Stay Awake

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"WHAT THE HELL DUMB ASS!" You realized who it was immediately and jumped off of them.

"I- sorry? Wait... YOU WERE THE ONE WHO STARTLED ME?!" You shot back as he started to stand up. "It's not my fault I have fast reflexes," you continued, sticking your head up in a snooty manner. You genuinely just stuck your head up to avoid showing him how embarrassed you were but it came off as snooty.

"YOUR THE DUMB ASS WHO ACTUALLY PASSED THE FIRST TRAINING EXERCISE!" He said angrily while rubbing his wrist that was sore from your attack.

"This was a training exercise?! I came out here to be trained!?" You yelled back at him, at this point you were in a yelling war but seeing that Bakugo has had practice he was sure to win.

"YEAH?!" He shot back while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. You could tell he didn't want to show that he actually cared, it was kinda cute. You just laughed a bit.

"Okay, well if I'm here to train then let's go," you said with excitement, finally letting him win the yelling war.

"Okay, but be warned I won't go easy on you!" He said with his cocky smile. You playfully scoffed at his confidence.

"Well I won't go easy on you either mister hero!" You said getting into a fighting stance. He followed suit and got into his own fighting stance as well.

"Ready?" He asked

"Ready!" You replied eager to spar.

"Fight!" He said nodding his head. Two seconds later he was practically charging at you ready to knock you out. You dodged his punches but just barely. He was good, maybe even too good?

After dodging you tried to regain your footing by stepping back but before you could think Bakugo had already grabbed your arm and twisted it behind your back holding it tightly. This action sent a sharp pain through your arm making you wince.

"Don't think too much and follow your instincts," Bakugo said as his breath tickled your neck from behind. He then let go of you and went back to his original fighting stance.

"I know you can do better, go again!" He shouted at you as you readied yourself to take a defensive stance against Bakugos offensive skills.

"Fight!" He said, taking a few moments for you to nod your head. He lunged towards you grabbing your wrist. He then flung you to the ground as if you were a rag doll. Hitting the ground with such force caused you to groan in pain, Bakugo in turn scoffed at you.

You fought more spars losing every one of them, your motivation and patients were wearing thin, "UGH, I WANT TO GO TO SLEEEEEP!" you grumbled. At this point the whole forest had been flooded in darkness.

"Pathetic..." he said between gritted teeth. You stood up in annoyance. He then gester for you to come closer to commence your next spar. You immediately took off without giving him time to think you had just assumed Bakugo was only good at offensive tactics but you were soon proven wrong. You tried punching him but he was one step ahead of you and managed to trip you. Your head hit the rough ground getting dirt on your face.

"This whole forest is game right?" you asked standing up and wiping the dirt off your face.

"I guess so?" Bakugo said, getting ready for your next fight. At this point all you had to do was make eye contact and the next spar would start.

Before Bakugo could assess the situation you threw dirt in his eyes and ran into the darkness of the trees.

"Playing dirty I see," Bakugo gritted while rubbing the dirt out of his eyes. He then chuckled a bit at the pun he had just made. Once you thought you were out of Bakugos sight you climbed to the top of a tree to think of the perfect method of attack. You couldn't see or hear that boisterous guy anywhere. This was now a game of hide and seek.

About 3 minutes passed and you were about to give up when you heard the gumbles of a loud-mouthed boy you knew all too well. You climbed down the tree to get closer as quietly as possible. 15 seconds later Bakogu was standing practically under you. This was an opportunity you could not pass up!

You took your phone out of your pocket and got up Spotify then clicked on a song and slipped your phone back into your pocket using the last of its battery. (PLAY THE SONG AT THE TOP BESTIE)

"HUH, WHAT THE HELL?" Bakugo said as he heard the song start, he looked everywhere but could not find the source of the music.

As soon as the beat dropped you lept out of the tree! The look in his eyes was hilarious, he didn't know what was going on when he looked up and saw you falling out of a tree playing music with the biggest smile ever on your face.

The fun quickly ended as you landed on top of him. You felt a sharp pain in your leg but you ignored it and pinned him to the ground so you could win your first sparring match.

"VICTORY!" You shouted as Bakugo pushed you off of him and you rolled to the side laughing, while trying to ignore the overwhelming pain coming from your foot.

"WHAT THE HELL DUMB ASS YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN HURT?!" Bakugo shouted at you as he stood up. He then looked at you and cocked his head in confusion "WERE NOT DONE YET SO GET UP!" He yelled while walking off back to the place where you started sparing.

You tried to stand up but you couldn't. "Uhhh... Mister hero? I kind of can't..." you said to Bakugo trying not to anger him even more. Suddenly the adrenaline from that stunt you pulled started to fade and the pain in your leg felt almost excruciating.

"You can't what!" He grumbled while turning back to see you.

"Get up?" You said as you winced in pain.

"WHAT THE HELL DUMB ASS YOU DID GET HURT!!!" He shouted at you as he rushed towards you to see what the damage was. He took out his phone and turned on the flashlight feature and shone it on your leg. "Fuck..." he mumbled under his breath.

You looked at your leg wide eye, a whole ass branch had impaled your leg! The blood had started to puddle underneath your leg. "Ha, at least it wasn't my head?" You said as you looked at Bakugo with what you thought was a smirk on your face but it was more of a 'I'm in fucking pain' type look on your face.

"Don't touch the branch, and sit still," Bakugo instructed, he chose not to carry you to a hospital because he knew that it would only cause you to bleed out even more. His wing span would also be too small to carry you while trying to keep your leg still.

"I'm going to call for help," He reluctantly said while turning off the light on his phone. He then started to dial a number but before he could call his phone died.

"SHIT! Stupid phone!" He said as he threw his phone to the ground and rubbed his face trying to think of what to do.

"I am fine" you said weakly with a bit of a laugh. You knew you weren't okay but you didn't want to be more of a burden then you already were.

"DUMB ASS YOUR FUCKING BLEEDING OUT, HOW CAN YOU BE FINE!?" He said as he punched a tree to release some anger.

You were starting to get dizzy, and the only thing you wanted to do at that point was fall asleep. Your eyes felt heavy as you started to close them. "Y/N! Stay with me! C'mon stay awake for just a bit longer if anyone can do this you can!" Bakugo said as he knelt down at your side and grabbed your hand.

You felt his tears drip onto your hand and slowly fall off. You just chuckled. "You actually know my name," you said weakly as your voice cracked.

"Y/N, I need you to stay awake for me okay! I will be back with help," Bakugo said while letting go of your hand and standing up. You slowly nodded your head as you watched the darkness of the forest overtake his figure as he ran to get you help.

"Bye, Mister Hero," you whispered as a tear fell down the side of your face. This tear was not a tear of sadness, it was not caused by your pain either. This tear was a tear of joy. Joy that Bakugo had finally matured, and he was growing into the hero you knew he would become.

As you laid your head against the tree that you were resting your back against you felt your heartbeat slow as you slowly accepted your fate.

"Sorry, I couldn't stay awake..."

A/N welp, that was something... Is Y/N dead? Or will they survive? You won't know until next week! 😈

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