[115] Young James Potter

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James watches his sister laugh with Sirius

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James watches his sister laugh with Sirius

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From a distance, James could see Y/N laughing and smiling with Sirius.

They're good together. He thought to himself, finally coming to terms with his sister and best friend dating.

"Sirius has had a rough life," a voice suddenly spoke.

"Oi! Moony! Don't sneak up on me like that! You scared me half to death!"

Placing his hand over James' mouth, Remus shushed him. "Be quiet! Or you'll blow our cover!" He harshly whispered.

"Oh, right. Of course."

Sighing, Remus took his hand off of James' mouth.

"Now, like I was saying, Sirius has had a rough life, but there's something about him being with Y/N that just brings light into his life."

"What can I say? My sister's a charmer," James smirked.

"And that is why I am the captain of this ship."

James just smirked before turning back around to watch his sister.

"You may be the captain, Moony. But I am still the-"

"The what, James? There are no other roles in this. There is only the captain and that is it."

"Oh come on, Moony! Can't I be the captain for once?"

"It's not all about being the captain, Prongs! It's about steering the relationship in the right way it needs to go!"

"Well, I can definitely do that!"

"Oh, James. You would steer this ship right into an iceberg."

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