I Need You

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It felt like days had passed, it was only you and your thoughts yet they were nearly inaudible. The darkness around you seemed to never end. You tried to escape it but you couldn't find anywhere to run to.

The silence was driving you insane, you thought about closing your eyes and never opening them again but you didn't have the courage to. There was still a possibility that something could be lurking in the darkness just waiting for you to blink for to long to pounce.


Bakugo visited you every day feeling the guilt rise within him. It was painful every time he saw you laying stuck in the coma.

He blamed himself for everything, he wished that there was something he could do to help you but the doctors said that all he could do is wait.

It had been a week since you fell into a coma. At this point the doctors were unsure if you would ever wake up they thought you were a lost cause.


You lost track of time, everything felt the same to you. Your constant fear turned into numbness. Are you ready to listen? The voice had come back to you, you were on the brink of insanity from the silence the voice pulled you back into reality.

"Yes, please don't leave! I need help, never go! Stay with me!" You cried out. You were so happy from having interaction with someone other than yourself. Even if the voice seemed evil it was keeping you sane.

You need me! Without me you are nothing! Without me you can't live! I am your life line! I am your god!!! The voice went on. You held onto everything it said not knowing when you would hear anyone's voice ever again. You believe the voice you gave into its manipulation, you knew it was suspicious but you were desperate.

"May I ask you a question," you didn't want to ask the question immediately with fear that it would be too forward and the voice would leave you.

Go on, what would you like to ask? The voice said in a welcoming tone.

"Are you truly my mother?" You felt like the question was odd to ask but the voice had said it was and you were very confused.

Now, why would I say that? Y/N your delusional! The voice laughed at your question making you feel like an idiot. Maybe the voice didn't actually say that? Maybe you were hoping that the voice was your mom.

"Oh, I- I'm sorry!" You said to the voice trying to make the situation less awkward so they would stay.

Oh, it's okay! I forgive you, it's not your fault that you're delusional. The voice sounded reassuring and kind. You wished the voice was someone in real life so you could repay them for saving you from insanity.

Y/N, if I help you out of here will you leave me? The voice sounded scared and worried. You didn't want to hurt it's feelings, well if it had feelings.

"NO! I will never leave you! I need you!" The words you said rolled off your tongue as if you had no control of what they were. But you didn't change what you had said because it just felt right.

"I promise I will never leave you!" You reassured the voice hoping they would trust you. You didn't know why but you wanted the voice to think of you as a friend, maybe it was because they saved you sanity, or maybe it was just because you thought they were nice to you? It didn't really matter, all you knew was that you need that voice and you could trust it.

Suddenly out of nowhere you felt a jolt in your body that gave you chills. Close your eyes, and count to ten. The voice told you. You were unsure if you should though, it was an odd request. DO YOU DOUBT ME? DID YOU LIE TO ME WHEN YOU SAID YOU NEEDED ME?! HOW COULD YOU! The voice rang in your ears causing excruciating pain.

"N-No! I'm sorry, I trust you!" You felt bad about what you had done, so you didn't question the voice. You shut your eyes and started counting aloud.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," once you got to the last number you slowly opened your eyes to the bland hospital room you were in before. Immediately you turned over in your bed to look at the windowsill. You smiled when you saw that the flower Bakugo had brought you were still bright and happy.

You then did what anyone your age would do and checked your phone. You had so many notifications it overwhelmed you. You then looked at the calendar app to see what day it was.

You were surprised when you saw that you had been asleep for a week?! A doctor then walked in and freaked out and called a few more doctors into your room. Suddenly they were all poking and prodding at you doing tests and what not. It really annoyed you. You wanted to shout and say do you mind? I legit just woke up! Chill! But you didn't because you knew it would just make what they were doing take longer.

After what seemed like an eternity of testing they walked out of the room and let someone in. "Y/N?" You heard the familiar voice say.

"Hi, dad..." your voice had almost zero expression in it, but it was still sincere.

"Y/N I thought I had lost you!" Your dad broke down in tears and was sobbing. You didn't really know how to respond since he was reacting over the possibility of losing you. You were fine though, so it shouldn't matter now right?

"Y/N, from now on I am making sure that you have someone who can protect you by your side 24/7," your father pulled himself together and said in a stern tone.

"Really?! You want to get me a babysitter?! Ugh, but I'm a teenager!" You said in annoyance, it really annoyed you how weak he thought you were.

Don't listen to him, this is just a roadblock that's all. The voice spoke to you calming you down. You could handle yourself as long as you had the voice to guide you.

"It's for your own good, no further discussion! The doctors said you should be able to go home tomorrow if everything checks out," you father went on making sure it was impossible for you to interject at any point.

"Okay, well that's good," you were happy you could finally leave this glum place.

"I will be here tomorrow to pick you up, but until then I have to work," you rolled your eyes at your father as he left. He always had to work, one day it was saving people, another it was training Midoriya l, and then it was dealing with the press, oh and don't forget teaching. He never had time to even come see you when you were in a coma?!

After your father had left a few minutes late you heard a familiar voice yell from down the hall, it made you laugh a bit as you heard it echo.

"WHAT THE HELL DUMB ASS?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD WOKEN UP?!" The all too familiar blonde yelled as he stormed into your hospital room with Mitsuki following behind him.

"Y/N! I'm so happy to see you doing well," Mitsuki said as she hit her son's head shutting him up for once.

"Aw, thanks! I'm glad you came to see me," you said in a polite manner. "Also, thank you for the flowers. They really lighten up the room!" You continued.

"Oh, no need to thank me! It was Bakugos idea, I just picked out the flowers," Mitsuki said with a smile. You turned to Bakugo but he quickly diverted eye contact and grumbled a bit causing you to laugh.

"Well I'm glad you stopped by, but I should really get started on my homework," you said while gesturing to the pile of homework that had built up on the table next to your hospital bed over the past week.

Mitsuki suddenly had a mischievous grin spread across her face "You know, Bakugo is pretty smart. Not to boost his already inflated ego or anything but he could help you catch up in no time!" She said as she aggressively patted his back. You could almost see steam coming out of Bakugos ears; he was so angry.

"I could use the help, but I don't want to be a burden," you were a week behind and your mind was still very scattered from the nightmares and the silence so you almost needed the help.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but..... Shut up dumb ass and let me help you!" Bakugo grumbled as he took a seat next to your hospital bed and started looking through your schoolwork.

A/N I know this chapter is kinda boring but hang on okie, it gets better!!!

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