Adding to The Competition

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The weekends seemed to fly by. Sometimes you wished you had a quirk that could stop time or something, that would be helpful. Before you knew it, it was time for school. Mondays were always a bit slow for everyone but that is typically to be expected. You finally arrived at school after an awkward drive with All Might.

"Hey bestie!" Kana ran up to you and hugged you, she always made you feel happy. With her bubbly and obsessive personality she gave you golden retriever vibes. Yet from the moment you met Kana there has always been something off about her, you could never really put your finger on it so you just looked past it.

"Hey girlie!" You responded hugging her back.

"Did you know that the human body manufactures 17 million red blood cells per second!" Kana stated in an enthusiastic tone. You just assumed that she wanted to become a doctor or something when she grew up so this wasn't really odd. Kana always had a random fact like this; it wasn't really out of character for her to just bring it up randomly either.

"No I did not know that, interesting," you responded with a bit of a giggle. Class went by normally but Kana was a bit more clingy than usual, you didn't really mind but you were not much of a touchy fully type person.

You met up with Bakugo on your walk home, he seemed more fired up than usual. "Whats up Mister Hero?" you asked him.

"Oh, I'm just getting ready to win at the sports festival!" he said in his typically cocky attitude.

Well your confident aren't you," you laughed

"Why wouldn't I be if I know i'm going to win dumb ass!" he shot back.

"Well we'll see," you said with a smug look on your face.

"What are you gonna do, compete? It's not like you have a quirk!" He burst out laughing, yet you just kept walking and didn't not respond. "Wait, are you really going to-" Bakugo stopped mid sentence.

"You'll just have to wait and see mister hero," you said as you smirked. Bakugo was very confused, he didn't think that anyone without a quirk could fight for themselves. You were ready to prove him wrong.

Bakugo suddenly put his arm out in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. "If you compete your gonna get yourself killed!" he said in a stern voice. You looked him dead in the eyes and then started laughing. "WHAT THE HELL! WHATS SO FUNNY DUMB ASS!" he yelled at you as he clenched his fists.

"Oh, it's just you really think I'm helpless without a quirk don't you," you managed to spit out through your laughter.

"Well... I mean, yeah?" he said sheepishly, which just made you want to laugh even more.

"Bakugo, I spent the first few years of my life in combat training," You said once you had calmed down your laughter. Your father put you into combat training as a kid knowing that you had a slim chance of actually having a quirk since no one in his family tree really had quirks. But that was not the only reason he sent you away to combat training, the other reason was because he was out busy trying to find your mom. He never actually told you that there was a possibility your mother could still be alive but that possibility was not enough to acknowledge.

"Still, it's not like you could actually win against a bunch of students with powerful quirks," Bakugo said as he rolled his eyes.

"Well like I said you will just have to wait and see!" you replied as you continued walking.

"You're not being serious are you? What will All Might say if you enter?" His question struck a vein in you and it just filled you with rage!

"Who said All Might needs to know?" You answered in a cold voice that was not like you. "I'll just compete wearing a mask and say that it helps my quirk, if they ask what my quirk is i'll just say it's something like Nighteyes and the mask protects my eyes from drying out because my quirk causes them to dry out faster," You had it all planned out but the one variable you did not factor in was Bakugo.

"No," He said with gritted teeth.

"You can't tell me what to do!" You yelled at him outraged because you hated when people tried to control your life, you were already used to All Might doing it.

"You're going to get yourself killed!" He shot back at you as tears welled up in your eyes.

"STOP ACTING LIKE HIM! I THOUGHT I WAS SAFE TO TALK TO YOU BUT I GUESS I WAS WRONG!" You shouted at bakugou as tears fell down your face and rage started to consume your being. Bakugo did not know how to respond, he had just been compared to his idol but why did it hurt so much? He finally chose his words and said

"I know you're not going to back down from this, so meet me at my place after school tomorrow."

You parted ways with Bakugo and made your way home, you followed routine and went straight to your room as per usual. All Might was not home again, but what else did you expect. "Oh, a little birdy told me you would be competing at the sports festival? Is that true sweetheart?" A familiar voice said from a dark corner of your room. You knew he wouldn't hurt you yet so you tried to calm yourself down.

"Well that little birdy would be correct, darling," you replied in a passive aggressive tone which just made the mysterious villain chuckle.

"Hum, well don't get hurt too much sweetheart because I might need you later," He said in his smooth yet raspy voice, it sent chills down your spine.

"I don't plan on getting hurt," you said through your gritted teeth. "And what do you mean by needing me later?" you asked the mysterious villain

"Don't be too eager, you'll find out soon enough," he responded as he stepped out of the dark corner of your room.

As he stepped closer you tensed up a bit. "No need to be scared, sweetheart," he said as he walked up to your bedroom night stand. He then picked up the remote to your LED lights and clicked a button to turn them a deep blue diverting them from their usual F/C (other than blue).

"I like this colour better, it really brings out my eyes," he said as he set down the remote. You had never realized how blue his eyes were but you couldn't deny it the light really did bring out his eyes.

"Why are you here, I am assuming you did not come here just for a friendly hello," You asked him just before he left out your balcony window.

"That's cute, you think I am not always here watching your every move hearing everything you say watching you sleep so peacefully," he answered, the thought of him watching you 24/7 made you feel sick to your stomach.

"Your bluffing!" you shouted at him "Stop trying to instil fear in me with your mind games! You -You sadistic sociopath!" you continued.

He took a few seconds to process what you had said and just laughed "Sweetheart I'm not the only one who craves blood shed like a sadist here," He said as he glared at you with a smirk on his face, he then leaped out your window and disappeared into the dark. H-How did he know? You had only told Bakugo about that, how did he know? Was he really following you? You had no idea what to do. You felt sick to your stomach just at the thought that someone has been stalking you for who knows how long?

A/N Hopped you like this chapter, this one is kinda early but I had it done so I may as well put it up! Anyways, thank you all for the support on this book so far!!! ❤️

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