[100] Cedric Diggory

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Cedric and his friends witness you embarrassing Malfoy

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Cedric and his friends witness you embarrassing Malfoy

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It was only a couple weeks into the start of term when Draco Malfoy began pestering Harry Potter.

From calling him names to cracking mean jokes Harry just about had enough with the bleach blonde brat.

It was on one bright Saturday afternoon that everyone decided to hang out outside.

Malfoy and his goons were laughing underneath a large oak tree while a group of Hufflepuffs were conversing by the lake.

Harry Potter and his two friends, Hermione and Ron had just finished up with their Charms lesson when they decided to take a stroll outside.

"It's so nice out here. The weather is perfect." Hermione giggled, basking in the warmth the sunlight provided while breathing in the autumnal scents and sighing.

Leaves casually fell covering the ground with an assortment of colors. Hues of red, orange, yellow and brown could be seen littering the lawn, and the sound of them crunching beneath their shoes gave off a feeling of serenity.

"This would be a great day for Quidditch," Harry spoke as he watched his friend spin around and laugh.

"It would, wouldn't it," Ron agreed, kicking up piles of leaves that gathered in front of him.

As the three friends crossed the lawn towards Hagrid's Hut Draco took notice of them and stood up.

"Hey, Potter!" Malfoy yelled, catching the attention of not only the Golden Trio but the group of Hufflepuffs as well.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry asked, annoyed of the boy's presence already.

"I just thought I'd say good job on your potion. You really impressed me with your abilities."

Ron raised an eyebrow confused. Doesn't Harry suck at Potions, though?

It wasn't until Draco started laughing that Ron understood the hidden meaning.

"Aww. You thought I was complimenting you?! Haha, as if! Your skills suck worse than Eloise Midgen's acne! I'm surprised Snape is willing to teach you at all! In my opinion, you're a lost cause!"

"That was a cruel joke, Malfoy!" Hermione sneered.

Harry was about to lunge, but before he could a girl with long (your hair color) hair and (your eye color) eyes beat him to it.

Roughly grabbing Draco's shoulder and spinning him around to face her, the girl slapped him as hard as she could. Stumbling backwards and tripping over a stump the blonde bully ended up ripping part of his robes.

With disoriented senses the boy tried standing back up. However, the mystery girl was quick and sent a spell his way.

"Levicorpus!" She shouted.

Draco flew upwards and turned upside down. His pants slid down showing off his hot pink underwear making everyone laugh loudly in glee.

After a couple seconds more of torment the girl released the spell letting Draco fall to the ground in a heap of twisted limbs.

Groaning out in pain the students closest to him could just barely make out the words he was grumbling, "My father will hear about this," he coughed.

Quickly geting back on his feet, Draco sped away losing his balance every so often but eventually making it safely inside the castle walls.

Ultimately embarrassing him and scaring the life out of his Slytherin buddies, the girl was praised and laughter rung around as the Hufflepuffs jogged over.

"That was amazing, Y/N!" Cedric Diggory applauded, laughing and cheering with his fellow Hufflepuffs.

"Yeah, I bet Malfoy's never been beat up by a Hufflepuff before!" One of Cedric's friends chuckled with a wide grin on his face.

Y/N smirked. "Well, that's why you don't mess with badgers. When they get mad you're done for."

As soon as Harry, Ron and Hermione's jaws were picked up off the floor they headed over and joined the Hufflepuffs. Harry expressed his gratitude by thanking the girl who stood up for him earning a smile in return.

Y/N's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Well, if he ever bothers you again let me know. Or I can teach you that spell I used."

Ron's eyes tripled in size as he gasped, "Really? You would?!"

Y/N giggled and nodded her head. "Of course! It's actually pretty easy."

Ron looked between Harry and Hermione. They all seemed to think that maybe learning this spell wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"I think we'll take you up on that," Harry replied with a beaming smile.

"Great!" Y/N exclaimed. "How about Monday afternoon in the Library?"

Harry looked up with a smile after swiftly glancing at his friends. "Sounds good!" He said, causing the group to grin, relieved that the situation ended happily.

"Oh, and I'm Y/N by the way," the girl introduced herself, holding out her hand for Harry to shake.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Harry." And the two shook hands.

The Golden Trio soon adopted a fourth member, turning it instead into the Golden Quartet. Y/N spent her first few weeks with the Gryffindors helping them with homework and teaching them the spell to use on Malfoy whenever he bothered them.

All in all, the rest of the year went smoothly, and by the end of it Draco had showed off every single pair of underwear that he owned.

"Can you believe Malfoy wears Unicorn boxers?!" Harry said enthusiasticly as they boarded the train.

Ron shook his head chuckling quietly. "That's a sight nobody will forget!"

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