapter 21 - The Last Day

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The days cascade by quicker than you'd like. There was no tornado on Tuesday night but you're happy how it panned out, in a way. You definitely wouldn't have made the progress you did over coffee.

You sit in the cafeteria on Thursday, still enjoying this new loose, free feeling you've had since that night. You're very aware that your feelings for Robert are growing at a rapid rate. You feel sick at the thought of those three words, but you're pretty sure that this is close to what love feels like.

You're not sure if it's just because of the situation you're in, but you feel like this is the happiest you've ever been.

There's still a part of you that tells you it's wrong to feel that way... that your unhappiness is your sick reward for managing to cling onto life after the tragedy that took your sister's. But you push those thoughts out of your head. You're going to enjoy this while it lasts, because you know all too well that all good things must come to an end.

'Hey, dreamer. You ready?' Lexi chimes, breaking your inner monologue. 'Last test before Christmas break!' It's Robert's class next and you realise that you should've probably been studying this lunch break rather than day dreaming. George and Lexi have a different class, but they've committed to walking you to your last exam. A 'walk of champions' as they call it.

You all stand up and begin the walk to the other side of campus, chatting and laughing along the way. 'Here we are, Remy! You're gonna do great. Smash it!' George grins.

'Thanks guys, I'll see you in a bit,' you say, giving them both a hug. They head off to their own class and you walk into the lecture hall. Every second seat on each row is blocked off in preparation for the test and you notice the line of students waiting to find their allocated seat snaking from Robert's desk.

Around half the seats are taken already as you join the queue to find out your number. You can't see much past the heads in front of you but you can hear Robert's voice reading off the numbers to the students ahead. You edge closer to the front and Robert peers around the guys in front of you, eyes twinkling subtly when he catches you looking. 'Okay, De Luca, you're seat 24 in the middle there...' You move forward to the front of the line. 'Okay, let me see... Rachel, is it?' he smirks, running his finger down his list mockingly. You feel your cheeks flush and have to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing.

'It's Remy, Mr Downey,' you respond.

'Ah, of course it is!' he exclaims. 'Seat 3 Miss Boden, right at the front there,' he grins cockily, head wobbling a little with how happy he is with himself. You roll your eyes, not hiding your smirk, as you sit in the seat directly in front of his desk. There's no way this was an accident.

The tests are already on the table and it's not long until you're on with it. You don't look up from your paper, knowing that you have to keep your grades up and not get distracted. You find the test reasonably easy and finish with time to spare.

Glancing up, you see Robert leaning backwards in his chair with his feet crossed at the ankles up on his desk. He's reading as you all complete your test and he shifts his book a fraction to one side when he sees you looking up.

'Okay?' he mouths, eyebrows raised from behind his book. You nod subtly, mouth twitching upwards as you snap your head back down for fear of being caught ogling your professor. You spend the last few minutes checking over your answers and are thankful when Robert gets up, gaining the attention of the class. 'Okay guys, time up. Congratulations - you've completed your last test of the year!' A sigh of relief sweeps across the lecture theatre, gaining a chuckle from Robert.

'One thing before you go,' he adds, holding a finger up in the air. 'As is Downey tradition, my first years get a drink on me on the last day before Christmas break. So tomorrow after our last class, we'll head over to Joe's bar and the first round is on me!' The class cheers and you shoot a smile in his direction.

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