Lying In Pain

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Not knowing much of what had just happened, you ran into the forest below as fast as you could without looking back. You knew that all you had to do was keep one ticket and wait the time out so you left sets of tickets throughout the forest so you would have to fight less people. After a while of running you stopped and decided to climb a tree so you could rest for a bit.

You sat and counted the number of tickets you still had. You still had 4 tickets on hand, you felt your stomach grumble a bit as you climbed down from the tree and continued running through the forest. After a couple seconds you heard a loud explosion, you knew who it was.

You stood behind a tree as you tried to make out what was going on. You noticed a huge creature that Bakugo, Shoto, Iida, and Izuku were fighting. You watched with wide eyes as they seemed to have ZERO teamwork yet they still managed to immobilize the monster thing.

You knew you didn't want to have to fight against them so you tried to run in the other direction but were immediately stopped by a wall of ice. You turned around slowly as you gripped onto the tickets you had left.

"Hey, dumb ass! Why don't you be a good little girl and hand over the tickets," Bakugo said with a mocking laugh.

"Bitch please! The only way you're getting these tickets is if you rip them off my dead body," you said as you readied yourself for a fight. You wanted to seem confident but on the inside you were terrified.

"I think we can arrange that," Bakugo said as little explosions formed in his palms.

"Y/N, I don't want to hurt you. I will make sure to make this quick and painless," Shoto said as he got into a fighting stance.

You looked around your surroundings, analyzing every possible way to get out of this mess. Use their emotions as a weakness. The voice said in your head resulting in a great idea.

Shoto shot some ice at you that you could dodge with ease but you made sure that your movements were a bit wobbly. After the ice you winced as you put a hand to your head faking pain.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Izuku said as he let his guard down. Your plan was working.

"I-I'm fine," you said in a distressed voice.

"Maybe we should alert a teacher? You could have head trauma from when your head collided with Bakugo," Iida said as he turned towards Izuku. You knew that Bakugo and Todoroki would be more challenging to fool but you had a plan.

Shoto continued to shoot ice at you but you easily dodged it, you could tell he was unsure about using his fire on you because of what happened the last time he did and he was also being cautious to not hurt you. Shoto stopped shooting ice and Bakugo went in with an explosion. The explosion made you stumble into a tree so you used that to your advantage and acted as if it had hit your head and knocked you unconscious.

"Y/N!!!" Bakugo and Todoroki yelled as they ran to your side.

"W-where am I?" you said as you slowly opened your eyes.

"Who are you people?! What the hell is going on?!" you yelled as you tried back away from the four guys gathered around you.

"Y/N? It's me?" Bakugo said as his breath hitched.

"I don't know you?" You said as you tilted your head slightly. At the moment you were thankful you were so good at acting.

"Iida get an adult," Izuku said as he walked towards you.

"Do you remember your name?" the green haired boy continued.

"I mean he said it was Y/N sooooo..." your voice trailed off as you pointed at Bakugo. He looked heart broken which made you feel bad but it was for food.

"Y/N... Please, remember me!" Bakugo shouted at you and tears streamed down his face. You acted startled and scared as he yelled at you.

"Bakugo stop," Shoto said as he pulled him away from you.

"NO! I CAN"T LOSE YOU AGAIN!" Bakugo continued yelling as Izuku then ran over to him as well.

You felt really bad, but you took out your phone and looked at the time. It was 12:25 only 5 more minutes until it's all over.

"Hey, uh.. I'm sorry," you said as you stood up.

"For what? This isn't your fault," Shoto said as he looked at you.

"No, I'm sorry my acting skills are so good," you said as you ran off leaving everyone in shock. You heard multiple explosions go off and you knew that you would get an ear full about this later.

Mission complete! As long as you listen to me you can do ANYTHING! The voice went on as you neared the end of the forest. You looked back at the tickets in your hand and noticed that you only had two left. You were safe as long as you still had one so you were not very panicked. You looked at your phone again as you kept running and saw that it would be over in 2 minutes now. But as you went to put your phone away you tripped over a rock and felt a sharp pain in your leg.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" you heard Bakugo yell as his explosions grew closer and closer until him and Todoroki were right in front of you.

"Hi?" you said as you nervously laughed and slowly rose to your feet. As you stood up you felt even more pain in your foot as you tried to put your weight on it.

"I think I twisted my ankle?" you said as you hobbled over to a and leaned on it.

"I'M NOT FALLING FOR THIS AGAIN!" Bakugo said as he blasted you with multiple explosions as Todoroki shot ice at you. You tried to dodge the attack to the best of your ability but you ended up getting hit by everything causing you to fall to the ground.

"STAND UP AND FIGHT ME!" Bakugo shouted as he and Todoroki ran towards you. You knew that you would be unable to dodge anything so you just braced for impact.

"Bakugo... Y/N, isn't moving? Maybe they really are hurt," Shoto said as he stopped in his tracks.

"Well I bet this will make them move," Bakugo said as he landed right next to you and directed a blast at your foot that you said was hurt. As the explosion made contact with your foot you yelped in pain and Bakugo stood back as his eyes widened. He tried to say something but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Bakugo! What's wrong with you?!" Shoto said as he ran towards you.

"N-No, it's my fault," You said as your voice tightened from the pain. Shoto then picked you up and carried you out of the forested area bridal style, as Bakugo followed behind slowly.

Once you got out of the forest you were greeted with quite a few stares. "Here this should limit swelling," Shoto said as he placed you down and created some ice and applied it to your ankle. When the ice first made contact with your ankle you winced a bit at the sudden change in temperature but you got used to it.

"Thank you for the help," You said as Shoto began to wrap your foot in a tensor bandage.

"Oh, uh.. Yeah," He said as he looked up at you and his face became slightly red.

"You okay kid?" Aizawa said as he walked over to you.

"Just a little beat up but for the most part I'm fine," you said with a little laugh.

"Did you finish with a ticket?" Aizawa asked.

"Nah, but I should be fine," You lied a bit. Aizawa nodded his head and walked away.

"Don't you still have two tickets left?" Shoto asked as he placed your foot down and stood up.

"Nope! You and Bakugo each have one though," You said with a cheerful smile as you handed him a ticket.

"No, I couldn't," Shoto said as he shook his head a bit.

"It's a gift, you can't deny a gift!" you said with a light laugh.

A/N well Y/N do be manipulative... But we love that 😌💅💖

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