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⚠︎︎⚠︎︎⚠︎︎D̶a̶t̶e̶:̶ 0̶8/̶?̶?̶/̶4̶4̶T̶i̶m̶e̶:̶ 2pmL̶o̶c̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶:̶ Arizona Z̶o̶n̶e̶:̶ 🇺 🇳 🇰 🇳 🇴 🇼 🇳

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D̶a̶t̶e̶:̶ 0̶8/̶?̶?̶/̶4̶4̶
T̶i̶m̶e̶:̶ 2pm
L̶o̶c̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶:̶ Arizona
Z̶o̶n̶e̶:̶ 🇺 🇳 🇰 🇳 🇴 🇼 🇳


"It's so hot, I think I'm going to pass out." Juliet said with a sigh looking up at the sun, putting her hand up to shield her face from the burning star. Daisy and Sumo walked up in front, occasionally playfully biting or scratching each other. Tom smiled to himself liking that Sumo had new company. He was making a friend. Tom, on the other hand, not so much. Him and Juliet didn't really talk much. He was pretty sure that he scared her, she scared him too. Of course the two felt that way for totally different reasons.

"Relax it's fine, we can do this. Maybe it'll cool down when we get to New Mexico." Tom reassured her, glancing at her from the other side of the road. Putting her hand down to her side, she just kept looking straight ahead, some cars looked to be blocking the road straight ahead. Her eyes squinted a bit trying to make out what exactly was over there. "If you pass out I'm not carrying your ass." Reminded the boy.

Shaking her head, she gestured over ahead. "Look, road block." was all she said. Now that she mentioned it, Tom could clearly see it. They could just go right on threw, maybe walk on the cars to get over it, there was no need going around. Letting out a sigh, he slipped out his pocket knife. "Okay, lets see what we can find." He told her hoping to find maybe more water or at least food, but water was more important.

While the two got closer, she took out her knife as well. "We should find a car, it'll be easier to get to Texas that way..." Juliet suggested opening a car door to take a peek inside. "Yeah, obviously. It'll be a miracle to find a working car." He told her opening another car door, only to find absolutely nothing. "It wouldn't be impossible, but it'll be easier to just fix one up." Tom added. "Well why don't we just fix one up then?"

Coming out from inside the car, he gave her a small 'are you serious' look "we can't, I need to be in Texas as soon a possible. I can't stop and take breaks for long, so that means we can't." Tom told her slightly leaning on the car. "You never told me who you're looking for." Juliet said looking over at him as well, she was very curious as to who the very long journey was for. Closing the car door, he went onto another car.

"Doesn't matter." Tom said searching a different car, all he found was a revenant strapped down into the front seat by the seat belt. Without a second thought, he stuck the knife into it's skull. "It does matter, they must be really important since you're coming all this way." She stated walking in between rows and rows of cars, making sure to kill any revenant she came across. It wasn't a lot, maybe three or four.

Spending two weeks on this journey with him, she waned to know more. He was always so quiet, too quiet for her liking. She was pretty sure he didn't really like her as someone to tag along with him. "I-I just want to know, since I'm coming with you and all. We're kinda like a little team-" She said but was cut off by him. "Juliet." Was all he said in a annoyed tone. With that she remained quiet, it really wasn't something that he wanted to talk about.

Sometimes he felt bad when, it wasn't that she annoyed him. Granted, he got annoyed and angered very easily but so far, she never angered him. She was just a bit different, people form his zone were different, then he began to wonder which zone she was from. If he could guess, he would say green. He was used to being along, no one talking, no one asking questions. Before in Zone Blue he was used to different personalities than hers. Juliet was just not what he was used to, and he didn't really know what to do with that information.

"I found some batteries..." Tom said closing a glove compartment to another car that he was searching. They were in need of some. "I wouldn't wanna sleep by a fire tonight, it's way too hot." She told him, she was beginning to feel like they would find nothing in all these cars. They couldn't search every single one of them. "Maybe it'll cool down in the night, but I guess. No fire tonight." he told her, still putting the batteries in the pocket of his jeans.

Going to the back seat, the boy cringed seeing the rotting remains of a very small child, the car seat dirty and filled with blood, next to it was another kid. They weren't completely dead, unfortunately they had turned why strapped down into the seat. "Did you find anything else?" She questioned from a far slightly making him flinch from just starring at the remains and the growling revenant.

Out here, there was a bunch of nasty things people saw, he was used to it. Sometimes others were worse than some. He hated seeing kids or babies, it just reminded him of Sam. "McKay." She called out again starting to walk over to him. "No, I didn't find anything." He answered after a while. Already besides him, she saw what he had been looking at. She was a bit confused as to why she didn't kill the damned thing.

"Should we keep on going?" She questioned him getting a bit tired of searching the cars. Nodding his head, he let out a breath "Yeah." he told her while watching her reach over and stick the knife in the forehead of the rotting body. She didn't seem to be phased by it at all. "Okay then, lets go." Juliet said taking the knife out with a struggle whipping the blood off with the seat of the car. Juliet kinda found it a bit weird that Tom froze, Tom never froze, at least not with her.

"McKay, are you alright?" She asked as she came out of the car. Nodding his head a few times he spoke "Yeah, of course. Lets just go." Tom said going back to walking down the bunched up cars, Juliet following right behind him, just a few feet away. He didn't really understand why she called him McKay instead of his first name, he didn't mind but he just found it odd, he was beginning to get used to it.

The dogs were now behind them, walking side by side. Sooner or later the four got past all the cars, some of them were filled with revenants that were just knocking on the windows trying to get to them. "I think Sumo has a crush on Daisy." The She said looking up at Tom who just looked straight ahead. Letting out a small chuckle, he shook his head and looked back at the two animals.

"Yeah but I don't think she really likes him all that much." Tom told her. Sure the two played with each other but there was only so much Daisy could take before Sumo began to annoy her, and right now, she looked pretty annoyed. Sumo didn't really get the signal to leave her alone. "Maybe, it's still cute though." She said with a small shrug of her shoulders.

She didn't really see him smile or hear him chuckle all that much, she liked it when he did. It was mush better than having him with a straight face all the time. "Yeah..." he agreed looking down at his shoes with a small smile on his face. Clearing his throat, he forced his smile down. "We need water, and some food. I think we should spend a day or two trying to find some. There's no use going all the way to Texas when we're going to die of dehydration on the way."

"Okay." Juliet said with a nod. Taking out a bottle of water from her backpack, she look off the cap and handed it to him. With a bit of hesitation, he took it, he felt a bit bad whenever she let him have a sip of her own water. He had ten out a couple of days ago. Tom only took a small sip, giving it back to her, she took a very small sip as well. It was good to ration, especially with water.

"Wait, I wanna give some to Sumo and Daisy real quick." She informed kneeling down and pouring the water into the cap letting Daisy drink, then Sumo right after. Tom just watched, waiting for her to finish up so they could continue. Before she got up, she closed the bottle, and gave placed a kiss on each of their snouts. "He's growing on you isn't he?" Tom asked referring to Sumo.

Getting back up she save a few nods "Yeah." She answered with a small laugh. Looking down at her for a small moment, Tom cracked a small smile. It was nice to see how she interacted with Sumo, he didn't know the word to describe it, but he just liked it. Then that small moment however turned into a longer one.

The girl let out the a gasp and nudged him on the shoulders startling him after she ruined the calm gaze he had on her. "Look." Juliet said, pointing down the road at something far away that he could barley see. Even he was surprised that she could see it. Just what they were looking for, a food market. Hopefully they could find some stuff that would keep them on their feet for a while. "Good eye."

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