Missed You (Dangerous Era)

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I turned on the shower to warm up and tossed my sweaty clothes on the hamper. I sighed and looked at a picture of Michael and I on my vanity, maybe I would try calling him again before I went to bed...I had before I put the kids to bed so they could talk to him but must have just missed him, it was fine sometimes it took us a couple tries to catch each other.

I climbed in the shower and started to wash my face, "Southeast side door" a chime sounded alerting me that one of entry doors had opened. I paused. Michael had been out of town for 2 weeks and was not due home for another week and a half, the kids were asleep. Something was not right.

I stepped out of the shower, and pulled my robe on quickly. I grabbed a baseball bat from under the bed and pressed the security alert button on the nightstand. Quietly I opened the bedroom door and walked slowly down the hall peeking into both of the boys rooms and gently shutting their doors. Downstairs I could hear something in the kitchen... I gripped the bat tightly as I turned the corner.

"AHHHHH!!!" I screamed, startled as I found myself face to face with Michael, who also let out a startled yelp as he dropped his bag and grabbed the end of the bat. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HOME!?" I asked still kind of yelling out of shock "CAN YOU PUT THE BAT DOWN FIRST!!!" I loosened my grip and Michael pulled the bat from my hands. "DADDY!!" Junior came running down the stairs and crashed into Michael's legs, setting the bat down he bent down and picked him up "Hey munchkin, I missed you! Were you a good boy while I was gone?" Junior smiled and nodded "then why are you up so late?" Michael tickled his belly "I heard a bunch of noise and Mommy sounded scared so I came to find her" "well that was very brave of you but what are you supposed to do if you hear something scary?" Michael asked starting to walk up the stairs carrying Junior. "close and lock my door until you or Mommy come get me..." "or someone who knows the password" Michael finished as Junior took the hat off Michael's head and put it on his own. I picked up the bat and Michael's bag and followed them upstairs.

"ok... it's way past your bedtime, you need to go back to sleep" Michael stopped in front of Juniors room "Will you tuck me in Daddy?!" "of course..." Michael looked at me "I'm going to go finish my shower" I kissed Michael on the cheek and took the fedora off Juniors head before kissing him on the cheek and walking back to our bedroom.

I toweled off my hair and walked back into the bedroom only to find Michael sitting on the bed with Junior. He looked at me and smiled a big toothy grin "all right... what are we doing..." I climbed on the bed and pulled Junior in my lap as Michael continued reading the story they were in the middle of. Before Michael even made it through two more pages Junior was fast asleep in my arms. Michael closed the book and brushed the curls out of Juniors face "goodnight little man" he kissed his forehead "I'm going to go put him in bed" I leaned over and kissed Michael before carrying Junior to his room and tucking him in.

"apparently we're overdue for a review of emergency protocol with him" I said coming back into the bedroom "you as well it would seem" he mused putting the bat back under the bed. "what were you planning to do exactly?" he smiled "I was not just going to sit around and wait for something... I'm going to protect my family" I looked him dead in the eye "why are you so violent!?" he laughed "why are you home anyway" I smiled and kissed him "I missed you guys... And you sounded stressed on the phone the other night so I figured I'd cancel a couple appearances and take a few days off and come home" he said pulling me over to him and wrapping his arms around me "you're so sweet baby..." I kissed him softly as a yawn escaped my mouth. Michel kissed me once more and turned down the covers, I climbed in bed next to him and snuggled up to him "I missed you" I whispered, Michael reached over me and turned off the lights "I missed you more" he kissed me "and I missed this..." he pulled my body tight to his and inhaled deeply.

Michael's POV

The sunlight shown through the curtians gently waking me. I looked at Y/N still sleeping peacefully next to me, in all the commotion she must have forgotten to set her alarm last night as she was typically up by now. I rolled over and stretched out, my body jerked a bit as the blankets brushed against my erection. At first I was annoyed but quickly remembered I was home now and could do something about it. Rolling back over I stared at Y/N, she looked so peaceful, her robe had fallen open overnight and I watched as her chest softly rose and fell. "I shouldn't wake her up" I thought to myself and sighed, her eyes fluttered open.

"what are you doing?" she laughed sleepily as she stretched. "Watching you sleep, thinking about how much I missed waking up with you" I smiled. "I'm pretty sure you were thinking about something else..." she ran her hands down my chest and brushed over my obnoxiously persistent erection. "I promise, I was just going to let you sleep!" I laughed "well I'm up now, and by the sound of it nobody else is" she replied shutting me up real quick. "oh, you're on!" I growled and kissed her neck, her playful giggles made my heart skip a beat. She was so beautiful when she was laughing. I still can't believe she would take on all the baggage that came along with me.

"Michael..." she stopped laughing "yeah baby?" I asked, concerned at her sudden change in demeanor "I missed you..." she looked deep into my eyes and smiled. "I missed you too baby" I brushed her hair from her face and stroked her cheek with my thumb. Cupping my face with her hands she pulled me into a kiss. I felt desire burn in the pit of my stomach, every inch of my skin begged for her touch. Her hands roamed my body, slowly peeling off my clothes as they went along. Her lips caressed my bare chest, I shivered in anticipation, it had only been two weeks but each touch set my nerves on fire. I could not wait anymore, I pulled the covers over us, finally allowing myself to be lost in the feeling of her touch...

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