[98] Draco Malfoy

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You hear someone crying so you go and investigate

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You hear someone crying so you go and investigate

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Y/N's shoes made slight squelches as she trekked down the hallway to Dinner. She had stayed behind in the (Your House) Common Room attempting to finish up one of her excessively long essays assigned by Professor Snape.

She had decided to give up as her stomach wouldn't stop rumbling, so off to Dinner she skipped. I hope there's still some pudding left. She thought as she turned a corner and continued down the hall.

Eventually Y/N passed by the boy's washroom, but backpedaled when she thought she heard someone crying.

Leaning her ear against the splintered wood of the door she could just about make out the sound of a boy gasping. He must be having a panic attack. Y/N only assumed this because of her muggle heritage. She had friends growing up who suffered from these attacks, therefore causing her to end up learning how to help. Nobody should have to suffer a panic attack alone. Y/N thought that the boy might be grateful to have someone there to help him.

So, without any hesitation she silently pushed open the door slipping inside without drawing any attention. She didn't want to scare the boy. That would only make things worse.

"Hey," Y/N called softly. "You okay?"

The boy who she heard crying swiftly spun around and yelled, "What are you doing in here?! Don't you know this is the boy's washroom!"

Y/N wasn't affected by the boy's yelling. She was used to it. Her friends would always be like that whenever they were hurting as well.

"I just heard you crying. I thought I'd see if you're ok."

The boy wasn't able to speak. All he could do was let out a small whimper before crumpling to his knees on the cold hard ground.

Y/N rushed over and placed her hand on his shoulder. She started whispering encouraging things in his ear when she noticed that his cries weren't stopping.

She soon sat down next to him trying to bring him as much comfort as she could. All thoughts of dinner were wisped away and long forgotten until the broken hyperventilating bleach-blonde boy was taken care of.

The boy who's name she learned was Draco was finally able to calm down and breath properly again.

His mind and body had simmered down enough to the point where exhaustion was now flooding his senses.

"Draco. Try and stay awake. Just until we get you to your common room." Y/N tried helping the boy stand up, but it was useless. He wouldn't budge.

"Y/N," Draco whispered. "It hurts."

This time it was Y/N's turn to cry. Silver beads slid down her porcelain cheeks as she tried to stay strong for the both of them.

"It'll be ok," she managed to gasp. "Everything will be just fine."

As Draco sat half-asleep he mumbled something causing Y/N to have to strain her ears in order to hear him. "I'm sorry."

Y/N's eyes widened when he said this causing her to instantly question him. "For what?"

Draco's eyelids were slowly lowering more and more as the time they spent in the washroom passed by. "For being a burden," he choked out.

Y/N placed her palm on Draco's cheek as she expressed her own thoughts on the matter. "Draco, I might have just met you, but you are not a burden."

Upon hearing this Draco's eyes opened just slightly and as Y/N finished her proclamation the last sentence he heard before passing out was, "You're just a boy who didn't have a choice."

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