Chapter 45 - Tell Me Something

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The following days literally crawl by at a pace only ever achieved by snails. The occasional text you get from Robert is pretty much the only excitement in your life, other than your 'wine and surgery' nights with George that are becoming a regular occurrence now. Lexi has been out a little more than usual but she's been joining you later on after she gets in all giddy from seeing her new man.

The impatience is replaced by a flurry of anticipation on Thursday night knowing that you're spending the night at his place tomorrow. You hop out of the shower after ensuring you're silky smooth and check your phone to find a text from him, instant butterflies rising in your stomach.

'Just finishing up with their lawyers - I'm so beat. Can't wait to see you tomorrow Rem, you have no idea'

It's obvious how exhausted he is even through a text. You can't wait to hear whether they've made any progress yet - the sooner they get the court date sorted, the sooner Robert can see his baby girl again. You have absolutely no doubt in your mind that any judge would give him his visitation back in a heartbeat, but from the snippets of updates you've heard from Robert over the past few days, Jen and Harry are really pulling out all the stops to completely tear him down. It absolutely pisses you off no end. Sighing, you lay on your bed and type out a response.

'Ugh I miss you so much. Only 20 hours to go and the weekend is ours. I love you'

You hold back your anger from the texts - it won't help him. Your role right now, you think, is to just keep the rest of his life as drama free as possible so he can focus on getting this over with.

'Rem! You coming? I found another Downey surgery online, hurry up!' you hear George calling from the living room. Interest piqued, you pull on your sweats and a baggy tee to join him, delighted to see that he's already poured you a glass of wine and has a huge bowl of M&Ms ready.

Sinking into your designated sofa spot, you sigh a breath of release. 'I don't know what I'd do without you, George, you know that?' He grins goofily in response, handing you your wine. 'Likewise. Especially since Lexi has abandoned us now, too,' he jokes.

You chuckle, and then a thought pops into your head. 'Do you like anybody, George? I mean, like like,' you confirm, eyebrows raised.

'Oh God, here we go,' he groans, taking a gulp of his wine. 'You know, guys really don't do this girl talk thing,' he says, using air quotes.

You roll your eyes knowingly. 'George, you are the biggest gossip of us all - don't try to play that with me.'

He eyes you suspiciously before continuing. 'There's this one girl Karev knows. I don't know if they had like, a thing, or anything but she's great. I think I like her, maybe? She would never go for me though so I'm just wasting my time honestly,' he rambles, taking another glug of wine and shaking his head.

'Oh, George, why would you say something like that? You're awesome - and no I'm not just saying it. Any girl would be lucky to have you,' you say sincerely.

He huffs a short breath through his nose. 'Yeah, right,' he chuckles. 'Alex said she probably thinks I'm gay anyway 'cos you two are my best friends and only gay guys have best friends that are girls.'

Your eyes roll once again and you slap your hand to your face dramatically. 'Alex is not the best example by which to measure yourself, George.' You take his glass off him and put both of them on the coffee table, turning to grab his hands. 'Look, maybe we just need to... let her know that you're interested. And available.' He falls silent, staring at you blankly. 'Do you have her number?' you ask, determined.

'Uh... I'm scared that if say yes you're gonna make me text her and I'm not-'

'George! Do you have her number?'

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