Friend or Foe

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You opened the door to the back seat and saw a young boy that seemed to be no older than you were. You decided to introduce yourself to make this exchange less awkward ", hi! My na-"

You were quickly cut off by the spiky haired boy ", don't take my moms invitation for you to drive with us as an invitation to be my friend extra!" He grumbled.

You just rolled your eyes and continued talking ", What course are you in?" You asked and to your surprise the spiky haired boy replied

"The hero one! Obviously!" He said with a sense of pride.

"Oh that's cool! I'm in-" he cut you off again?!

"Of course it's cool extra! But flattery will get you no where."

His interruptions were starting to piss you off at this point. "I'm not TRYING to flatter you?!," You said raising your voice a bit. "but then again there isn't much to flatter," you said under your breath.

"WHAT DID YOU S-," the spiky haired boy was cut off for once by his mom honking her horn and yelling profanities at the car in front of her.

You tried to stifle your laughter as the boy seated next to you became red with anger. It looked as if he was about to explode but thankfully you had arrived at UA. "Thank you for the ride miss... uhh?"

"Call me Mitsuki, and if you ever need a drive I gotchu!" The wom- uh Mitsuki replied to you.

"Oh, well I may have to take you up on that offer! Cya mister hero!" You said while waving to the spiky haired boy as you parted ways heading into the school.

The angry boy gave you a soft yet surprised look on his face. The boy quickly turned around grumbling words to himself while walking away.

You made your way to class trying to avoid any unwanted social interactions by putting your earbuds in and making them visible. You thought to yourself anyone with maybe a  single bit of human decency would acknowledge that you had earbuds in and keep walking.

That thought was quickly proven wrong when a tall girl with black hair and blue highlights tapped your shoulder. You annoyingly took out your earbuds and said "um... can I uh help you?"

"Yeah! I'm kinda new here and lost at the moment?" The girl replied as she scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

"Umm. So what class are you in?" You asked

"1-J" she said with a random burst of confidence.

"Oh, uh okay I guess we are in the same class huh. Just follow me," you said with a hint of annoyance.

The taller girl practically clung to you. Being the first person who made a single effort to help her, you kind of expected this outcome. "My name is Kana! And you are?"

"Oh uh, Y/N?" You answered Kana's inquiry. "If I may ask, what is your quirk?" You continued "I uh- don't have one?" Kana said while diverting he eye contact with you.

"NO?! I uh mean? No it's just, I don't have a quirk either!" You said finally opening up to the conversation. You never really opened up to people but you felt as if you could bond on this similarly with Kana.


Class went by as it usually does. The bell rang starting your lunch. You took a seat at the lunch table closest to the trash can with the intent that no one would sit next to you. But Kana really loves to prove you wrong! She took a seat right across from you almost slamming her lunch pail down as if she was saying "NOTICE ME" without even talking!?

"Who's that? And why is he looking at you so angrily?" Kana said while pointing at the spiky haired boy who did not quite catch the name of earlier.

"Oh?" You said as your resting face formed into a mischievous smirk. You looked up from the lunch table and stared straight at the angry boy making direct eye contact, you then stood up from your table and slowly walked over to him not breaking eye contact. You stood at on side of the lunch table with the boy on the other giving you a death glare. You then gave him the biggest smile ever, bent over the table and kissed him on the cheek! You then turned around and skipped back to where Kana was seated.

You sat in your seat laughing hysterically as the cafeteria when silent you heard yelling from across the room. Kana looked at you so confused. But after your laughter continued she joined in. After 1 minute of you laughing and the spiky haired boy yelling in confusion everyone had joined in on laughing. But suddenly the cafeteria became silent, while you were still laughing with Kana. Kana then looked up and her laughing stopped to. She tapped your shoulder to get you attention. You looked up at her trying to catch your breath.

"Turn around dumb ass!" You heard from behind you. The cafeteria was so quiet at that moment you could hear a pin drop. You slowly turned around still trying not to burst out into laughter.

"What the hell was that for!" He yelled gripping onto the collar of your uniform.

"I just thought it was my turn to finally interrupt you," you said while looking him dead in the eyes. You stood there in silence for a while with him still gripping onto your uniform.

At that point everyone had returned to what they were doing before all the chaos. ",what? Do you want another kiss?" You said as Kana snickered behind you.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" He said as he let go of you and stormed off back to his seat.

You turned back to Kana and sat down "He definitely likes me," you said in a sarcastic tone. You and Kana spent the rest of lunch time snickering and giggling about what the chaos you had started.

The rest of the school day went on as normal, you liked repetition it was a simple way to stay on task and be productive. You felt like repetition was what stoped you from floating into the atmosphere and dying, repetition was your gravity.


You walked home from school as always but this time you noticed that the spiky blonde also walked home as well. You never really noticed him before, which is hard to believe he had such a... Big personality? You guessed it must have been because you never really took out your earbuds. You felt safer in your own little world.

You unconsciously fastened your pace until you were standing next to the blonde. "Hey!" You said trying to startle him, but to your dismay he was unfazed.


"first of all, stop yelling it is probably really bad for your voice. Secondly, I live nearby?" You said as you dramatically rolled your eyes.

"If you pull a stunt like that again I'll kill you!" He grumbled while referring to the scene you created in the cafeteria.

"That wouldn't be very heroic of you Mister hero!" You teased. You saw the anger in the boys face fade into sadness "I bet you'll make a great hero one day though!" You said trying to change his mood.

"You really think so?" He looked at you with the most honest look in his face.

"Why ask?" You said. It was odd for such a conceded person to have such low self esteem.  

You were quickly drawn out of your thought when you ran into a mail box. "Sorry!" You said but your face soon turned red when you realized you had just apologized to an inanimate object. The blonde boy almost doubled over in laughter.

"Well this is my place! Cya dumb ass!" He yelled at you while walking in his front door.

A/N I hoped you liked this chapter! Thank you for all the support <3

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