A Voice's Puppet

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"Y/N, Y/N! YOUR BESTIE IS HERE!!!" Kanas voice rang in your ears as you grumbled and turned over in the bed.

"I heard what happened, I bet you had lost a lot of blood!" Kana said as her eyes widened with excitement. She sometimes gave you psychopath vibes but you thought it was cute and it made you giggle.

"Well, I guess so. But I'm fine now! Did you bring me any homework?" You asked hoping you didn't have much to catch up on. Kana looked up at you and cocked her head slightly.

"Uh, I may have forgotten to pick it up at school... BUT THATS OKAY! You can just ask Bakugo to pick it up for you, he seems more responsible," she said with an eye roll.

"Oh, how did you know that Bakugo and I have been hanging out?" You asked Kana as her face suddenly became red and she looked panicked.

"I- uh... YOU KISSED HIM! Remember, in the cafeteria?" She responded as she calmed down a bit. You had totally forgotten about that incident but thinking about it made your heart flutter. To avoid her catching on to your feelings in the moment you just laughed and shook your head.

Kana is a great friend. You should trust her with your life. The voice in your head had resurfaced, this time it seemed to be giving you great suggestions opposed to its typical murderous ones.

"So, when do you think you will be let out of the hospital?" Kana questioned. It didn't seem very sincere as her eyes wandered around the room as if she was looking for something.

"Well the doctors told me that at this rate I should be done out in the next few days, but as for physiotherapy I will be back to normal in a month or so," you voice was filled with disappointment, since this conversation reminded you of your lost opportunity to fight in the UA sports festival.

"Oh?..... So are they giving you a blood transfusion?" Kanas' voice regained its pep and she was suddenly interested in your cause.

"Annoyingly no, I'm not a priority patient," you said as you rolled your eyes. The society you lived in was messed up when a young girl is told she is not a priority because some hero will need the blood more than she does. It really bugged you because weren't heros supposed to be the ones saving you?

"Oh, that's too bad," kanas' face fell at your response. She really cares about you, the voice echoed in your head.

"I should be going. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer, oh I almost forgot!" She said the last part placing a teddy bear next to the flowers you had received on the windowsill. The teddy bear was holding a little heart that said 'get well soon' on it.

"Aww, thanks! This is really thoughtful of you! Also thanks for stopping by," you said as you waved goodbye to Kana.

After a while the doctors came in giving you some food and doing a bit of a check up on your leg. The food was bland, all it consisted of was some kale salad that had dried fruit in it and hardly any dressing, some applesauce, and some orange juice. Your favourite part was probably the orange juice since it had the most flavour.

Once the doctors had left you felt a bit drained. You couldn't tell if the drained feeling was from your lack of blood, social interaction or both. At this point it didn't really matter because all you knew was that you needed sleep.

Slowly you shut your eyes and passed through the stages of sleep. You had a dream that felt all too familiar to you, with your father lying dead and you standing in triumph, and the voice calling out to you. But In your dream it looked as if there were strings attached to you and the voice was controlling them.

All the power and anger that came from All Mights death had quickly formed into fear, you wanted to wake up so badly but you couldn't. The voice was forcing you to relive this nightmare over and over and over again staining your mind with it as if it were a memory.


Bakugo walked into the hospital to drop off Your homework that your flaky scatterbrained friend had forgotten. He walked into your room to see you peacefully sleeping.

He took a seat and admired your beauty but he quickly stopped when he shook his head and thought to himself "What the hell am I doing?! First of all Y/N is just a dumb ass friend and secondly I need to stop acting like that Pikachu idiot,"

Bakugo was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts when he noticed that your vitals had spiked, panicked he called for one of the nurses that was nearby. She rushed into the room to try and see what was going on, as Bakugo sat nervously tapping his foot. Gradually more and more doctors and nurses had crowded into the room.

"Why isn't she waking up?!" Bakugo shouted at the professionals as they tried to fix the problem. The nurse that was the first one in the room slowly walked up to Bakugo.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave," she said in a calm voice that just enraged the blonde even more than usual.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO LEAVE?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH Y/N?!" He shouted as he stood up from his chair in a fit of rage causing it to fall to the ground. "I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEM!" Bakugo screamed as he tried to break through the doctors who had crowded around you and were trying to understand what was going on.

Suddenly the heart rate monitor flat lined and your body started seizing up. "They are having a seizure?!" One doctor said

"They are going into Ictal bradycardia," another one continued.

"LET ME SEE Y/N!" Bakugo cried out as he was being dragged out of the room by security.

"They are going to be fine," the nurse reassured.

"THERE HEART STOPPED?! Y/N IS DYING!!!" Bakugo screamed at the nurse while trying to break away from the security and see you.

"Calm down, this is normal. When someone has a seizure it is a common reaction for their heart to stop. The thing that has the doctors baffled is what caused the seizure," the nurse said to Bakugo, calming him down a bit.

The heart monitors beeping went back to normal and your body stopped seizing, yet the doctors still could not seem to wake you. They let Bakugo back in to see you.

"Y/N is in a coma, we are unsure why though since we have detected no brain damage. I am sorry we can't do much but wait now," a doctor told Bakugo as they left the room.

"T-this is all my fault," Bakugo said as he buried his face in his palms and cried. "If only I didn't push Y/N when training, this would have never happened!" Bakugo cried out as his voice cracked a bit.

He looked up at your still figure lying in the hospital bed so lifeless and he held your hand. "Y/N, I'm sorry," he whispered underneath his breath as he held onto your hand tightly and continued to weep.


Don't leave me? The voice called to you as you tried to wake from this hell you were trapped in. "WHO ARE YOU!?" You tried calling out to the voice.

Asking questions is a waste of time. The voice sounded slightly agitated yet it still laughed at the end of its sentence. "Stop playing games with me and answer my question!" You screamed as your repeating dream slowly faded into nothingness.

Don't test me! You have no power against your own mother! The threat in the voice shook you to your core embedding fear into your mind. "Y-your my mom?!" You asked the voice as your eyes widened.

"N-no, no... it can't be? You're just a figment of my imagination, right? Right?!" You took heavy fast breaths as you pulled at your hair as if you were going insane. Suddenly the voice left, and you were trapped in the nothingness of your mind shaking in fear all alone.

A/N two chapters up in one day, I know, kinda odd but I had some late night energy and motivation so I decided to do some writing. I had to do a bit of research for this chapter but not too much since as a child I had seizures. Anyways hope you liked this chapter 💖

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