Closer (1995 VMA)

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It's been a long time y'all! I was trying to update weekly but then things got crazy but I'm back and hoping to update at least bi-weekly! Hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoyed imagining/writing it!

"You ready beautiful?" Michael stuck his head into the massive bathrool where I was still surrounded by a glam crew. I looked up and gave him a playful glare, "well, the car will be here in five minutes" he giggled; "perfect timing, because she's all done" the lead stylist said stepping back "what do you think?" I stood up and turned around. Michael sucked his teeth "you lookin' all kinds of beautiful baby" he took my hand and kissed it "alright Casanova... let's go, you've got a big night ahead of you" I grabbed my clutch and walked out of the room "don't!" I reached behind me and grabbed Michael's hand before it could smack my ass.

"I can't wait for you to see the performance... it's going to be something people talk about for years! No crazy sets, just a great performance! I'm gonna remind people how I got where I am!" Michael's eyes glittered with anticipation as he talked about the performance he had been preparing for the last two weeks. "I'm sure it's going to be amazing baby" Michael grabbed the belt loop on my jeans and pulled me closer to him "behave yourself..." I smirked "c'mon, just a quick peek......" he pulled the waistband of my jeans out and looped his finger in the waistband of my panties "oooh, those are nice" he giggled as I pulled his hands out "be-have... if you're patient I'll make it worth your while later..."

The car slowed as we approached the line of cars and limos leading to the red carpet. I pulled my leather jacket on as Michael made a couple last second touch ups to his makeup and put his aviators on. Michael fidgeted with his wedding band, twirling it around his finger "everyone is going to love it baby..." I put my hand on his stilling it. He smiled, leaned in, and gave me a soft kiss "ready gorgeous?" I nodded and Michael kissed the back of my hand once before signaling for security to open the door.

The screams were instantly deafening and camera flashes blinding. Michael stepped out first and turned to offer me his hand which I grasped firmly and followed him out. "MICHAEL, Y/N! OVER HERE!" "JACKSONS! LOOK HERE!" Michael wrapped his arms around my waist protectively as his public persona took over, we smiled, waved, and posed our way down the red carpet. "You put everyone else here to shame" he leaned back and said into my ear. I laughed and rested my hand on his chest as the cameras continued to flash and we made our way inside.

Typically Michael was intensely focused and all business at awards shows but something about his mood was different tonight. Maybe it was because he was center stage again, maybe it was because he and Janet won big for Scream but whatever it was he was glowing tonight. The show came to a stop for a commercial break "I gotta go get ready..." Michael leaned in and whispered before kissing my neck softly "break a leg, baby" I smiled as he got up and disappeared, then I settled back into my seat, excited to watch my man perform.



"That was AMAZING love! That is honestly possibly my favorite awards performance you've done!" I couldn't stop talking about it the whole ride back to the hotel. Michael just smiled as he gave me his hand to get out of the car, he leaned down and kissed me as the service elevator doors closed "mmmmmmhhhh" he moaned into my mouth "there were a few things that could have been better..." he pulled back and smiled "such a perfectionist" I laughed and hit his chest as the doors opened on our floor.

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