[117] Fred & George Weasley

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Fred, George and Y/N are taught the Patronus Charm

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Fred, George and Y/N are taught the Patronus Charm

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It happened one afternoon when Fred, George and Y/N came up to Harry begging him to teach them the Patronus Charm.

Not able to say no to the Weasley Triplets, Harry led the three redheads to the Room of Requirement.

Upon entering, the room changed in order to provide the exact environment they needed.

Standing in the middle of the room, Harry took up teaching the three about the Patronus Charm.

"Before you can start casting it, you must first understand the purpose of a Patronus," the raven haired boy began.

Listening attentively, the three Weasleys gobbled up all the knowledge and information Harry was presenting them. Growing more and more interested by the second, Harry soon came to a conclusion, and it was finally time for the three to cast the spell.

"The Patronus Charm requires you to think of a happy memory. The happiest you can think of."

Exchanging smiles, the Weasley Triplets knew exactly what memory they would use.

Sensing that their minds were made up, Harry continued, "Now, in order for the spell to work, you must say the words Expecto Patronum."

"Expecto Patronum," the three muttered quietly to themselves.

"As soon as you're ready, you may cast it."

Raising his wand first, George thought of all the times he spent with his other halves. Y/N, Fred and him playing pranks, going outside the Burrow to play Quidditch, casting fireworks and little explosions of light down the corridors in Hogwarts, even to their very first day at Hogwarts.

"Expecto Patronum!" George yelled.

A small wisp of silver light trickled out the end of his wand, gradually turning into what looked like a Magpie.

"I-I did it. I did it!" George couldn't believe he successfully casted the spell on his first try.

"Yay! Good job, Georgie!" Y/N praised, giving him a high five, smiling brightly.

"Alright, who's next?"

Fred stepped forward with his wand at the ready. "I'll go."

Stepping back a bit to give him some space, Harry, George and Y/N all watched in fascination as Fred soon shouted the very words that George just did.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Once again a small sliver of silver light escaped the end of his wand, gradually turning into Fred's own Patronus.

Watching the creature fly around the room, George came to a realization.

"Wait a second, is that?"

"A magpie. Yes it is." Harry couldn't help but grin at the scene before him.

Two out of three of the redhead siblings had casted the same Patronus. Now, it was Y/N's turn.

Stepping up before slowly raising her wand, Y/N once again thought of all the fun, crazy adventures that she and her two brothers have had. I love them both so much. She thought to herself.

Readying her wand, Y/N uttered the words, "Expecto Patronum!"

And with a great burst of light, Y/N's Patronus flew out. A beautiful silver Magpie twittering about in the air.

Tears started building in the eyes of the three redheads. Now knowing that they all shared the same Patronus instilled an even deeper bond between them.

"I love you guys," Y/N mumbled, wrapping her arms around her two brothers.

"We love you too, sis," Fred and George both whispered back.

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