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You began growing impatient as you started to spin around in the chair a bit more "3 minutes and 27 seconds," You said in a bored tone.

"I think your calculations are slightly off," Bakugo said as he stopped the chair from spinning. You jumped out of the chair slightly surprised as you backed up getting ready to fight.

"I guess you're not as easy to kill as I first thought?" You smirked at the challenge.

"I'm not stupid! I know that the remedy for Nightshade is Anticholinesterase and the most natural way of getting that in my system was by eating my spicy tomato soup lunch I had saved for tomorrow," He said yelled angrily.

"What now? You're going to call for backup because you're such a weak hero?" You said in a mocking manner. You knew that if he called for backup you wouldn't stand a chance so you played off of his pride. He scoffed at you.

"Y/N... What happened to you?" Bakugo questioned in a sincere tone.

"Y/N is gone... I am Themis, goddess of justice, I AM JUSTICE, I AM THE LAW," You said as tears fell down your face. You had no reason to cry, so why did the tears fall?

"I can help you... Please, tell me what's wrong?" Bakugo said as he wiped the tears from your cheek causing you to flinch slightly at the sudden touch.

"Lies, lies, lies," You repeated under your breath. Just as he was about to put his hand on your shoulder you slapped it away. "LIES!" You shouted as you kicked him in the gut causing him to quickly step back and grimace in pain.

"Santoku Maindo," Bakugo said under his breath.

"Huh? Knife mind... Sharp mind? What the hell are you saying... Santoku Maindo, why do people keep saying that?" You said as you let down your guard trying to figure out what Bakugo ment.

"Sorry for this dumb ass," Bakugo said causing you to look up, you then felt a blunt force against your head causing you to black out. You woke up in a plane room tied to a chair with a table between you and Bakugo.

"What is this set up? Interrogation?" You rolled your eyes and scoffed at him faking confidence.

"If that bitch is mind controlling you again I swear to god i'll kill her," Bakugo mumbled to himself as he paced around the room.

"Mind control? Uh, that would be impossible with my quirk... At least I think Dabi only told me the basics of it and thanks to my father I had no idea that I ever had one," You went on angrily.

"Well, if there is a direct link to your brain it can bypass your quirk," He went on as he continued passing the room.

"And how the hell do you know that?" You asked.

"Your father is going to hate me..." Bakugo said as he pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance and stopped pacing.

"I swear to god if you do not tell me what the hell you're going on about I will kill you!" You said angrily as you tried to break out of the restraints.

"Y/N, what do you know about your current life?" Bakugo questioned as he sat down in the seat across the table from you.

"Well I know that my dad was a hero, I have a quirk that shuts down other quirks when used on me directly... Oh, not to mention that my father is also a manipulative bitch," You laughed in a passive aggressive tone and then continued "I used to be a part of the league of villains before I lost my memory... And that's about it,"

"First of all your father was a great hero he saved countless lives and is not manipulative, secondly you were never a villain," Bakugo grumbled on as if he though you were a stupid child.

The One All Might Failed To Save (Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now