Crazy Bitch

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You lost track of time, unable to see sunlight, you had no idea how long it had been since you had broken out. You were not an idiot so you didn't try escaping, even with your quirk you would still be outmatched with Toga's knife skills and Dabi's raw strength. "Can I get some fucking food," You complained as your stomach grumbled.

"Dabi, get Y/n some food. Her voice makes my ears bleed," Shigaraki grumbled.

"Uh, no? Today is supposed to be your day to go shopping," Dabi said angrily.

"OOOOOH! You both should go, it will be like team bonding!" Toga said as she pushed them both out the door.

"What the hel-" Before Dabi could finish his sentence Toga shut the door.

"IT'S BESTIE TIME!" Toga squealed as she skipped over to you, "What do you want to do? Make a TikTok, do eachothers nails, oh what about a makeover?! Maybe we could bleach all of Dabi, and Shigaraki's clothing and dye them rainbow!!!" Tago went on excitedly.

"I mean, the tie dye sounds pretty fun," You said with a smirk.

"YES! I'll get the bleach, you get the clothes," Toga said as she skipped off. You walked into the room that had Shigaraki's name written in pink glitter glue on the outside, you assumed Toga did that. You opened the closet door and took out all of his black shirts and hoodies. You walked back into the main room and placed them down, you then walked into the room that had Dabi's name burnt into it. You opened the closet door but instantly regretted it when you saw whips, handcuffs, and other "toys" covering the ground.

"What the fuck?" You mumbled under your breath as you grabbed all of the black clothing in his closet and slammed it shut, slightly traumatised. As you shut the door you noticed a phone sitting on the charger laying on Dabi's bed. You picked it up but to your annoyance it had a password. You tried a few combinations but none of them worked. "I'm an actual idiot," You said quietly as you clicked the emergency call button. Your one problem was that you didn't have anyone to call... You thought for a moment, calling the police crossed your mind but that would just be stupid since you would just be put in jail again, suddenly out of nowhere you thought of a random number. You had seen it before, it felt safe to you I guess you could say. As you typed in the number you heard Toga's voice, it was growing closer and closer to you.

"Who the hell is this?" A familiar voice picked up.

"Don't talk, track the phone, I need help..." You said bluntly. "I'm stuck with this League of Villains, no idea where," You said with a nervous laugh.

"Y/N!? Who are you talking to?" Toga said as she opened the door.

"No, one!" You almost shouted as you put the phone behind your back.

"I don't like liars... Who are you talking to," She said, her voice like venom. You notice her hand hover over her pocket.

"What the fuck is going on there!? Y/n, is it actually you?" The person over the phone said loudly as you cringed at it as you slowly held out the phone. Toga pulled out her knife and without giving you any time to think she threw it right at your hand that was holding the phone, you screamed in pain, dropping the phone. "Y/n!? What's going on?" The voice over the phone asked once again.

"I'm sorry sir, but Y/n is a little preoccupied," Toga said with a giggle as she hung up the phone.

"You fucking sadist," You said as you gritted your teeth in pain. Toga just ignored you as she shattered the phone and took Dabi's clothing out of the room. "So you're just gonna leave the knife in me?!" You shouted as you followed behind her. The knife was so sharp that it went totally through your hand.

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