[104] Molly Weasley

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You and your siblings get caught sneaking in late at night

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You and your siblings get caught sneaking in late at night

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You had already fallen asleep by the time your brothers ended up waking you. You wanted to go to sleep early, so you could wake up feeling refreshed. You were definitely not getting a good amount of sleep each night, so tonight you decided to change that. Your brothers, on the other hand, had other plans.

"Psst. Y/N. Wake up! Y/N."

"What do you want?" Y/N groggily asked, wiping her tired eyes and slowly turning over.

"No, don't go back to sleep! You need to get up!"

"And why's that?" You murmured half-asleep.

"Because there's something we want to show you."

Fred and George looked like two kids in a candy store huddled together. Seeing their excited expressions, Y/N couldn't help but wonder what exactly they wanted to show her.

Throwing the covers off, Y/N stretched out like a cat. Finding her footing, she toddled over to her closet and pulled out something to wear.

Fred and George hurriedly left the room while she got dressed. Slipping on an old t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants, Y/N carefully opened her door and slipped out.

Being mindful of the creaky steps, Y/N slowly crept downstairs expecting to see her brothers at the bottom. With the last step in view, Y/N grew excited. What are her brothers so anxious to show her? And why are they showing her this late at night? Y/N had her theories, but she wasn't 100% sure.

"Fred, George?" Y/N whispered into the cool night air. Where are they?

"Y/N. Over here!" Spinning around Y/N saw her brothers standing next to the front door all bundled up.

"Where are we going?" She asked in anticipation.

"You'll see when we get there." Fred winked, making Y/N sigh quietly.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Very carefully, the siblings opened the door. One by one they slipped outside, before all three of them made it out safe and sound.

"Alright, follow us!" Y/N trotted along behind the two boys, effectively keeping up with their long strides.

It wasn't long before they came across a bridge. It was made out of oak with a beautifully carved railing.

"We're here." The twins announced, looking at their sister for her reaction.

"Wow. It's so beautiful." Y/N raced along the bridge, running her hand over the smooth wooden railing, taking in its beauty like she was Rapunzel exploring the world for the first time.

"Now, look up." The twins watched giddily as their little sister slowly looked up.

Staring in awe at the twinkling night sky, Y/N found herself in a sort of trance. "Wow." Was all she could say as she watched the sky like a kid on Christmas Day.

After a few seconds of staring at the stars, Y/N turned back to the twins.

"Thank you for bringing me here. It's so pretty. I love it."

Grinning from ear to ear, Fred and George walked over. Standing side by side they brought their sister in a hug, holding her tight and not letting her go until they were satisfied.

"Can we maybe come here again sometime?" Y/N couldn't help but ask. Staring pleadingly at the twins with big puppy dog eyes, the two boys couldn't find it in themselves to say no.

"Of course we can." "Yeah, it'll be our little tradition."

Y/N's eyes lit up so bright they could've put the stars out of commission.

However, a thought suddenly came to mind and Y/N soon found herself stressing over what would happen if they got caught.

"We'll be sneaky." "Yeah, we won't make a sound." "Mom couldn't be mad at you anyway, Y/N."

Y/N thought for a second before saying, "I think we should head back. You know, just in case."

"Alright, sis. But don't you worry, mom should still be sound asleep when we get back."

▪︎ ☆ ▪︎

Back at the Burrow

The twins statement proved to be very incorrect. Molly Weasley in all her frizzy hair, wrinkled pajama glory stood watching sternly as three of her children walked as quietly as they could inside the front door.


Jumping straight out of their skin, Fred, George and Y/N all looked up with wide eyes. Goosebumps appeared on all three of them and their breath seemed to have caught in their throats.

"Hey, mom. We can explain!"


The scuffling of feet was all that could be heard as Fred, George and Y/N hurried upstairs and into their rooms before Molly could discipline them anymore.

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