The Aftershow (Bad Tour)

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"Ok, boys, you know the drill. I need you to come here and put these ear plugs in" I said rolling up the tiny orange foam earplugs for them, they both came over and quickly put in the earplugs, being familiar with having done it at their fathers shows at least a dozen times. "Now remember... you need to be with Wayne or I at all times, ok? If you need to go potty or anything one of us goes with you. Got it?" I asked in my most serious tone. Both boys nodded "I need you to tell me you understand" "I understand" the boys said almost in unison. We took our seats in the obscure roped off area as the stage floor started to rise and Michael walked out in a cloud of smoke. The music started and he unzipped his jacket... I chewed my lip watching him, I was just as entranced with him as the thousands of girls drooling over him in the audience. Tru jumping up and down in front of me excitedly snapped me back. "MOM! LOOK AT MIKEY! LOOK HOW COOL EVERYONE LOOKS!" he yelled, I nodded and smiled still watching Michael intently out of the corner of my eye.
Wayne and I laughed as we watched both the boys dance around almost non-stop for the next two hours. By the time Michael was to his last song they were both slumped over in their chairs fighting off sleep. Wayne moved and sat next to me, "do you want me to take the boys back to Abby at the hotel and you can ride back with Bill and the boss?" he asked leaning in. "You don't have to do that, we can just go now, I can see Michael back at the hotel" I said kind of disappointed. "Really, it's not a big deal you guys would be home after like an hour and I think the boss is expecting to see at least you after the show" he smiled knowingly. I blushed a little "that would be nice, why don't I help you get them out to the car and I can just have some muscle walk me back in" I said standing up and picking up a very sleepy Sy. Wayne picked up a weakly protesting Tru, we weaved our way behind the stage and out the back to where Jim was waiting in an SUV. We clipped the boys into their seats, Wayne climbed into the car with them "thanks Wayne" I smiled "anytime Mrs.Boss, see you in an hour or two" he waved and shut the door before the car pulled out.
I turned around and walked with another security guard back inside. The concert was finished so we made our way straight back to Michael's dressing room I flashed my badge to the guards standing outside the door "good evening Mrs. Jackson" one of them said as I walked by and into the dressing room where I sat down on the couch and waited patiently. Within 5 minutes Michael came bursting into the dressing room toweling the sweat off his face and grinning ear to ear. "hey baby!" he kissed me "where are the boys?" he asked looking around the dressing room "they were so excited the entire show they wore themselves out towards the end. Wayne took them back to the hotel to be with Abby and the babies."
"so it's just you here?" he asked
"you sound disappointed..."
"disappointed is not the word I was thinking of" his eyes smoldered as he flipped the lock on the door "you look damn sexy, why the dress?" he asked running his fingers lightly down my spine taking in the simple just above the knee black dress
"it was a little warm to wear my normal jeans, and shorts seemed a little underdressed" I stepped back and spun around, Michael watched and licked his lips hungrily "go get in the shower..." he growled pulling the sweat soaked shirt over his head. I loved how aggressive he got when his adrenaline was flowing, I craved it, so I decided to take the opportunity to tease him and get him more worked up "I don't want to mess up my hair" I shrugged apathetically. Michael took two strides over to me, wrapped my ponytail around his first and pulled it just enough to turn my face up towards his. He kissed me, hard, his tongue invading my mouth "don't tease me" his eyes were dark with desire. I pushed a little further, crossing my arms and cocking an eyebrow at him after quickly glancing down to notice the large bulge now present in his loose pants "ok, you want to be a brat? two can play at this game..." using his foot to push my legs apart he reached under my dress and started massaging me "just what I thought" he smirked "you're already soaking" he pushed my panties to the side and slowly eased two fingers into me, I let out an involuntary gasp as his fingers stroked already threatening to undo me. With his other hand he slid down the shoulder of my dress, freeing my breast and rolling my nipple in his fingers before leaning down to tease it with his tongue. "Michael..." I breathed heavily "not so sassy now are we" he growled taking his hand back "don't stop, please" I begged, he put his fingers in his mouth and sucked the juices off. I shuddered with desire. "I thought you didn't want to mess up your hair" he grinned devilishly, pushing my panties to the side and beginning to stroke me again. "It was never about my hair..." I panted "so you admit you were being a tease" he growled removing his fingers again "yes, I'm sorry, please don't stop" I begged. His warm hands slowly slipped my dress off over my head "let's try this again... get in the shower..." I obliged and hurried into the shower stepping out of my shoes and panties on the way. Michael followed slowly behind me shedding the remainder of his clothing before stepping in with me "bend over" he ordered, placing my hands on the wall I bent forward while the water poured down over my head. Using one foot to brace my legs Michael spanked me, I flinched a little but felt a pleasure course through my body, he tenderly rubbed my ass before spanking it again. I could feel his erection brush against my side as he repeated the process "your ass looks beautiful when it's pink" he groaned reaching down and slipping his fingers inside me again I gasped and jerked dangerously close to letting go "Michael, please" I begged, he shifted around behind me and entered me slowly. He let out a low groan as he rolled his hips into me "you feel so good" he mumbled moving his hips faster I felt his grip on my waist tighten and knew he was close I arched my back as I felt my body tense as he moved his hips faster and his strong fingers dug into my hips as he found his release, the feeling of his body relaxing pushed me over the edge and I let out a moan that echoed through the dressing room. "That was fucking amazing" I gasped as I stood up and leaned against the shower wall. Michael leaned his head in the crook of my neck. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head "you're amazing" he said standing up straight and tucking a wet strand of hair behind my ear "are you ok? I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked, now that he had released all the pent up adrenaline he was back to his normal demeanor. "Baby, I'm fine" I giggled... "I will say though, I hope aggressive, demanding Michael continues to make occasional appearances even after the tour is over" I winked and kissed him softly. Michael just laughed and started to soap up his body.
I chased the wrinkles out of my dress after I pulled it gently over my head and started to look around the room "looking for something?" Michael asked holding up my red lace panties "thank you" I reached for them but he snatched them back "naw uh... these are mine now" he said shoving them into his pants pocket "underwear are kind of important with a dress" I said looking at him matter of factly "I guess you'll just have to be extra careful then, won't you" he winked. I smiled and rolled my eyes as he walked over and kissed me on the neck. Taking my hand we walked out to the waiting car, Michael opened the door for me "after you" he smirked letting his hand linger butt as I climbed in.

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