Chapter 18 - Routine

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Routine. Something you'd forgotten existed until this week. And suddenly, you've found yourself in one, and a great one at that.

Rex drives you into school every day where you meet your friends by the lockers before going about your day together. There are even a couple of new people that you've started hanging out with, and you're surprised by how easily they've slipped into your tight friendship group.

They're both surgical students too and they met George and Lexi first in their surgical skills lab. April is a very energetic, very hardworking redhead who somehow manages to keep up with Lexi's sarcasm and George's jokes, all whilst acing every test and attending church regularly on the side. Alex is quite the opposite and you often find yourself wondering how he ever got a place on the surgical programme. He seems to be more interested in girls than anything else, but he's funny and charming in his own way. George is definitely glad of some male company. He's even tried joining in with Alex's sleazy comments, knowing himself that that's not really him at all.

After your last class of the day, you have around 30 minutes to an hour before Rex finishes work, so instead of catching the bus, you make your way to room 201. You've been doing this since Tuesday, and now that it's Thursday, you're definitely settled into this new regime of yours.

As you always do, you try to listen through the door before you open it just to double check that the coast is clear. You crack open the door expecting to see Robert's face peeking over his computer, but the room is empty. You step inside, the door falling closed behind you as you peer up the steps. Nope. No sign of him.

Weird. Sighing to yourself, you turn to open the door again and -thud. He's pushing it open from the other side at the same time, crashing into you as he enters the room.

'Oof- shit, sorry. You okay?' he says, grabbing your shoulders to steady you. You're fine, but you can't manage to get those words out. That's the other thing. He's been... distant from you since Monday night's chat. No touching, no kissing... and this is the most contact you've had since then. You hold your breath involuntarily, your palms becoming clammy with the contact.

'Remy?' he snickers, his mouth arching into a smirk. 'You alright?' he asks again, loosening his grip on your shoulders. You nod, still unable to find your voice. He lets go of you, clearing his throat. 'Good,' he smiles, letting his hands drop from you completely and swaggering over to his desk. You roll your eyes in frustration, wondering still why he's holding back from you.

'So, what joys will you be studying today whilst I pour over your class' assignments?' he asks, dropping into his chair behind the desk. You walk over to him, sitting in the chair on the other side of the desk.

'I have a paper to write for History of Medicine,' you say, pulling a face. He chuckles.

'Sounds riveting,' he jokes, wriggling his eyebrows.

'It is,' you say sarcastically, 'especially when it's due in two days.' He chuckles again, picking up a pen and twirling it between his teeth.

'Better get going, huh?'

And this is how you spend your time - stealing the odd glance in his direction as he scribbles away. You admire how his tongue sticks out a little when he's concentrating, the way he runs his hand through his hair and makes it stand on end in dismay when he reads something stupid.

It's very distracting. You barely get anything done.

'Ya know, you've only written three sentences,' he points out after at least half an hour has passed.

'Yeah... I guess I'm not really in the mood for it today. My mind keeps... wandering,' you add, quirking an eyebrow.

'Oh, does it?' he grins. 'Well, do you want to share with the class?' He extends both arms out, gesturing to the empty room as he leans back in his chair.

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