7 ☠️

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Everyone scooted in closer to get a good look at it. "It looks like it's from this building, look!" Jeongin said, looking around him. I looked at it, frowning a little. "But... I thought there was no path over here?" I questioned, pointing at one of the so said hallways, looking at Changbin for confirmation. He simply chuckled, ruffling my hair. "With your sense of direction there are hallways everywhere that shouldn't be there, I'm sure you're just tired."

I had a slight pout. I was pretty sure that the hallway really wasn't there, but I guess Changbin was right, I was pretty tired and my sense of direction was indeed not the greatest. I shrugged it off, not thinking too much of it. "Anyways, Y/N and Changbin, you found food right? We should probably gather as much as we can and take it to the kitchen, store it there. It'll be easier than constantly walking around," Minho stated. You could see Chan, Felix and Seungmin's faces light up slightly at those words, not having heard about our findings before.

"What are we waiting for, I'm starving!" Felix exclaimed excited, almost even jumping up and down. Everyone made their way to our side, Changbin putting his hand on my back to pull me along up front. "Follow us!" It was almost cute seeing how happy everyone looked, making me wonder how it would look to others, knowing that we were being monitored. Would we look too optimistic? Were we even supposed to be this happy over something so small? Who knew what could possibly happen? After all, this was only the beginning.

"Changbin, what the heck did you do to this poor door?" Hyunjin asked, dramatically acting sad for it. As soon as more of the guys saw the door, their reactions were either shocked or laughing harder than they probably should have. "Bin, are you okay?" Chan laughed, patting Changbin's shoulder. Changbin awkwardly laughed with them. "I may have gone a bit overboard," he said, growing rather shy.

"A bit?" I joined in, also trying to hold my laughter. "Oh come on Y/N, not you too," Changbin whined, making me earn two thumbs up from Jeongin. Chan cleared his throat, both for his poor throat after laughing so hard as well as to gain the attention of everyone. "Come on, we should probably start check inside and carry everything!"

Everyone soon got distributed their shares of what to carry, leaving me with two heavy sacks of flower. "You sure you're gonna be okay carrying these?" Changbin asked. I chuckled, flexing my... rather non existent muscles. "Have you seen these guns? Bold of you to assume I couldn't carry this." Though physical strenght wasn't my best trait, that didn't mean I couldn't carry these just because they were heavy. What was I, some lame romance story main character who couldn't do a thing and just got saved by guys? Didn't think so.

I lifted them up, feeling rather proud that I was able to carry them. I didn't practice for nothing after all. Though it wasn't much, I used to help one of the old ladies in town, the owner of a small bakery. She'd often carry, or rather try to carry her supplies as she didn't have any other staff around the time I'd get out of school, on my way out. It somehow became a habit to help her carry those heavy bags, helping her out. She was the reason I at least got to eat enough every single day to be able to keep it all up with the little amount I got fed at home.

"Ooh Y/N, go off girl," Felix encouraged jokingly, making me chuckle. Compared to these guys there was little heavy work I was able to contribute to, but there was no way I'd slow them down. I earned my spot here after all. After some bones cracking and a lot of whining, we got just about everything moved to the kitchen, giving everyone a smile on their faces. To our surprise there were even some ingredients left in the fridge, which gave us a huge advantage.

Minho and Jisung made sure none of the products were actually poisoned. Not on themselves of course, but on another rat after finding their nest where the first one came from as well. It felt bad, but that was life wasn't it? The weaker ones were the prey, unable to do even a single thing in the hands of the stronger. That's why the only thing you could do in this world was to get stronger and hunt, or you'd be hunted.

Felix was chosen to make dinner, while the rest would gather all that could be useful, set up the beds and come up with a plan. "Y/N, aren't you coming?" Jeongin asked, looking back as almost everyone had left the kitchen already. "I... I thought I could stay behind and help Felix here, it'd be a lot to take care of alone right? Besides, we shouldn't be on our own in this place I think." Jeongin simply nodded, innocently smiling. "Sounds like a good idea, I'll tell the other's you're helping!"

"Innie, hurry up," Hyunjin whined, pulling Jeongin along by his arm. Jeongin quickly waved before he was out of visual range. "I swear that boy is almost too innocent and pure for this sick game," I muttered under my breath. "I know right? I'm still seriously surprised he agreed to join," Felix agreed, suddenly standing next to me. I quickly put a few steps back, startled of how close he suddenly was.

Felix seemed to completely ignore how awkward I was acting, taking a good look at the ingredients we had. "Do you think pasta will do?" he asked, making me smile. "Do you think we can make aglio olio?" I asked with a rather bright smile. "I think we can, it shouldn't be too much trouble with what we have," Felix noted, smiling back. He really had the power to make just about anyone feel familiar with him without doing anything, something I seemed to lack. Though it made me feel somewhat insecure and smaller, he just seemed like the genuine type that would make those worries go away. Really, most of them just seemed to good for this hellhole to be in to begin with.

"Felix, I've been wondering for a while now... what made you all decide to join this game?"

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