Pillow Fights & Pancakes

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"Hey, Mister Hero! I'm going to set up a movie downstairs, have any suggestions?" You yelled to Bakugo through the bathroom door.

"I don't know? Just don't choose a Disney Princess movie or whatever that shits annoying!" Bakugo yelled back as he was brushing his teeth. He had been brushing his teeth for almost 5 minutes now you were kind of concerned that he has brushed his teeth off at this point.

Hearing what Bakugo said, you did the exact opposite of what he wanted and chose to turn on Beauty And The Beast, then went to pop some popcorn.

"WHAT THE HELL?! I thought I said not to choose something like this?!" you heard Bakugo yell from the other room, you just laughed a bit as you dumped the popcorn into a large bowl.

"Well it's up already so we're watching it," you said as you took a seat on the couch and pressed play on the remote. Bakugo took a seat next to you and you placed the popcorn in between the both of you.

Every once and awhile you would turn your head over to Bakugo and see him mouthing the words of the songs. It was kinda cute.

Once you finished the popcorn you placed the bowl on the ground and rested your head on Bakugo. He was a little surprised at first but within minutes he was playing with your hair.

"Bakugo," you said just loud enough for him to hear you.

"Huh?" He looked down at your head resting on his side.

"Thank you for being there for me," you said as you locked eyes with him.

"I- uh, what the hell dumb ass I'm trying to watch the movie?!" His face became red as he diverted eye contact with you and tried to glue his eyes back onto the tv.

In annoyance you sat up and threw a pillow at him. "WHAT THE HELL DUMB ASS?!" He yelled at you removing the pillow from his face.

"EXCEPT MY FUCKING THANKS!" You yelled back, picking up another pillow and smacking him in the side of the head with it.

"Your messing with the wrong hero, dumb ass!" Bakugo said with his toothy grin as he picked up the pillow you had previously thrown at him.

"Your messing with the wrong dumb ass, hero!" You said in a mocking tone as you jumped up onto the couch dodging Bakugo's pillow attack. You then quickly hit him on the back of the head with your pillow.

"Now this is the type of training I like!" You said with a laugh as you jumped off of the couch.

Bakugo picked up a few more pillows and threw them at you like frisbees. You made a few quick moves and dodged all but one which hit you right in the face causing you to stumble back a bit.

As you stumbled back a bit Bakugo took the time that you did regaining your balance making his way towards you. He was about to hit you in the face again but you used the pillow you had in your right hand to block.

You took the pillow in your left hand and used it to knock Bakugo off his feet. You laughed in victory. "It seems that you have fallen for me," you said, winking at him.

Bakugo stood up and quickly used the pillow in his hands and threw it at your feet causing you to lose balance but before you fell he caught you in his arms.

"From what I can see you're the only one doing the falling here," he said with his face inches away from yours.

"My hero," you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm. As you said that Bakugo immediately dropped you onto the floor without a second thought and started laughing in your misery.

"Well that was rude," you pouted as you rubbed the back of your head from hitting it off the floor.

"You're the one who started it," Bakugo said as he helped you up from the ground. "I just made sure I finished it," he continued as both started collecting the pillows that were scattered across your living room floor.

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