Chapter 51 - A Feeling

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'Ugh finally,' Lexi groans, collapsing into the passenger seat of your car after college on Tuesday night. 'I thought that lecture with Patterson was never gonna end.'

'He does have a way of making time stand still, doesn't he?' George wonders aloud from the back seat.

'Ooh! Rem! Can you stop at Wendy's? I can't deal with cooking tonight after that depression session,' Lexi moans.

'Yeah sure I can stop there for you guys but I'm staying at Robert's tonight so I'll probably just eat there,' you explain, almost stopping yourself from saying his name because it's still so alien to be able to talk about it with your friends so openly.

'A midweek sleepover? Dang, George, seems like we're losing our newest roomie already!'

You scoff, giving Lexi the side eye. 'Okay, Miss I haven't gone a night without seeing my boyfriend in two months. It's not like I'm moving in, it's just that his friend from New York is coming to assist on a surgery tomorrow so I'm going to see her too.'

'He has a surgeon friend from New York staying over? A female surgeon friend? And this is okay because...' Lexi raises an eyebrow, waiting for you to fill in the gap.

'Because they've been friends forever and he's reeeeally not her type, trust me,' you chuckle. 'Her name is Callie Torres - heard of her? She's chief of ortho at Queens,' you mention.

'Oh yeah I think that name sounds familiar,' George replies. 'Awh I wish we could've snuck into the gallery to watch tomorrow but we have classes all day,' he huffs.

'Don't worry George, I'm sure the surgical gods have plenty of cool surgeries prepared for us in time,' Lexi winks.


Waiting at the front door with your overnight bag slung over your shoulder, you're excited to see Callie again now that everything's out in the open, although you're more excited for the fact that her being here gives you the perfect excuse to spend a bonus night at Robert's. Just as you're thinking of excuses to stay more often every week, the door swings open. 'I know we said we're knocking now but that doesn't apply to the house,' he smirks and your checks go red instantly. 'Come on in, you can help with dinner.'

'Oh, you're actually cooking tonight? Usually we live on takeout at Downey Towers,' you joke, dropping your bag to the floor and matching his playful energy. 'Is Callie here yet?'

'Nope,' he replies, making his way over to you and drawing you into an embrace, taking a deep breath into your hair as goosebumps prickle your skin. 'How is it possible to miss you when I see you every day?'

Biting your lip to suppress your huge grin, you reply with a shy, 'I don't know but I miss you all the time.'

He tilts his head and peppers kisses from your hairline down your forehead, nose and then onto your lips as you giggle. 'Come on,' he says. 'I have no idea what I'm doing here.'

A half hour later, you've made something resembling chicken Alfredo, although half the ingredients were missing so you just had to make do. A shuffling sound from the front door catches both of your attention. You look through the glass to see Callie hoisting a gigantic suitcase up Robert's front steps and he jogs to the door to help her. 'Jesus, Torres, you moving in?' he laughs, taking the suitcase from her as she pushes her hair out of her face. 'It takes work to look this good, Downey. You'd better have wine!' she replies breathlessly.

Feigning confidence, you make your way over to greet her as she comes in. It's weird knowing that she knows you were lying in New York and you hope that it hasn't made her think badly of you. Thankfully, a dazzling smile lights up her face when she sees you and puts you at ease instantly.

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