Harshad is not a man Bhai

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Manik was moving to and fro in his balcony. He was restless, one side was his childhood friend Harshad who was part of his sour and sweet childhood, with whom he had transformed from a kid into a grown-up man. On the other side was his hard-working secretary, who have trusted him, she even shared her life's ups and downs just in a month, it is a big deal for a girl who has gone through so much.
Being restless and anxious, he decided to phone Abhimanyu.
"Hello, Abhimanyu," Manik said and was speechless for a moment. He was thinking was Abhimanyu aware that Nandini got arrested a few hours ago.
"Yes, Manik before you start do you know where is Gudiya. I had surgeries lined up so I couldn't call her. But today neither she texted me about reaching home nor phoned me. Are you both in office till now?" Abhimanyu asked getting impatient about her sister's whereabouts.
Manik explained the whole situation to him.
"Check your message box I have transferred 50 crores to your account. I want you to take the case back right now." Abhimanyu said.
Manik clenched his jaw in anger, was Abhimanyu thinking that Manik got her sister arrested for money. Although it was the truth, the main cause of her arrest as she was not loyal to the company.
But Abhimanyu's next sentences cleared all his doubts and drowned him in the pool of guilt.
"I am so ashamed to accept that I failed to judge your personality. I thought of you as a wise man. To show your true colors my sister paid a huge cost. I agree your money was missing but you directly accused Nandini, it may be a technical glitch. Anderson can also lie but you accepted that if money is missing she is responsible. You trusted your client over your employee and believe me she must be saving someone if Nandu wanted to cheat on you then why would she share your past with you, you idiot." Abhimanyu roared in anger.
"Bring her resignation letter also tomorrow," Abhimanyu said and ended the call.
The next day at 8 a.m. all of them reached the police station.
Manik and Kabir were guilty, well they had their own and many reasons to feel guilty.
While entering the police station they noticed that constable at door was unconscious.
They went inside.
All Police officers and constables were unconscious.
When their site fell on Nandini, they were too numb to react.
When Abhimanyu sat on his knees beside her sister who was also unconscious, a shiver went through Abhimanyu's spine looking at her pale face, bruised body.
Her clothes were torn from her arms due to excessive beating and her chubby chicks had dried tears which she must have shed in pain the whole night.
"Nandu my doll talk to me I.." Cabir said and tried to touch her but Abhimanyu punched his nose instantly.
"Back off before I beat you to death", Abhimanyu said.
Navya passed Abhimanyu ga lass of water from the officer's table which he took instantly and sprinkled on her face.
Nandini half-opened her eyes and whispered;
"Harshad is not a man bhai", she said and tears fell from her eyes.
Again due to weakness she closed her eyes.
Manik who phoned the ambulance looked at her face, he has in dilemma about how to face this situation. 
'Harshad' Abhimanyu and Cabir said together while gritting their teeth.
AThe ambulance arrived and Abhimanyu had already informed the Trauma Centre about her condition.
Abhimanyu went along with Nandini in the ambulance, while Cabir, Navya, and Manik followed them.
Emergency wards resident doctors started her examining her and later on her treatment was also started.
For two hours they waited. These two hours were like two years for everyone especially Abhimanyu. Today he realized how difficult the situation his patient's families have to bear. Although, your loved ones are treated and operated on by the best seeing your loved one in a trauma center is living hell and very difficult.
Manik informed everyone at home about the fiasco and Nandini's condition.
Mukti was crying after hearing everything. She decided to visit the hospital but Manik assured her that there are enough people for her.
He ordered Dhruv to control the press and paps. He instructed him not a single reporter should defame Nandini.
Doctors excited her ward.
All of them approached the doctor.
"Hello, Dr. Abhimanyu Murthy " Abhimanyu said informal way.
"I am doctor Shekhawat your sister's treatment is under my observation." Doctor Randhir replied.
"So talking about her condition she is out of danger now, but a list of her injuries is too long. Her right hand's wrist joint is dislocated and her left hand's 2 fingers are fractured. Her whole body has serious bruises, the one on her stomach is severe like she has been punched there. Her right leg ligament is broken few more minor scratches and bruises but she is out of danger now. When she will gain her consciousness police will come and record her statement I expect her to gain consciousness till afternoon." Ranveer said looking at his wristwatch.
"Thanks for treating her. Please tell your juniors to shift her to VIP ward and one security guard outside her ward." Abhimanyu said in response doctor nodded his head in approval.
According to his order, Nandini was shifted to the VIP ward of the hospital.
VIP ward of the hospital was like a 5-star hotel room, comfy bed for Nandini, couch for the visitors and LED along with all the basic facilities.
All of them were seated on the couch beside her bed.
Everyone was quiet and having their coffee silently.
Abhimanyu stood up looked at his wristwatch and started roaming in the room left and right.
He stopped in front of the wall and punched it with full force. He turned around and found frightened Navya looking at him.
He marched towards her, sat in front of her on his knees. He took her palms in his hands to say something but stopped looking at her bruised hand and a severe cut on her palm.
"What's this?" He asked instantly his doctor mode was on.
"Long story" Navya answered.
"Look I want to talk to these idiots till then will you stay with Nandini. I can't do it in the hospital you know. We have to maintain silence and peace in the hospital. No violence is allowed here.?" Abhimanyu asked.
"I assure you, I won't leave her side for a second," Navya said.
He left the room, both Manik and Cabir were sitting like statues.
After 30 seconds Abhimanyu returned with a nurse holding the first aid tray in her hands.
He again kneeled in front of her, disinfected her wound, applied ointment, and covered it with gauze, he completed her first aid, which touched everyone's heart.
"You have to check her wound till it heals completely," he ordered the nurse.
Navya stood up and whispered something in his ear.
Abhimanyu caressed Navya's forehead and left the room.
Manik and Cabir were looking at his disappearing figure and then looked at Navya.
"You want me to carry you in bridal style?" Navya said while sarcasm was dripping from her every word.
They ran towards him and followed him.
Abhimanyu was driving Cabir's car, after 30 minutes of continuous driving, he abruptly stopped the car at the deserted highway and exited the car. Manik and Cabir also followed him.
Abhimanyu started walking right-left.
"I will give you one minute in a defense. If you will be able to convince me then okay. If not then you are blocked from my sister's life forever. Abhimanyu said while holding Cabir's neck.
"Look at this" Cabir said playing video on his mobile phone.
Abhimanyu and Manik were looking at the video which was sent by Harshad's goons. In the video, goons tied Navya and made a deep cut on her arm which was treated by Abhimanyu himself.
"Who kidnapped her?" Abhimanyu asked.
"Why don't you read the whole chat," Cabir said and forwarded his mobile opening Harshad's chat sent by an unknown number.
Harshad this side, if you tried to take your dearest sister's side, the love of your life will not die but she will beg for death. My men are everywhere so don't even try to be over smart.
Manik couldn't believe his eyes. Cabir explained to them about their plan, the fake investors higher by Harshad.
"Abhimanyu two important women of my life and I couldn't protect them. I have lost strength even to look into her eyes. This guilt is killing me I am feeling heaviness in my heart please beat me and help me.  When you are feeling depressed looking at her pale face, then think how difficult it is for me to face her because I am the cause of a pain she has gone through."Cabir said and his eyes started pouring pain off his heart.
Abhimanyu punched him on his stomach and instantly took him in a bone-crushing hug.
"What was that?" Cabir asked in pain.
"You could have informed me at least, this is for your lack of presence of mind," Abhimanyu replied.
"Maybe someone is trying to brainwash our mind about Harshad," Manik said.
Cabir instantly punched Manik after listening to him taking the side of her sister's culprit.
"Look I am tired to protect you from Harshit. My fiance and sister had already paid a huge cost for it. So coming straight to  the point either break all your ties with Harshad or I'll make sure that Nandu, Navy, a and of course me, we will never talk to you."Cabir warned Manik and went inside the car.
"Let's g,o," Abhimanyu said and they started their journey.
There was in-drop silence in the car.
Manik thought for few minutes about his decision.
Manik's POV
Cabir was never insecure for us, if he is so sure about Harshad I should trust him. Moreover, if I opt for  Harshad ignoring all the proofs against him,
I will lose respect in the eyes of my childhood friends. And it was my fault I trust some strange rather than trustworthy employee. But how did Abhimanyu arranged such a big amount in a few seconds?.
POV end.
"How did you arranged 50 crores in few seconds Abhimanyu?" Manik asked breaking the pin-drop silence in the car.
He was curious to know this.
"Do you think that my father had only one business?. Only our clothing industry was sealed, we still have two hotels in London. We also have a spice and tea garden in Munnar. M.r Malhotra, we have one bungalow in Jaipur and 2 in Kerala. But flaunting about our wealth is not in our blood." Abhimanyu said.
Manik tried to hide his amusement but failed because Cabir already discoursed that.
"So why Miss Murthy is working here in India, she can easily manage and expand your business in London?"Manik asked the logical question.
"For two reasons. Firstly, she wanted to live in India to stay connected with her parent's childhood memories. Secondly, she always wanted to work in my father's company and wanted to do that by hard work as all people do.
To wait for appraisal and promotions. She wanted her own identity."Abhimanyu replied.
Again there was silence.
They reached the hospital.

After few hours
Nandini slowly opened her eyes and felt pain all over her body. But this pain was less than she has suffered last night.  After adjusting her heavy eyelids, she discovered her surrounding, she was in the hospital. Then she discovered her casted hands, bruises all over her body, and her right leg was also casted.
Her sight fell on her right side where Navya, Cabir, Manik, and Abhimanyu were seated on the couch, busy in their mobile phone.
"Bhai", she said in a meek voice, which no one heard.
"Bhai," she said louder this time and gained everyone's attention.
Happy reading,
Please ignore the typo😀😀😀😀😀😀

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