I don't know

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Nandini slowly opened her eyes and felt pain all over her body. But this pain was less than she has suffered past night, thanks to pain killers. After adjusting her heavy eyelids, she discovered her surrounding, that is she was in the hospital.
Then she felt her hand and right leg was casted.
Her sight fell in her right side; where Navya, Cabir, Manik, and Abhimanyu were busy in their mobile phone.
"Bhai" Nandini said in a meek voice, which didn't reach towards them.
"Bhai," she said louder this time and was successful in her second attempt.
Everyone rushed towards her.
"Nurse call the doctor," Abhimanyu said and went out of the room to call the doctor.
"How are you Gudiya?" Abhimanyu asked.
"I am feeling pain all over my body," Nandini replied.
Doctor Shekhawat arrived and checked her vitals, blood pressure.
"Can you rate your pain out of 10?" Dr. Shekhawat asked.
"8" she replied.
"No worries I will increase the painkiller." Doctor said.
The doctor explained to Nandini about her injuries and also checked them.
  Police arrived and recorded her statement. Abhimanyu noticed Nandini was too calm, which wasn't normal for a girl who has gone through so much.
Abhimanyu had surgery is lined up which were urgent and couldn't be postponed.
So he went for his night duty leaving Cabir and Navya who volunteered to stay. But he agreed for Cabir to stay with her and strictly ordered Navya to rest at her home.
Manik also returned home saying he had some urgent work.
Nandini's hands were cast so, Cabir was feeding her with his hands.
Nandini observed Cabir's red and swollen nose.
She also observed he was quiet and was not looking into her eyes.
"What happened to you Bhai, are you angry with me, why aren't you looking at me?"Nandini asked keeping her casted hand on his hand, which was holding another motion morsel.
"Because of me, my baby doll is in this condition. Nandu, for once ask me why didn't I supported you."Cabir asked and tears fell from his eyes.
"Bhai, I know you for 4 years. How you used to pamper me, how tensed you were when I was suffering from typhoid. It wasn't your fault at all. But.." Nandini said and stopped speaking.
"But what Nandu?" Cabir questioned in her.
"But, I think if Manik sir wanted this fiasco could be stopped. Bhai, I want you to punish Harshad so badly. I want you to help me get out of Malhotra company as soon as possible. I have signed 2 years contract, because of which they won't let me go or they can sue me. That's all I want from you Bhai" Nandini said.
Cabir sighed because this situation affected her badly. The girl who always faced every hardship was now running away from the situation.
"About punishing your culprit, sending him behind the bar is on my priority list after you," Cabir said.
Cabir explained to Nandini how Navya was kidnapped in Pune by Harshad's goons.
"Bhai how is Navya? Is she safe now?" Nandini asked.
Cabir looked at her face, after getting so much brutal treatment past night, rather than being terrified, depressed she is asking about Navya. "She is completely safe at her house," Cabir said.
Cabir's phone rang showing Buddy i.e. Manik on screen.
"Sorry I need to take this" Cabir said and went towards her VIP room's balcony, keeping her food tray on the table beside him.
Nandini felt thirsty so, she tried to fetch the glass of water from the bedrest beside her.
She felt a sudden pain in her cage because of bending rightwards, due to which she lost her balance, she took the support of a fractured hand.
She couldn't balance herself on her injured hand and was about to fall but, strong arms held her saving her from falling.
"Thank you so..." Her words died in her mouth when she looked at the hands of her savior.
It was the same watch she gifted to her childhood best friend from her first stipend.
"Arya" she whispered.
"You idiot, Ek kaam Koni hove o button dabavan ko jhallar," Aryaman said scolding Nandini.
He was blabbering to himself while arranging
cushion wall around her for security.
Nandini was just looking at her childhood friend.
Everyone has that one person in front of whom you can be yourself, express your every emotion without fear o being judged.
Nandini too couldn't control herself anymore, her patience level's dam was broken now. She wanted to let go of her every pain.
After few seconds her eyes became glossy and started realizing the pain of her heart, the pain of every misery she had gone through.
When Aryaman entered her ward, his heart ached to see his Baby doll with so many injuries and a pale face.
Cabir informed Aryaman about this incident just after she was admitted to the hospital. He was aware that only Arya can bring Nandini out of her shell which she has created to hide her pain and sorrow from everyone.
Aryaman took the first flight to Mumbai.
After arranging her cushions his eyes went on his Baby doll's pale face and glossy eyes shedding tears continuously.
Hey, nandu are you feeling any pain"Aryaman asked.
She nodded her head in disapproval.
"Arya can you give me a hug," Nandini asked bending forward and hissed in pain in her broken rib cage due to bending.
Ahh!", she hissed in pain.
I will come to Nandin don't move s much Aryaman said and seated himself on her bed. He took her in a side hug not applying pressure on her injuries.
"Arya everything is shattered. my dreams, carrier, Dad's company, my image. I am left with nothing." Nandini said while crying.
Cabir was listening along with Manik, who phoned Cabir to inform that Harshad is behind the bars and Malhotra's have disinvested from each joint venture with Arora's.
"I don't know, how will I go out of this room, how will l face the world. Paps will defame me, Raj sir is disappointed with me. Mukti slapped me. I don't know Arya I dont know." Nandini said and again started sobbing.
"I promise you Nandu, I will make everything alright. You are born a fighter and have done well so far." Aryaman said holding her hand in assurance.
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