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"Y/N," you heard your father call from the doorway to your hospital room. You rolled your eyes and prepared yourself for a lecture. 

"Surprise?" You said trying to lighten the mood.

"What were you thinking?! You could've gotten yourself killed, not to mention you broke the rules and entered under a fake name!" Your father went on.

"Well if I entered under my actual name you would've stopped me," you grumbled.

"Still, that doesn't mean you should enter under a different name?! You're lucky the school didn't think to punish you. I can't believe you would be so reckless?! And without a quirk?" You father continued.

"You really think I care what you think? Please, this lecture means nothing, and it won't stop me from doing anything in the future," you said as you rolled your eyes.

"THAT'S IT! I have been patient with you, I have tried my best to deal with your teenage angst, but I have run out of grace. Y/N you're grounded, once you are done with your stay here, you won't be going out with any of your friends and I will be sure to have an adult with you at all times!"

"Well, that's not quite different from usual," you said as you laughed a bit.

"Okay then if you're going to give me sass. The hero course is going on a special trip to a training camp over the summer and instead of you enjoying your summer you will be attending as well. I will make sure that by the time you come home you understand why it is too dangerous for you to become a hero without a quirk," you father said as he left your hospital room.

That doesn't matter, it is only a little mishap in the game. It won't take long for us to get back in the lead! The voice said to you as you slowly dozed off to sleep.

"I knew you were quite obsessive sweetheart, but I didn't think you would take it to the extreme of becoming me," you immediately woke up as you heard a voice you knew all too well.

"Haha, don't give yourself too much credit. Also these burns probably won't scar unlike yours," you said as you rolled your eyes.

"So what have you come to do? Joke around, gloat in my misery?" You continued as you tried to sit up a bit in your hospital bed. 

"Not exactly... Surprisingly I come bearing gifts," he said as he placed down a container.

"What is that? No let me guess, poison? No no that's too basic. What about human remains?" You laughed while asking these questions but still he was a wanted villain, what type of gift would he even bring?

"None of that shit. It's actually an aloe vera cream mixture that I used on myself when I got burnt as a kid. It worked pretty well, but from what you can see I stopped caring to use it," he said in his typical raspy voice that gave you chills.

"Wow, this must be a first for you? Actually being kind to someone for once,"

"This all has reason sweetheart, remember I need you for later," he said as he finally disappeared from your hospital room.

After a few minutes of debating if the guy was actually being truthful about the cream you reluctantly put some of it on. Surprisingly it did soothe your burn a lot. "That bastard really was telling the truth," you said under your breath as you continued applying the cream to yourself.

Once you had finished applying the crea you heard a knock on the door to your hospital room. "Come in," you said as a surprising face entered the room.

"Oh, uh- hi Todoroki," you said awkwardly.

"I- I am so sorry," Shoto said as he took a seat in your hospital room.

"I honestly don't know what came over me, I should have kept my composure," he was visibly distressed as he spoke.

"Oh, I should be the one saying so-," you tried to say something but you were then cut off by him.

"Is it true?" Shoto questioned.

"Uh- what?" You were confused with what he meant.

"Are you actually the child of All Might," his comment caused you to mentally cringe as you had vaguely remembered what you said to Shoto in your match.

"Sadly, yes it is true," you answered.

"I am so sorry if I said anything rude or overly personal to you during the fight. I had no place or right to do that, but to be honest I don't really remember much of it" you continued.

"No, what you said was something I really needed to hear," Shoto said with a bit more emotion than his usual monotone voice.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THE HALF N HALF BASTARD DOING HERE?!"  You heard Bakugo yell as he entered your room.

"Bakugo, chill out! He just came to say sorry,"  you said, trying to calm him down.

Shoto looked at you then looked at Bakugo and said "are you two... A thing?" 

"No?" You said at the same time Bakugo said "Yes?"

You both looked at each other and then looked back at Shoto. Instead this time you said "Yes?" As Bakugo said "No?"

There was then a moment of awkward silence that was broken by you finally saying "It's complicated."

"Okay... well I'm going to head out now," Shoto said as he awkwardly walked out of the room leaving you and Bakugo.

"So it's complicated huh?" Bakugo said as he leaned back in the hospital chair he was seated in.

"Well, what are we then. Tell me if you're such a genius," you crossed your arms and stared at him. "I'm waiting..."

"I DON'T KNOW?!? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY DUMBASS?!" Bakugo yelled at you as his face grew red in anger. You just laughed at him.

"Once I'm out of here you can tell me," you said but immediately remembered that you were grounded which meant no talking or hanging out with friends. You didn't say anything about it though because your father didn't have to know and how would he find out if you didn't get caught.


You were out of the hospital in almost no time. Your father had Present Mic bring you home. The ride from the hospital to your house was loud, Mic thought it would be a fun idea to play music on full blast. You didn't really mind loud music but you really weren't in the mood that day.

Once you got out of the car you had to go straight to your room. You didn't know who was 'babysitting' you during that time since you were only allowed in your room, unless you were eating.

Time passed by slowly. You didn't know if it was like that because of the lack of wifi, but it was safe to assume.

While sleeping that night you heard some noises coming from outside and being curious you woke up to see what it was. You walked towards your window and opened it up.

"What the hell are you doing?!" You whisper yelled a Bakugo who was throwing little pebbles at your window.

"You weren't answering my calls dumb ass," he said back just loud enough for you to hear.

"I'm fucking grounded you idiot," you replied back in a snippy manner since you wanted to get back to sleep.

"Well, I want to talk to you," Bakugo seemed to pout like a little child.

"If I jump out of this window do you promise to catch me?" You said as you put your feet out the window and readied yourself to drop.

"Of course I will catch you dumb ass, is that even a question?"

"Then catch!" You said a bit louder than you wanted to as you jumped down from your window. You shut your eyes and before you knew it you were in Bakugo's arms.

"My hero," you said with a laugh as he set you down.

"Let's go for a walk, I really need to stretch my legs," you said as you grabbed Bakugo's hand and started walking.

"So what did you want to chat about," you continued, still holding onto his hand.

A/N I'm sorry, I feel like these past few chapters have been lacking but just wait a bit I promise it gets better.

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