First Class (Thad Era/Captian EO Era)

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Y'all, my writer's block the last several months has been INSANE! Give me a hand. Drop your scenes, scenarios, hell even a random prompt you would like to see. Let me know what you enjoy in stories you choose to read!

"Y/N... Y/N!" Michael called walking down the hall "Y/N...oh!" He almost ran into me as I came around the corner "Hi" he smiled "hi" I laughed.  "I just got a call and I need to be in London tomorrow morning, I want you to come with me?" "Why so quickly?" "I don't know... all Frank said there was some last minute deal and I NEEDED to be there and it couldn't wait."

I shrugged and looked at him "ok, how long will we be gone?" "Three days tops... we would take a red eye out of LAX in 5 hours" "jesus Michael, that means we need to be out the door in 2 hours! I don't know if I can pack both of us and be ready that quick" "please baby..." he gave me the puppy dog eyes "what about" "whatever it is I'll take care of it" he cut me off before I could finish my thought. "alright, alright... LA to London is a long ass flight Michael" I laughed as we walked off to the bedroom.

Michael pulled two suitcases out of the closet and tossed them on the bed "what kind of clothes do you need?" "I don't know, just what I normally wear to buisness things I guess..." I pulled a couple of para military jackets from his side of the closet along with several pairs of black slacks and tossed them on the bed as he started to gather toiletries from the bathroom. "I don't understand why you have to be there so fast, why can't we fly out early tomorrow morning? "something about a 8 am meeting Tuesday... with the flight time and the time difference we will barely make it as it is" he called from the bathroom "I suppose we can sleep for most of it any way" I tossed in a few button ups and undershirts and zipped up his suitcase. "What I don't get is why they won't tell you what this meeting is" I rifled around frantically in the closet gathering a few outfits for myself to throw in my suitcase "I. don't. know." he walked over and kissed me, I rolled my eyes and took the toiletry bags from him and tossed them in my suitcase.

***** 11:15pm LAX *****

"We've closed off the first class cabin, we're ready for your group to board now" the gate attendant approached us in the airline clubhouse. Bill looked at Michael and nodded as we got up and followed the attendant to the plane.

Michael and I took our seats and were immediately each handed a flute of champaign. "Thank you" I smiled at the flight attendant and took a sip as we settled in. "here" Michael handed me the blanket he had carried on board and pulled out his book, I leaned my head on his shoulder as the doors closed and the plane taxied. I sighed looking out the window, watching as we climbed up into the night and quickly dozed off.

***** 1:43 am *****

I woke with a start and looked around the cabin, everyone was silent and asleep, it was dark except for a lone reading light, right next to me. "Why are you not resting..." "I am" He lifted the book he was reading "You know what I mean... if you don't try and really rest now you're not going to be up on your game going straight into a meeting when we land" "don't worry about me baby" he kissed my forehead and went back to reading his book. "Rest your eyes with me just for a bit?" I whispered. He closed his book and put it in the seat pouch in front of him "for a bit" he reached up to turn off the reading light and covered us both with the blanket, pulling it up to our necks and wrapped his arm around me.

Michael bounced his leg up and down struggling to be still. I knew he was only trying to rest to appease me, I kissed his shoulder and looked up at him. His leg stilled and he smiled, his eyes still closed.

I closed my eyes again and rested but within minutes his leg began to tap again. I put my hands on his thigh, stilling it, and draped one of my legs over his.

Now restless myself I traced his knuckles with my thumb, my hand sliding to his thigh gently running my nails over the inseam of his pants. He cleared his throat softly. I groped his thigh and slid my hand up further until I reached the waistband off his slacks.

He shifted as I undid the button and reached for him. Stroking gently I could feel him starting to get hard. "What are you doing" he whispered under his breath. "Shhh, you're going to spoil it" I leaned up, kissed him and brushed my finger over his tip. He leaned his head back against the seat and looked around nervously "relax..." I leaned my head on his shoulder like I was sleeping and whispered. Michael took his arm from around my shoulder and pushed his pants down just enough to free himself under the blanket. He gripped my thigh as I let my fingers gently run along the underside of his, by now, fully erect cock.

I tightened my grip and began to move my hand rythmically up and down for a minute, feeling his balls tighten towards his body and bringing him to the edge. I suddenly slowed my pace and loosened my grip slightly causing him to ball his fists in frustration. I couldn't help but smirk, I loved teasing him. In every sense of the word.

His breathing picked up pace again as my hand did, I felt him reach for a napkin from beneath his drink and crumple it in his fist. I looked up to see his jaw tensing as he worked to maintain the illusion of sleeping, trying hard to not make a sound as he came closer. With three more tight strokes he exploded, trying his best to stay tidy as I milked every last drop from him. His head rolled back and he relaxed into the seat zipping his pants and buttoning them.

"Come with me, now" he whispered firmly under his breath looking at the flight attendants resting their eyes in the jumpseats at the bulkhead. He stood up and pulled me with him towards the back of the first class cabin.

Quietly opening the lavatory door he pushed me inside first, pushing in behind me and locking the door. "You play too much girl" he undid the button on my jeans and yanked them down mid thigh "don't get me wrong, it was amazing, but you play too damn much." "I..." he covered my mouth and plunged two fingers deep into me. I gasped and tried to double over, as much as one could in a tiny plane lavatory. "Quiet... if I could not make a sound you can't either" his fingers moved furiously in and out of me. I fought back against the wave of pleasure that was beginning to overtake me I don't think I can cum quietly - I thought to myself. "Don't. Make. A. Sound" he growled, reading my mind.

I pulled back trying my best to avoid orgasm but he gripped me with his other hand and pulled me back to him and pushed me helplessly towards my peak. My whole body tensed as I came, it took every ounce of control I had left not to scream out.

"1 minute 35 seconds... I think that's a new record" he looked at his watch and smirked before pulling his fingers out and sucking them clean like he had just finished the most excuisit meal. He threw his napkin in the waste bin and straightened his shirt in the mirror as I re did my jeans and washed my hands. "We'd better sneak back out before those attdants notice what's up" he said unlocking the door and opening it, I pushed it shut "boy, if you don't wash them hands. I swear" he laughed quietly and kissed my cheek washing his hands before we snuck back to our seats.

Sitting down I clicked on my reading light and thumbed through the magazine in the seat back pocket. "What happened to resting?" Michael asked opening his book again "well thanks to someone I'm wide awake now" whispered. He let out a quiet laugh "I guess that makes two of us who will be tired tomorrow."

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