[73] Hermione Granger

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You play hide and seek with your sister Hermione

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You play hide and seek with your sister Hermione

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"3, 2, 1. Ready or not, here I come!" Y/N yelled as she got up from the couch in the living room.

Y/N and Hermione were sisters, the best of friends in fact. Where one went the other followed so it wasn't surprising to see the two girls playing their favorite game. Y/N could hear giggling coming from the attic, so she raced upstairs and sneakily went up the ladder leading to a trapdoor that bordered off the attic from the rest of the house.

"Do I hear a little girl up here?" Y/N cracked a smile when she could hear more giggling. Behind several stacked boxes a girl with brown bushy hair sat covering her mouth while giggling quietly to herself.

"Aha! I found you!" Y/N danced around in victory as Hermione came out of her hiding spot.

"Yes you did. And for your prize you get a hug." Hermione wrapped her small hands around her sister's waist and smiled up at her.

"I love you, little sis." Y/N said and kissed Hermione on the top of her head.

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