Chapter 23 - Christmas Eve

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You're awoken on 23rd December by a deep buzzing noise. Squinting in the beam of orange light peeking through your curtains, you close your eyes again, hoping to fall back to sleep. Much to your dismay, the buzzing continues so you reluctantly reach over to your bedside table and grab your phone.

'Hello?' you groan as you answer it, one eye opening as you squint at the clock.

'Hey there sleepyhead.' The voice rouses you from your sleep and a smile instantly stretches over your face.

'H-hey... Robert?' you stammer, suddenly wide awake.

'You sound surprised,' he says, voice slightly teasing.

'I... I didn't expect to be awoken by the sound of your voice first thing this morning, I guess.'

It's been days since the night at the bar and you hadn't really heard much from Robert; just the odd text here and there since he's visiting family in New York for Christmas.

'I'm sorry I've been a little MIA these past couple days. Just, I haven't seen my mom or my brother in so long and I only had a couple days-'

Your heart pines for him and his adorableness. 'Hey, you don't ever need to apologise for spending time with your family to me,' you interrupt, knowing you'd be doing the exact same if things were different.

'Well... I'm actually at the airport right now ready to head home,' he says, and you can hear the smile in his words. Your stomach flutters at the thought of him being close again, but you don't want to jump to conclusions. It's almost Christmas Day - he probably won't have time to see you now. Not before Christmas, anyways.

'Oh yeah?' you manage. 'You... uh, what are your plans for Christmas?' You bite your lip, knowing that your attempt at subtlety was probably busted the second you opened your mouth.

'Let's see, well I have Avery tomorrow morning and then I'm seeing her Christmas Day as well,' he pauses. 'But tomorrow afternoon, there's this girl I was hoping to meet...'

You grin to yourself and bite your lip to stop yourself from squealing in delight. 'Oh yeah?' you say, trying to keep your cool.

'Yep,' he says, popping the 'p'. 'If she's not doing anything of course.' You laugh.

'I, uh, I'd love to see you,' you say softly, truly flattered that he wants to spend time with you at such an important time of the year. You hear him huff out a laugh on the other end of the phone.

'Maybe we could finally have that coffee,' he teases.

'Maybe we could,' you smile, wondering where you'll go.

'I'll pick you up at one then, okay?' he says. 'I'll text you when I'm outside.' Excitement fizzes inside you.

'Perfect,' you say, grinning widely.

'Alright, well I gotta go. Flight is boarding so I'll see you tomorrow. And hey, I've missed your voice,' he adds, and it makes your smile wider, if that was even possible.

'I've missed yours too. Safe flight.'

'Okay, see ya,' he says through a grin.

'Bye,' you add, almost a whisper. The line goes dead and you flop backwards on your bed with excitement. What a way to start the day.

The rest of your Monday goes by in a pleasant blur. You put up a few sad looking decorations in the living room that you dug out from the boxes that are still piled up in the spare room. One of the ornaments that you and your sister made when you were little is still proudly on the tree, and you decide to leave it there. For the first time, you're able to smile at a memory of her. It gives you a warm feeling - memories of the good old days - rather than the feelings of dread and guilt that normally accompany any thought about her.

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