Chapter 37 - Twisted Sheets

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A/N: I'm sorry it's been so long.

I hope it's worth it...


You don't notice the hundreds of people pushing past as you leave or the diminishing bass line becoming a distant thud as the doors to the club swoosh behind you.

The icy air hits your fiery skin and you hear the pounding of blood fill your ears as it courses through your veins.

His solid body shields you from the freezing night and he's peppering kisses to your exposed skin that only increase your stuttered breaths, leaving behind a burning trail of desire that you know won't end here. Not this time.

Somehow, a cab arrives and it's a hazy journey back to the apartment smattered with lips pulling on lips, tongues dancing, hands wandering on hot, flushed skin...

The apartments come into view under the lights that glimmer off every pane of glass on the impossibly tall buildings that surround you. Your stomach is filled with more than butterflies as you await the elevator doors opening, barely remembering how you got here - not because of the alcohol but because of the blinding lust you feel for him.

You let him tug you out of the confined space of the elevator, your footsteps echoing in the tiled hallway as you make your way inside the apartment through the heavy door held open by Robert.

You lead the way and he follows behind you, hands running a feather light touch up and down your arms from behind as your head tilts to allow his lips to continue their gentle assault on your neck. His teeth tug your earlobe making your breath catch and stomach clench and you turn to him, fervently meeting your lips with his against the backdrop of the city through the huge windows spanning the apartment.

He lifts you up and your legs wrap automatically around his waist, your lips never parting as he effortlessly carries you to his room. Resting you down on the plush duvet, he kneels in front of you and slips off your heels one at a time, planting a slow kiss to each leg as he rests it back down. No lights are needed, the skyline softly illuminating his features through the open blinds, eyes sprinkled with specks of light as they meets yours once again.

Slowly, he raises back up, tentatively stroking your cheek as he presses his lips lovingly to yours and leans you back onto the bed. Supporting himself with a strong forearm, he comes to rest above you, the other hand still on your face, thumb stroking your cheek as he pulls back with an adoring look.

Him just looking at you is enough to take your breath away. A look like the first day under that oak tree. A look of pure love and adoration. You take a moment to study the man in front of you, trailing your eyes down his face, across his stubble and to the extremely kissable columns of his neck.

Reaching for his tie, you pull him into you and loosen it as his mouth meets yours again. You slip it off from around his neck and fumble with the buttons of his shirt and he doesn't stop you - not this time. Chaste kisses follow the buttons as they're popped open one by one, his breaths stuttering as your hand trails downwards.

'Hey,' he whispers, voice uncertain. You glance back up to him, steely spheres meeting almost black eyes. 'We don't have to... this wasn't my intent for...'

'Shh,' you interrupt, stroking his bare chest with the back of your fingers, feeling the goosebumps prickle his skin. 'I know it wasn't.' Another kiss on his neck. 'I love you,' a kiss to the cut of his jaw. 'I want you...'

Your fingers dig into his bare shoulder as you lick your lips, staring up at him through hooded eyes, desire coursing through you. This assurance is all he needs and he's lifting you up with ease before you can think. Knees either side of his, you're straddling his lap, reminiscent of that Christmas Eve day. He trails hot, wet kisses from your shoulder up to your jaw and you feel your cheeks blush crimson, desire pooling in your lower abdomen.

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