Splish Splash ('86 Grammys)

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I sank slowly into the steaming water that filled the bathtub in our suite, after the Grammys Michael had done a press conference and then we had skittered around to a couple after parties before making our way back to the hotel around 1:30 am. Every now and again I could hear Michael laugh, he was lying in bed watching some late night re run, closing my eyes I sank deeper into the water and allowed the aroma of the hibiscus bath oils fill my nostrils.

The water level shifted breaking my trance; Michael climbed into the tub behind me and gently pulled me back against his chest.

Gently tracing my fingers along his knee and the little bit of his thigh that was above the water I leaned my head back into his chest; brushing my hair out of the way he gently kissed my neck. I let out a small sigh and pressed myself closer to him; dipping a washcloth into the water he lathered it with body wash and started to massage my neck and shoulders. Closing my eyes I rolled my head to the side, Michael placed a small trail of kisses from my ear to my collar bone before resting his chin on my shoulder. "I don't remember this being a two person activity" I teased as he slid his hands beneath the water and started to play with me "are you saying you want me to leave?" he asked pulling his hand away. "Now let's not jump to conclusions here" I  said lacing his fingers with mine and returning them beneath the water.

I leaned my head back and Michael kissed my lips hungrily. I turned around to face him so I could kiss him deeper, "heyyyyy, I can't reach you now" he playfully whined "you're such a dork, and I love you" I laughed.
"well I should hope so!" he exclaimed sitting up straight and holding my shoulders at arm's length "otherwise this would be a rather awkward seating arrangement!" he smirked. Covering his face with my hand I playfully pushed him away and scoffed. "hey!" Michael laughed and flicked water at me "did you really just splash me!?!" I asked matter of factly "I believe you started it" he replied cocking his head a little "and I'm gonna finish it!" I said splashing him again "ohhhhhhh no you don't" he laughed grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap "I think that's just about enough out of you missy" he said through an impish grin; giggling I leaned down and kissed him, running my fingers through his now wet hair.

Kneeling over Michael I could see, through the dissipating bubbles in the bath, him growing. Resting my forearms on his shoulders and letting my hands hang limp I leaned in and kissed him again, still hovering just above him, teasing him, his hands clasped either side of my face and pulled me closer to him; relaxing my legs I slowly lowered myself onto him as he flexed his hips up. I moaned against his lips as our hips started to perform in a circular pattern; pulling my lips from his Michael pressed his forehead to mine, I opened my eyes only to find him staring back at me. I smiled and twirled the little strand of hair at the base of his skull around my finger. He laughed and pulled me back into a kiss; his hands moving from my face to my hips as he started to lift me.

I bounced rythmically on top of him causing the water to slosh around in the tub, occasionally going over the edge. Tangling my fingers in his hair I pulled his head back and deepened our kiss, I felt my pulse quicken as Michael increased the speed of his hips. A moan escaped my lips and went directly into his mouth, Michael bit my bottom lip softly in response and that was is for me my body seized and I rolled my head back as the pleasure coursed through my veins. Leaning forward Michael sucked the spot on my neck just below my jaw and I could not contain myself "MICHAEL" I groaned loudly as I came, I stopped moving as I tightened around him and shuddered with pleasure. Suddenly Michael was crushing me to him, his hands clasped tight behind my back as he released.

Slowly I slid off him and situated myself back between his legs, pulling me back into his chest Michael laced his fingers with mine and softly traced my knuckles with his thumb as our breathing started to return to normal. "Well we were not very tidy about that" Michael laughed, still catching his breath "no we were not" I laughed observing the water that had sloshed out of the tub and onto the bathroom floor "I love you" Michael whispered kissing the top of my head "I love you more" I smiled leaning my head back into his chest. A yawn escaped my mouth "I've got to go to bed, I'm exhausted" I said climbing out of the tub, Michael pulled the drain plug and climbed out behind me. Too drained to even dry off completely we both climbed into bed and fell asleep within minutes.

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