Chapter 44 - Bunking Off

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You're lying in wait the next morning, two cups of coffee already made and sitting on the breakfast counter by the time Lexi rolls out of bed. 'Well good morning to you,' you start, making her jump in her slippers as she rounds the corner into the living room. 'Morning, early bird,' she yawns, picking up her cup and joining you on the couch. 'How was your night?'

You smirk. 'I was going to ask you the same thing,' you say knowingly, taking a sip of your coffee and enjoying her flurry of panic. 'Uh... what are you-'

'I was rudely awoken by some very interesting noises. At like 3am. And they were coming from your room,' you state, still grinning. It's true - you arrived home to find everyone already in bed and got to sleep yourself (after driving yourself home in your new car). You'd heard some clattering and Lexi's window slide up not long after and you were about to go investigate until you heard more sounds that suggested she was quite pleased to see her intruder.

Her nose turns bright red and she starts to babble when George slumps into the room cradling his coffee like it's Gollum's precious. 'Welcome to the family meeting, George. Lexi was just about to tell me what she was up to in the early hours of the morning - we're so glad you could join us,' you jibe, enjoying the upper hand a little too much.

His eyebrows raise cheekily, fully joining you on your side of this discussion. 'Oh yeah? Well I for one would love to hear every detail, wouldn't you, Rem?'

You giggle and bump elbows with George, waiting patiently for a response. After a moment, Lexi speaks. 'Okay, fine. There's a guy.'

She stops. You wait. Nothing comes.

'Oh no no no, that is not it. The details you get out of me about every freaking aspect of my relationship and you give me 'there's a guy'?' you blurt, half joking but also flabbergasted that she wouldn't want to spill every little detail to you. George is nodding along with your impassioned speech, mouthing 'she's right' and egging Lexi on.

'Ugh, okay. It's pretty new. I really like him. And no, before you ask, you can't meet him yet, okay? We're not... ready for that shit yet,' she finishes, sighing and hoping that she's given just enough to get you to back off. You don't really know what she means by 'that shit' but to be honest, you can't really fight back since you have to keep most of your relationship with Robert completely hush hush. You understand, in a way.

You roll your eyes dramatically and hold your hands up in surrender. 'Fine,' you sigh mockingly. 'We'll leave you alone, won't we George? For now at least...'

'Only if you provide ear plugs the next time he's here,' George presses. 'These walls are thin you know...' You all burst into fits of giggles and peace is restored.

It's Robert's class first today; you haven't spoken much to him after last night other than a couple of quick texts when you got home with it being so late, so you've got so much to tell him.

He saunters in after you've already sat down with your friends and you catch his eye as he logs onto his computer. You can't help but smile as his mouth twitches up into a grin of its own which he covers up by coughing. He's wearing a light grey shirt and a fucking waistcoat that hugs his body in all the right places, stopping just above his ass that looks so tempting in his work pants. Ugh. You really have to focus.

After a few minutes, the hall is bustling and he steps forwards, commanding the room in an instant.

'Okay people, simmer... simmer,' he begins, slowly lowering his hands and flashing his gleaming smile when everyone's eyes snap almost immediately onto him. 'So, next week will be our first session of trauma training. Remember I told you that our skills labs are going to be more useful to us for use in our everyday lives? Well, today we're going to start with how you could take the lead in a trauma scenario if you found yourself to be the most qualified person there at the time. Please open your textbooks to chapter 11 - we'll start with the five rules of emergency trauma response and work from there.'

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