Bet - Part 5 (Mature Era)

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No smut here so to speak... it's coming though 😘

Michael's hand wrapped around mine as we walked onto the main deck, he pulled out a chair and motioned for me to sit down before taking his seat across from me. "Thank you" I smiled and nodded as a staff member placed a plate full of fresh colorful food in front of me. "You're welcome ma'am" they replied before dissapearing back into the galley. Michael took a bite of his salad "what do you want to do tonight?" he asked between bites "... besides me" he flashed a devilish grin "you're full of it today aren't you" I laughed and popped a cherry tomato in my mouth "something about being alone with you" he reached a hand under the table and grabbed my leg pulling my chair closer to the table so he could run his hand up my thigh "Michael!" I laughed "behave yourself" I pointed at him with my fork and for a second I was lost in his eyes, the relaxed smile across his face entranced me. This was the Michael I wish the world could see, because if they could there no one would ever even give slanderous rumors the chance to be heard.
My trance was broken by the sound of Michael's fork on my plate "HEY!" I laughed "please return to your assigned seat sir" I pushed his fork back across the table and onto his plate.

Michael moved so he was sitting beside me as the last of the dishes were cleared, he watched contentedly as the last person disappeared into the kitchen. As the door swung closed he leaned in and kissed softly below my ear "stop" I giggled weakly protesting. "Really, what do you want to do tonight?" he asked his lips brushing my neck, I laughed uncontrollably "I don't know, do you want to watch a movie?" I said after regaining my composure "that sounds nice, do you want to watch it up here or in our cabin?" Michael stood up and stretched "what do you think" I have him a sly smile "our room it is then..." he reached out his hand to help me up.

I put in the DVD and climbed on the bed next to Michael, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I rested my head on his chest. As the movie started I inhaled deeply allowing his scent to intoxicate me, I looked up at him contently watching the screen as he gently ran his fingers up and down my arm "you ok?" he smiled down at me "perfect" I kissed his chest softly and returned my eyes to the screen.

Michael's boisterous laughter at something on the screen startled me awake, I rubbed my eyes and stretched. "You fell asleep didn't you" he said still giggling "no! I was just resting my eyes" "you were snoring" Michael paused the movie "I don't snore!" I sat up and playfully pushed him "it's endearing" he pulled me back down so I was laying beside him again "no..." I tried to look serious, Michael just grinned at me. "Go back to sleep, I didn't mean to wake you baby... I'll try and keep quiet" he kissed me on the forehead "well I'm awake now, so what do you want to do" I laced my fingers with his "I have a crazy idea" Michael said with a mischievous smile. "Ok, try me" I smirked. Michael jumped out of bed and grabbed two towels from the shelf "would you care to join me for a swim?"

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