Chapter 27 - Labels

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You wake to the shrill ringing of your alarm at 6.45. You've never felt so relieved to be back at school and you can't wait to have an excuse to be out of this house as much as possible.

It's January 4th and you've suffered through the most awkward 3 days of your life since the party on New Year's Eve.

You were thankful that night to be able to sneak back into the apartment unnoticed. Most people had left by the time you got home so you just slipped straight into your room. You'd heard your door creak open at about 3am as your brother checked that you'd made it home, but you'd just pretended to be sleeping as to avoid conversation.

The next morning was awkward as you sat at the kitchen table with your dad and brother. Your dad had made an attempt at conversation which led to a short argument between him and your brother about the party. You didn't know what happened after you left. You didn't really care. Neither of them had asked you where you'd gone or who you were with, nor had they mentioned what happened. What she said. That's how you wanted to keep it.

The next two days were a repeat of the first. You just stayed in your room, coming out only to use the bathroom or get something to eat. You felt like a guest in your own home.

Your mom had started rehab on the 1st. Dr Shepherd thinks it'll help her memory, help her brain heal from the trauma it's faced. You don't know how much she remembers. Does she know what she said? Does she know who you are?

She hasn't said more than five words to you since that night, the wedge between you growing ever wider with each passing day. You don't know what you did to her, or what she's done to you. You just know that something changed and it's not going to change back any time soon.

You miss her. You miss your mom. And she just wishes you were the dead one instead of your sister. Life's great, isn't it?

'Remy! Phone!' you hear your brother shout. You sigh and get up, walking into the kitchen. He throws you your phone which you catch one handed. 'Who's Tony?' he asks suspiciously. Your feel your cheeks get hot but try to play it off.

'Oh he's my friend. From college. Downey's class,' you say snappily, turning on your heel and making the brisk trip back to your room before you answer the phone. You don't look back but you know he's got that stupid look on his face that he always gets when he doesn't believe you.

You sit on the edge of your bed and answer the phone. 'Hello?'

'Hey, it's me.'

'I know,' you smile, resting your head against the top of your bed frame.

'I'm parked at your bus stop. With caffeine and doughnuts,' he says, pleased with himself. You look in the mirror at your pyjama clad, bird's nest headed self and panic.

'Oh, I'm not... I'm not dressed yet. Can you give me a few? It's okay if not... if you have to go,' you blather, pulling clothes out of your wardrobe as your speak.

'No! I'll wait!' he says, sounding surprised by his own insistence. 'See you in a few minutes?'

'Great, okay, see ya!' You scramble at your jeans and sweater, pulling them on as quickly as they'll go. Not wanting to waste another minute, you throw your hair into a loose ponytail and apply some light makeup. You gather your bag and books as you shout into the next room. 'Rex? I'm getting the bus today! See you later!' You bundle out of the door before he has chance to respond and head straight for your bus stop.

You see the familiar red car parked up ahead and your heart flutters. You quicken your pace and catch a glimpse of him through the windshield. He notices you too and flashes a wide grin.

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