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Your attention was immediately grabbed when you heard an explosion. "I listened quietly to your endless talking, idiots can't get to the point so they're always talking," Bakugo said as he punched Shigaraki. "Basically you're saying 'We wanna harass people so join us' right? Don't bother! I wanna win like All Might no matter what anybody says that wont change!" Bakugo continued.

"Kurogiri, warp Y/N and Dabi to the trading destination," Shigaraki said as he picked up the hand that had fallen off his face and placed it back. Everything went dark for you and you appeared in a room still in the chair you were tied to next to Dabi. Across from you was a man who was wearing a mask that looked like a bird beak next to a woman who wore one as well.

"Well here they are, now it's your turn to hold up your end of the bargain," Dabi said as he untied your legs and shoved you over to the weird people.

"Have patience, I'll start working on it," The man wearing a mask said.

"Good," Dabi said as he walked out of the room leaving you behind.

"Hello Y/N, how has life been treating you?" The woman asked kindly as she ripped the tape off your mouth leaving a stinging feeling behind.

"Who the hell are you people?!" You shouted.

"Oh me?" The woman said.

I am known as Santoku Maindo in the criminal underworld. The voice in your head spoke as if it was an extension of the woman who was in front of you.

"But my actual name is Nozomi Chisaki at the moment, it used to be Nozomi Yagi but that was when you were about 3 years old," Nozomi said as she smirked.

"W-what, Mom?" You said your eyes widened.

"Missed me," Nozomi said with a laugh.

"You have been in my mind this whole time?!" You said still trying to process what had just happened.

"You seem to have the smarts of your father. Yes it was me, keep up," She said as she rolled her eyes. "My quirk is Suggestion, I can go into people's minds and suggest anything, the longer I am in the mind the more control I have. Also the closer my mind waves are to you the more control I have. You know that stuffed animal Toga brought you? It was sending out my brain waves," Nozomi continued as she untied the ropes on your hands.

Stand up and follow me, don't talk and follow my orders. She said in your head as you followed her orders. Your mind started to become cloudy and it felt like you had no control of what you were doing.

"Y/N, sit down," Your mother said as she led you to a room that was full of random hospital supplies with a chair in the middle that reminded you of the ones they had at the dentists. You took a seat in the chair and were strapped in, you felt panicked as you began to breath heavily. You wanted to ask what was going on but your mind was too clouded for you to be able to do anything other than go with what Nozomi said. Suddenly your mind went back to normal.

"Y/N, this is your step dad Kai Chisaki, but he goes by the name Overhaul," Nomozi said to you as the man who was in the room you were just previously in entered.

"W-what's going on," You said as you tried to look around the room you were in a bit more.

"All I'm going to do is inject you with this serum, your DNA is made perfectly for it so you should be fine," Overhaul said as he flicked the syringe to get all the air out of it.

"WHAT THE HELL GET AW-" SHUT UP! Nomozi's voice in your head rang causing you to wince in pain as it cut you off. Then you felt a sharp pinch in your arm as Overhaul injected you with the serum.

The One All Might Failed To Save (Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now