Making the most of it - pt. 3 (Invincible Era)

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This is kind of a short one, curious if people are interested in a couple more parts or if I should move along to another imagine...

Michael's POV:

I couldn't stop tapping my leg, as soon as we had pulled into the ambulance bay they rushed Y/N away and I was taken to what I can only assume it's one of the on call rooms since sitting the waiting room with the general public was not really an option. About two hours ago a nurse came in and gave me a stack of papers to fill out while she rattled off a laundry list of test they were doing but I haven't seen anyone since.

The whole night just kept replaying over and over in my mind. I could easily be home an hour or two earlier so I could be up an hour or two earlier and help with breakfast and getting the kids ready... why did I let my bad mood from the day carry over... I hunched over and buried my face in my hands, tears threatening my eyes again.

"Mr. Jackson" there was a soft knock at the door "yes?" I sat up and quickly wiped my eyes "your wife is concious and stable they've just finished getting her situated in a room. If you follow me I'll take you there now..." before she could even finish the sentence I was up and standing beside her. She led me down the maze of hallways, it was almost 2am now and the corridors were eerily quiet. We finally came to a stop outside a non-descript door, the nurse pulled a clipboard from beside the door and studied if for a second before motioning that I could go in.

"hey baby..." I walked over to the bed and gently brushed the hair from her face "all right, the doctor will be in in a little bit to go over results with you. If you need anything in the meantime you can hit the call button" The nurse checked y/n's IV line as she talked
"thank you" y/n said, her voice sounded groggy and still a little slurred... I looked at her concerned as the nurse walked out.

"I feel like I've been hit by a truck" she groaned

"did they say anything?" I asked stroking her hair softly. She shook her head and grimaced

"I'm sorry..."

"what are you sorry for?" I laughed a little

"I just haven't felt good and I was taking it out on you..."

she stopped abruptly and motioned for a sick bag, I handed one to her and winced as she retched into it.

"baby..." I rubbed her back, tears ran from her eyes as she vomited

"I feel so sick..." she sobbed and gripped her stomach.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head "I wish I had known you were feeling so sick... I would have figured something out..."

"I... you're already stressed... the 30th anniversary show is 3 months away, the album release is 4 1/2 months away... it's a lot."

"I still should have noticed..." I sighed and pulled a chair to the bedside.

Y/N's POV:

My head was pounding, my stomach felt like it was boiling and every inch of my skin hurt. Michael sat in a chair beside the bed one hand resting on my thigh, the other massaging his temples, exhaustion plain on his face... I felt terrible for getting so mad at him; I knew what to expect when he was recording. Maybe I had just got so used to him being around the last couple years.

Another wave of nasuea came over me, Michael was already prepared and held a sick bag in front of me while gently massaging the back of my neck with his other hand "can't we please just go home... I just want to sleep a couple hours before the kids wake up..."

"honey, you were completely out at least 3 times that I saw. We're not going anywhere until we find out what's going on with you"

"but you have meetings tomorrow, at the very least you should go home and rest..."

"Y/N, I'm obviously not going anywhere tomorrow..."

he looked offended that I had even suggested. I laid my head back on the pillow and gripped my sides. There was an soft knock to the door, Michael sat up alert.

A man about Michael and I's age walked in followed by my nurse "Hello Mrs. Jackson, I'm Dr. Nelson... how are you feeling now?" he asked looking at my medication chart

"like I've been run over by a freight train..." I said, unenthused

"well you've had a pretty rough night so that's understandable... let's talk..."

Michael took my hand

"for starters you are very dehydrated... and your blood sugar was pretty low. Have you been eating and drinking regularly?"

I shook my head 'no'

"alright, well that explains that... now alone these things don't generally cause syncope or in laymans terms, fainting but with the extra pregnancy hormones your body is releasing you're body's blood vessels are relaxed and that means at times you're not getting enough blood to your brain.

Michael and I both sat with our mouths agape "I'm sorry... the what hormones?" I asked trying not to have a full blown meltdown.

"The pregnancy hormones... were you not aware that you were pregnant..."

Insatiable : Michael Jackson Imagines (18+)Where stories live. Discover now