Chapter 34 - New York

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A/N: Finally, an update! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long, I just hit a bit of a slump and wanted this to be good for you all! 1.2k reads now too - I'm completely amazed. Thank you all so much!! Hope you enjoy!


You were pretty sure you'd get no sleep that night, tossing and turning and watching the clock as the minutes ticked by achingly slowly. You must have gotten to sleep at some point though because you're awoken by the shrill sound of your alarm at 8.30. It's today.

You sit up and take note of the churning feeling in your stomach. You don't know if it's nerves or excitement or a mixture of both. Taking a deep breath, you take it all in. This is gonna be amazing - you have no doubt about it.

You glance at your side table and see the picture of you and Robyn stood by your alarm clock. You're like mirror images of each other except you're smiling sweetly at the camera while she pulls a face and puts her fingers up as bunny ears behind your head. You smile fondly at the memory and at how perfectly the photo sums the pair of you.

'I'm doing it, Robyn. New York,' you whisper, still smiling but also allowing your eyes to glass over as you take in the moment. You feel a warmth wash over you and tell yourself that she's with you, that she can experience New York in a way through you.

'Remy, you'd better be up!' Lexi comes barrelling in through your door, breaking your thoughts and making you jump. You can't help but chuckle at her messy bun and fluffy, pink thong slippers that wobble as she strides over to you. 'Oh good. You're awake. Now come on, shower, shave, make yourself even more gorgeous. It's New York day!!' she squeals, throwing two towels at you.

You laugh, catching them. 'Okay, okay I'm going!' you chuckle and she slaps your ass as you shuffle to the shower. Before long, you're dressed, hair and makeup done and you're checking your bags for the fiftieth time to make sure you have everything.

'You do know that as long as you have a passport and money, you're good right?' George jokes, swaggering across the living room watching you repack your case again.

'Yeah, yeah,' you say, rolling your eyes.

You hadn't ever been on vacation before really. You'd gone to Disneyworld pretty much every year so you never really needed to go anywhere else as a kid. You just wanted to make sure everything was right.

'Honestly, Rem. You'll have an amazing time whether you packed your toothpaste or not. Just try and relax and enjoy it - you deserve this,' he smiles sincerely, biting into his toast.

'Thanks George,' you breathe, knowing he's right - you'll want to make the most of every moment.

You check your watch and your eyes widen when you see that it's 10.20. 'Well, I gotta go!' you say, standing up and pulling the handle up of your luggage.

'Oh, Remy have the best time!' Lexi fusses, hugging you a little too tightly. 'Bring me back a keychain or something won't you?'

You laugh and give George a quick hug before making your way to the door. 'See you guys Sunday!' you say, now enjoying the butterflies in your stomach and getting excited about what's to come.

They wave you off until you can't see them any more and as you round the corner, your heart quickens as you see Robert leaning against his car waiting for you.

Your breath catches as you drink him in - a red and black striped tee hugs his body with that leather jacket hanging so effortlessly from his shoulders. Black jeans and black hi tops complete the look and you see him blush bashfully as he notices you admiring him, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck before he makes his way over to you.

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