Hosu City

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"Stop doing that, dumb ass!" Bakugo said as you both met eyes.

"Doing what?" You questioned.

"Making me feel nervous and shit," he grumbled. You laughed at him a bit and let go of his hand.

"Does that help," you teased

"No?!" He said as he aggressively took back your hand. You walked for a bit longer in silence.

"You, me... Trip to the mall, once I'm ungrounded that is," you said breaking the silence.

"Well... Uh- sure?" Bakugo said not used to relationship stuff. You both made your way back to your home still walking hand in hand.

"I'm gonna need your help to get back in my window," you said letting go of his hand. He started to lift you up a bit as he held onto your hips. You knew he was strong but you didn't expect him to be able to lift you up so easily.

"Wait," you said.

"What now dumb ass," Bakugo said as he let go of you.

"This," you said as you leaned towards him and kissed him on the cheek. His face went red and he tried to cover it up with his hands but you just laughed at him being so cute.

"W-WHAT TH-," but before he could finish his sentence you whacked him on the head.

"Shut up idiot, do you know what time it is," you whisper yelled at him as he rubbed his head where you hit him. You could tell he wanted to yell at you but he didn't.

"Okay, now I'm ready!" You said cheerfully as you placed Bakugo's hands on your hips and gestured for him to lift you up. As he did you reached for your open windowsill. Once you gripped onto it Bakugo let go of you. You climbed in your window using your very limited upper body strength. Once you were inside you turned around and looked out the window and waved goodbye to Bakugo. He waved back and walked away into the night. 

"Why is the idiot so adorable," you said as you fell backwards into your bed with your arms and legs out like a starfish. You laid there for a moment and then sighed. You took out your phone to look at the time, and to your surprise it was already 3 am... You had been out with Bakugo for three hours. After a few minutes of panic thinking that your father may have stepped in to check on you during those hours, you eventually fell asleep.


Due to your father being busy as well as all the adults your father knew being busy as well (he didn't have many close friends) you got to be home alone for once. Having a 'babysitter' 24/7 was starting to get on your nerves, so this was a nice break. Sadly you couldn't sneak out and hang with Bakugo since he was busy with his internship under the number 4 hero Best Jeanist.

After a while you realized you could hang out with Kana. So you picked up your phone and texted her.


Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?

OMG I would but I am headed to Hosu City in the next few hours 😭😭😭

Awww that's too bad

What if you came with me?! The train ticket isn't too expensive 😏☺️

Okay, I just bought a ticket online cya there ❤️

YAY! 💖🥳


You made your way to the train station after you packed a bag with your wallet and some other stuff, you were ready for a fun trip.

"BESTIE!" Kana said as she ran up to you and hugged you.

"Hey girl, ready for the trip?" You asked as you both boarded the train.

"Yepper!" She said as she grabbed onto your hand and skipped over to a seat.

The train ride wasn't too long but chatting with Kana made it feel a lot shorter. Once you arrived in Hosu City you both stopped at a fast food restaurant and got something to eat. Once you both finished eating and paided you decided to adventure around the place a bit.

The day went on and you both had a great time but the sun was about to set and you had to make your way home soon.

"So, why the sudden trip here?" You asked Kana as the both of you walked along a sidewalk.

"Oh! I have been tracking this cool villain, his name is Stain. He is amazing, he does anything he wants and he gets away with it!" Kana's eyes lit up as she went on about the villain.

"Isn't that guy like infamous and a mass murder or something?" You asked.

"Stain... The hero killer," Kana said as she put her arms out in a rainbow motion. You laughed at her excitement as the both of you neared the train station.

"Uh... Kana?" You said as you tapped her shoulder trying to get her attention.

"Wh-," her voice slowly trailed off as she looked at the destruction around the train station.

"Holy caprisun..." you went on as your jaw dropped a bit.

"What happened here?" Your question was soon answered as a huge creature ran past you nearly crushing you. Kana quickly pulled you back, saving you from the thing.

"Nomu..." you said under your breath. You had heard your father talk about them before. Artificial humans made up of deceased individuals whose bodies have been heavily modified is vaguely what you heard from your father.

"Oh? So you know what these creatures are?! Cool!" Kana said with a giggle.

"No, no, no, if I can't get home before it's too late my father is going to kill me," you pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance.

"Oh, uh maybe we should worry about not getting killed by the nomu right now instead?" Kana said as she quickly pulled you into an alleyway to hide until the pro heroes sorted out the problem. You waited for a few minutes but the chaos didn't let up and you couldn't find an opening to run out to somewhere safer.

"Kana, once the nomu is distracted by one of the heroes we need to run towards that store," you said as you pointed towards a store that a few rescue heroes were garding.

"Okay, now!" you reached back to grab her arm but she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Kana?" you called out as you walked deeper into the alley. You called her name a few more times but there was still no response.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" you heard a familiar dull voice call from behind you.

"Todoroki? I- I can't find my friend, there are nomu, I'm late, my dad is going to get me in even more trouble now!" you went on as you started to break down in tears.

"Y/N, I will help you in a moment. Right now my classmates need me," Shoto said as he ran into the darkness of the alleyway. Suddenly out of nowhere you felt an immense amount of heat coming from where Shoto had ran, you knew it was from his quirk. Being the curious idiot you are you decided to see what was going on.

You shouldn't waste your time with this, Kana is fine now turn around and find another way out. You heard the voice in your head speak louder than its usual mumbles that made you feel safe.

A/N just finished this chapter! Omg thank you everyone for reading this and all the support, I really didn't expect people to actually click on this story lol 😂

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