You're Mine

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"H-hey, Y/N!" Izuku said as you opened the door. He was wearing a simple T-shirt that hugged his biceps nicely and a pair of baggy jeans. You never noticed how strong that kid was but seeing him right now, damn!

You took hold of his arm and briskly walked out of view of your home. "W-Wha-," Izuku said, trying to understand what was going on but you just kept walking. Once you were about a block away from your home you stopped.

"You can go now," you said as you let go of his arm and gestured for him to leave.

"But All Might said-," you cut him off.

"Whatever, it's not like he will know," you said as you rolled your eyes. Something about this kid just really struck a nerve in you, and it wasn't the fact that your father was more of a father to him than to you.

"But- But what if you get hurt again?!" The green haired boy actually sounded scared for you which kinda made you chuckle.

"What do you think I'm going to do? Climb another tree or some shit?!" You wanted to yell at him but you kept your composure and kept your anger to a minimum.

You rolled your eyes and continued walking. To your annoyance the green haired boy followed.

"UGH, CAN YOU ACTUALLY NOT?!" You yelled at him finally giving in to your anger.

"I KNOW MY FATHER TREATS YOU LIKE FAMILY OR WHATEVER BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I HAVE TO!" You continued. Out of nowhere you saw fear rise in Izuku's eyes but he wasn't looking at you, he was looking over your shoulder.

Suddenly you felt a familiar hand grasp onto your wrist and pull you towards him.

"DEKU!!! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" Bakugo who was now holding onto you very closely yelled. You felt heat rise in your cheeks and your heart raced.

"K-kacchan!?" Izuku said trying his best to act friendly.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HARRASING THEM!?" Bakugo shouted at him with you still in his arms. Shit, shit, shit you thought as you could feel your face become even more red.

"I-Im not, it's just that All Might wanted someone to go on a walk with her to make sure she would be safe?!" Izuku managed to spit out, he sounded almost horrified.

"WELL LEAVE NERD! I'VE GOT THEM FROM HERE!" Bakugo yelled, he was still holding onto you ever so closely. You could feel his heartbeat and it calmed you.

After a few seconds Bakugo was still holding onto you. "Uh... Bakugo?" You said as you turned your head up to meet him. Bakugo was still staring off into the distance where Izuku had walked away. His teeth were gritting and you could feel his hold on you tighten.

"Bakugo, he's gone. You can let go now?" You said to him even though you wanted to stay in the warmth of his arms forever you were starting to lose your ability to breathe.

"No," he said in a deep tone that sounded aggressive yet sweet and it sent shivers down your spine. He started to loosen his grip on you but didn't let go.

He turned his head to meet yours, his face was centimetres away from yours. Then as cliche as it sounds rain started to pour down on the two of you standing in the middle of an empty road. He still wouldn't let go.

"You're mine," he said as his face gradually got closer and closer to yours. You could feel his heart was racing yet he seemed so calm. He let go of you and put his hands on the side of your cheeks. He looked at you with question in his eyes you knew why he was hesitating so you slowly shook your head yes.

He finally kissed you. You had already kissed him before but never on the lips, and it was also just to annoy him. This was different, this felt right. The kiss didn't last too long because you were in the middle of a street, but you felt like it could have lasted forever and you would not have complained.

"Hey, dumb ass! Next time you go out for a walk call me, and not that fucking nerd," Bakugo said as you both began walking home.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind Mister Hero," you said as you slowly grabbed onto his hand. The rest of the walk was silent but it was the good kind. The silence went on as the two of you walked home, hand in hand.

Bakugo walked you to your door. He leaned on the door frame as water dripped down him from the rain outside.

"Oh, Young Bakugo! Izuku told me that you had continued on the walk with Y/N, thank you," All Might said with his very fake smile plastered on.

"Bakugo please come in, it's raining outside and you're already drenched! I wouldn't want you catching a cold," All Might continued welcoming Bakugo into your house.

"Uh, thanks but I don't want to impose," you were surprised that Bakugo actually had manners but it seemed they only ever came out in front of his idol.

"Oh nonsense, it's already quite late and the storm doesn't look like it will let up. You may as well stay the night," All Might reassured him.

Once you both took off your drenched shoes you took Bakugo by the hand up to your room. "I'll get you a change of clothes, I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind you borrowing some of his," you said as you ran out of the room and brought back a white T-shirt and some gray jogging pants.

"Here," you said as you threw the clothes at him.

"Thanks dumb ass, now where do I-" you cut him off knowing exactly what he would say.

"My bathroom is right through that door you can get changed in there," you said pointing at a plain white door across from your bed. "Feel free to shower and brush your teeth with the blue toothbrush, it's the spare," you went on as this was a normal occurrence for you, even though you had never had someone stay the night in your house.

Bakugo had a shower, by the time he was done you were ready for bed. You were wearing a random hoodie and some black leggings that you found comfortable.

"Ayo, dumb ass? Where's the toothpaste?!" Bakugo yelled out to you from the bathroom.

You groaned as you got up and opened the door to help him get the toothpaste. To your surprise Bakugo only had a towel around his waist, you looked him up and down and your face immediately went red.

"Shit, fuck uh, sorry I-," you couldn't manage to get out a solid sentence infront of him you were just a stammering mess. A grin slowly formed on Bakugo's face as he slowly walked towards you.

"I- uh... Toothpaste! In uh the- fuck, I-," your mind had just shut down at this point.

"Hey dumb ass," Bakugo said as he put his arm up on the wall he had backed you into.

"H-Hey?" You managed to spit out, at this point your face was redder than Bakugo's eyes.

"You like what you see huh," Bakugo said with a cheeky grin. As he turned around and continued looking for the toothpaste.

"WHAT THE HELL, YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME IDIOT?! I WAS ALMOST HAVING A CARDIAC ARREST?!"" You said as you fell to the ground finally breathing and managing to get out a full sentence. Bakugo just laughed.

"Fuck you," you said finally regaining your composure.

"Sure," Bakugo just casually said as he finally found the toothpaste. Your mind took a minute to process what he had just said, but as soon as it did your face went right back to the shade of red it was just a moment ago.

"WHA- I, I'm just going to leave now," you said as you opened the door and let yourself out of the bathroom. Your heart felt as if it was beating a million miles an hour.

You heard a knock at your door and you opened it to see your father. "I will be out tonight so Bakugo can sleep in my room, you two can watch a movie downstairs but be sure to be in bed by midnight. You have school tomorrow," he leaned down a bit and hugged you and continued on his way.

A/N idk if I'm going to do any lemon, it's not really my style lmao. I may add a bit of spice but probably no lemon, sorry to all of you who like lemon 😅💖

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