A Show (Dangerous Era)

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I opened the door to the study just a bit too see Michael sitting on the leather couch, his elbows on his knees intensely studying footage from the previous day's rehearsal.

I slowly opened the door and tip toed in so as not to disturb him, I watched the footage silently behind him for a moment, he furiously scribbled notes on a yellow legal pad, still oblivious to my presence. He rewound the tape and hit play again.

I gently laid my hands on his shoulders and leaned over running them down his chest "hey..." I whispered gently kissing his neck "hey baby" he said, his eyes not leaving the screen. He brought my hand to his lips gently kissing it before placing it back on his chest and returning to his notes. Standing up I walked around to the front of the couch, Michael paused the tape and looked up at me... "you've been in here for eight hours... shouldn't you think about taking a break" I ran my fingers through his hair, he pulled me onto his lap and kissed down my neck softly "I'd love to baby... but I've got to work out these kinks before rehearsal tomorrow" he scooted me off his lap and restarted the tape.

"At least come eat something... it's important when you're expending so much energy at rehersals"

"Y/N, I'm serious, I have to get this done" he sounded a bit irritated


"Y/N! If you leave me alone I'll be done in like another hour!" he almost yelled. I threw my hands up in a mock defensive motion and backed away "Y/N, I'm sorry..." he rubbed his face on his hands "No Michael, do what you gotta do" I mumbled walking out and closing the door behind me.

I meandered into the bedroom and looked around, 9:32, it was still a little early to go to bed. Besides, now I was just irritated at Michael, he had some nerve getting pissed off at me. All I asked was for him to take a break from staring at the TV screen for 8 hours.

I sat on the bed and pulled my vibrator out of the nightstand drawer, I stared at it for a minute and shrugged. I clicked the button and it came to life, my heart started to race as I traced the bullet down my body. I closed my eyes and threw my head back as pleasure started to spread through my body.

"So, is this what you do when I'm not around..."

"MICHAEL!" I jumped instinctively trying to hide the vibrator

"don't stop on my account" He smirked and pulled the chair from the corner to the foot of the bed.

"I thought you had film you needed to watch..." I propped myself up on my elbows and cocked an eyebrow at him

"mmmmm... I think I'd rather watch this" he said sitting down.

"Suit yourself..." I laid back down and picked up where I left off. I spread my legs wider to give him a better view, he chewed his bottom lip and his eyes smoldered.

Pleasure overtook my body again and my muscles began to jerk, I tossed the vibrator to the side and ran my fingers down around my opening. I heard Michael groan, I opened my eyes to find that he had unbuttoned his pants and was now stroking his gorgeous hard dick with his hand.

He let out another heavy sigh as I continued to massage myself. The sight of him so turned on was turning me on even more, I got up on my knees and crawled over towards him. Michael started to stand but before he could get all the way up I gently pushed him back down into the chair and climbed on top of him. "you never answered my question, is this what you get up to when I'm away?" he whispered as he kissed and licked below my ear. I giggled and brought his lips to mine as I lowered myself on to him...

"well, baby, sometimes you're gone for months at a time... but can I tell you a secret?" "hhmmm" Michael moaned "when I do... I'm always... thinking of... you..." my lips curled into a smile.

Michael's fingers dug into my hips as I bounced faster while he flexed his hips upwards "baby..." Michael panted thrusting his hips up as I rocked back and forth on him "Michael..." I leaned down tangeling his tongue with mine. Michael's shoulders started to tense and his jaw clenched as he found his release while my walls tightened around him. I collapsed into a heap in his lap as we both recovered. "I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier" Michael whispered as his fingers gently traced up and down my spine "it's ok baby, I was being a little pushy" "no, you were just looking out for me, like you always do..." he kissed my forehead softly. "I should let you get back to your tapes" I kissed Michael once more before climbing off his lap, he pulled me back and wrapped his long arms around my waist "I think I've done enough for today, I'm kind of hungry now, did Sam make a plate for me?" "yeah, it's in the fridge" I said standing up again and grabbing my robe from the back of the closet door. I tossed Michael a pair of pyjama pants as he tossed his now very messy pants in the hamper. "you gonna come down with me?" he asked pulling his robe on, leaving it open "of course" I placed a soft kiss on his bare chest and pulled him down into a kiss. "You're something else" he smiled "you love it" I smiled kissing him one more time before walking towards the kitchen.

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