It's A Bet

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"You want me to help you into the cafeteria?" Shoto said as he thankfully accepted the ticket.

"No it's okay, but thank you for the help," you said waving to him as he walked off.

"Stay away from him," you turned around to see Bakugo leaning against a tree with a possessive look on his face.

This is all his fault, I told you I didn't like him.

"At least he helped me! Unlike you who caused the whole problem," you yelled at him in a fit of anger.

"YOU THINK THIS IS MY FAULT?!" he shouted.

"Well yeah, do you need me to dumb it down for you? I'm sorry I don't speak Hot Headed Idiot, I'll be sure to learn it for you but only if you say I can because you get to decide everything in my life," you said with an emotionless look on your face and a passive aggressive tone.

"Why don't you just leave me if I'm such a horrible possessive person?!" Bakugo said as he started to walk past you.

"Well then maybe I will," You said as you stood up and shoved the meal ticket into his hand.

"What the hell?" Bakugo said as he opened his hand and saw the ticket.

"Just take it and never talk to me again," You said as you winced in pain a bit from putting too much weight on your foot.

"Y/N! Sit the fuck down, your ankle is still injured," Bakugo said as he rushed towards you.

He is manipulating you, he doesn't care!

"Get away from me! I'm FINE!" you said as you slowly limped into the cafeteria.

"Here, uh let me help you," Shoto said as he helped you to a seat in the cafeteria.

"Thanks," You said with a weak smile.

He is using you as a way to feel powerful.

"Do you want me to ge-" You cut him off before he finished his sentence. 

"No! I- uh have it from here,"

"Oh, are you sure?" He questions again.

"I SAID I'M FINE!" You shouted as you gritted your teeth a bit.

"I- I'm sorry I uh, just need a minute... But thank you," You said as you calmed yourself down, Shoto respected your words and left you alone.

You only need me, you can trust me.

You hummed in agreeance with the voice in your head that has been guiding you.

"Hey, uh... Y/N was it?" A girl who looked like a human strawberry frappuccino walked up to you and asked.

"Yeah?" you said as you looked up at her.

"I'm Mina Ashido! I noticed your little fight with Bakugo. Do you two know each other?" Mina said as she took a seat next to you.

"I thought I knew him," you said in a slightly aggressive tone.

"Oooooooooh, interesting!" the bubbly girl said as she rubbed her chin.

"He waltzes around like he owns everyone, ugh! I can't even with that stupid adorable face of his, and his fucky cocky smile that gives me butterflies! Not to mention how much of an idiotic softie he is but nOoo he feels the need to act all tough in front of people, I hate him," you said ss you clenched your fists.

"I think you looooove him," Mina said with a little giggle.

"I think you got love mixed up with loathe, it's an honest mistake really," You said trying to shut down this girl's idea.

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