Chapter 46 - Funny Business

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You're awoken by the sound of soft snores in your ear and you open your eyes to the warm glow of the winter sun streaming in over the top of Robert's curtains. His heavy arm is draped lazily over your stomach and his face is resting adorably on his pillow right next to yours.

Taking a second, you admire how peaceful he looks for once; no frown lines, no look of low-level worry behind his eyes, just calm. Warmth radiates from him and you shuffle on your side to get a better view of his face, careful not to wake him. He is so gorgeous; his features are as if they have been designed to fit together flawlessly. His hair is mussed and fluffy and sticks out at all different angles and it takes everything in you to not run your fingers through it. You don't want to risk waking him - he was so exhausted last night.

Wary to leave, you slip out of bed anyway and decide to hop in the shower, hoping that if you're quiet enough you'll be able to make him breakfast before he rouses. You make your way to the bathroom and it's in  the same style as his master suite in New York, only smaller. The man knows what he likes.

Thankfully, the waterfall shower is pretty quiet and you step under it, enjoying how it's instantly warm as opposed to your shower back home which just does whatever it feels like. You stand with your face under the water, the droplets beating down on you and soaking your hair. Reaching across for the shampoo, you let out a startled squeak as you hear the bathroom door click open and instinctively angle yourself away.

Robert half steps in the doorway and your cheeks flush as a knowing grin spreads across his face with his eyes looking you up and down. 'I was about to reprimand you for leaving me in bed alone but this view kinda makes up for it,' he teases, his eyes on yours now.

'Well you ruined my plans of spoiling you with breakfast in bed so I hope it was worth it,' you smirk back, eyebrow raised.

He tilts his head, pressing his lips as he eyes you. 'Definitely worth it.' You giggle, shaking your head. He falters a moment at the door before deciding to step further inside rather than out. 'Mind if I join you?' he asks, pulling his shirt off as he strolls confidently towards you. 'No funny business, I swear,' he adds, maintaining eye contact as he steps out of his pants, leaving him naked. You really try your best not to look, but of course you have to. He chuckles when he catches you eyeballing him and makes the final few steps to the shower. 'I'll take that as a yes.'

'Okay,' you sigh in mock despair. 'But no funny business. We're in here to get clean.' He raises his hands up in surrender with a boyish, innocent look on his face. 'As if I'd ever do a thing to get in the way of your beauty routine, your majesty,' he jokes. 'Can I at least get a kiss good morning?'

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you happily oblige, meeting your lips to his in a tender kiss. 'Good morning,' you mumble and then quick as a flash, you pull on him so that he's now the one getting soaked under the shower. You finally get to run your fingers through his hair, rinsing it and massaging his scalp lightly, his face smiling contentedly only centimetres away from yours.

He reaches behind himself and passes you the shampoo, silently requesting you to wash his hair for him. Reaching up with both hands, you streak the shampoo through his dark locks. The proximity of your bodies means that your chest brushes against his, making him clear his throat as he realises and turn the other way, his back now facing you as you continue.

'So, last night...' he starts, as he takes the soap and rubs it into his chest and over his arms.

Guiding his head backwards underneath the flow of water, you rinse out the shampoo. 'Don't worry about it,' you reassure him. He turns his face slightly to look at you, an expression of confusion on his face. 'I'm on the pill,' you clarify.

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