[57] Harry & Draco

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Harry insults Draco after he notices him bullying you

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Harry insults Draco after he notices him bullying you

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You had spent the day outside studying for an upcoming test when a rock was thrown your way. Of course it didn't hit you cause the person throwing it had terrible aim, but it did annnoy you. It wasn't until the slimy git Malfoy had come up to you that you started packing away your things.

"Hey Y/L/N! Let me see that!" Malfoy had snatched away your paper looking at it with fake fascination when suddenly a giant tear appeared and he threw it back laughing in your face.

Your friend, Harry had saw the whole thing. He looked to be fuming and it wasn't until he started throwing punches when you finally decided to step in.

"Harry, it's ok." You try and reason with him, but he just ignored you.

"You're pathetic, Malfoy!" Harry then grabbed your wrist and pulled you along taking you to the common room where he could help you fix your paper.

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