Chapter 22 - Desire

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The five of you arrive in the parking lot of Joe's bar which is much busier than it usually is thanks to Robert. You notice that his car is already parked outside and you get butterflies in your stomach at the thought of seeing him outside of his classroom for once.

You feel slight anticipation in the back of your mind, remembering the events last time you were inside a bar with your friends. Shaking it off, you go inside and the noise hits you like a wall of fog as soon as the door opens. It's only 4.45 but the sun is almost set and the inside of Joe's looks like a nightclub already. It's bustling with students, a few workers from the hospital that you recognise dispersed amongst them. You push through the groups of congregated students and manage to find 3 seats at the bar, the boys allowing you to sit and them standing behind you chivalrously.  You're looking left and right as you try to spot Robert, but it's too crowded to make out any faces clearly.

'Five vodka cokes please, Joe!' Lexi calls out over the music. April tries to protest but she's interrupted by Alex. 'Live a little Kepner, God damn,' he says, shaking his head and laughing. Joe brings the drinks and you all take one, even April.

'To us!' Lexi exclaims as you clink your glasses together and take a big gulp.

The rest of you lower your glasses and do a double take at April who continues to glug her drink until there's nothing left. Smacking her lips, she eyes you all. 'Live a little guys, God damn!' she mocks, and you all fall about laughing. 'Who's getting the next one?' she asks, gesturing towards the four of you.

'Not it!' you, George and Lexi shout. Your eyes all fall onto Alex, mischievous grins spreading across your faces. He chuckles and tilts his glass towards you.

'You're getting it, huh Florida? Alright, next round's on me.'

Lexi nudges you as Alex orders the next round, raising her eyebrow up encouragingly. You can't believe they're still clinging onto this theory about you and Alex. Rolling your eyes dramatically, you nudge her back and take another drink.

The next hour goes by in a pleasant blur of alcohol and laughter. You've managed to almost keep up with George's drinking, and you're definitely feeling it now.

You've seen glimpses of Robert across the room a few times but he's been chatting to the other few teachers that joined you at the bar, beer in hand. You don't think he's noticed you and you suppress the knot of disappointment that tries to tangle itself in your belly.

The lights drop when it hits 6pm and it feels much later than that, three strong drinks in. A thumping bassline reverberates through the floor and the bar rattles as the lights pan over your heads. 'Proud Mary' starts up next and Lexi's eyes widen over the rim of her cocktail class. 'OH GOD we have to go and dance! Come on!' she yells, dragging you and April over to the dance floor.

The three of you dance together, laughing and joking as the music plays. You spot the boys over April's shoulder and they're dancing near some girls that you recognize from class but never talk to. When the chorus drops, you can feel the floor vibrate underfoot with everyone performing the famous dance in sync. You lose yourself laughing, you and Lexi finding April hilarious after she's had a few drinks. 'You should drink more often!' Lexi shouts at her over the music.

'I know!!' she yells back, gyrating so energetically that she bangs into the guy behind her. You break into fits of laughter again, loving every second of this night.

'This is the best night ever!' Lexi yells, and you nod emphatically back between jumps. The music changes again and the lights come up a little as the DJ speaks over the speakers.

'So, I hear we've got some UoW students in the house tonight!' The room erupts into cheers and applause. 'This next request is dedicated to the best professor in the land, Mr Downeeeey!' he shouts through the mic, everyone turning to look at Robert across the room, whooping and whistling for him.

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