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Once you made it back into the cabin you purposely sat as far away from Bakugo as possible. You felt him glaring at you with his deep red eyes so you made sure to not make eye contact with him whatsoever, just to prove you weren't as childish as him... In your own petty NOT childish way.

"Okay let's see what everyone has!" Mina said as she made everyone gather in a circle and put their phone in the middle. As she went through the list every team showed the photos that they had, in the end you and Bakugo won! You didn't really care, but you still won?

"What the hell," you pulled Mina over as her, Jirou, and you left the boys cabin.

"Soooooo, how did it go?" Mina said as she smirked.

"Just how I expected! Horrible," Your voice went monotone as you finished talking.

"Well you don't have to be so passive aggressive about it," Mina pouted.

"You look like an angry Jigglypuff," You teased, Mina then shoved you playfully causing you to laugh a bit. The night went on and all the students went into the hot springs, after that everyone made their way to bed.

"Mina, open the fucking door," You said as you pounded on the dorr to the female cabin. Mina had locked you out and you knew she was up to something. It was starting to get cold out so you decided to walk around and warm up a bit.

"What the hell are you doing up," You turned around and saw Bakugo sitting on one of the benches outside.

"I'm going to kill that girl," You grumbled as you pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance.

"You were locked out of your cabin as well huh," Bakugo said angrily.

"Maybe," you said as you crossed your arms.

"Denki and Kirishima are going to die once I get back," Bakugo said as he slammed his hand down on the bench.

"Why the hell is it so cold outside, it summer," You complained as you rubbed your hands together and blew on them as an attempt to stay warm.

"It's not that cold," Bakugo said as he glared at you.

"You have a fucking quirk to keep your warm and a hoodie on so shut up," You said as you stomped your foot a bit.

"Well if it is so cold then take my hoodie!" Bakugo shouted at you as he started to take off his hoodie.

"Bakugo what about you? Do you have a shirt on underneath at least," You asked as you tried to sound like you still hated him.

"I'll be fine dumb ass," He said as he started to take off his hoodie causing a little squeak to come out of your mouth. You wanted to show him that you were still made at him but your face just became red, and not out of anger.

"I- uh, Bakugo put your hoodie back on," You told him as he tried handing it to you.

"Shut the fuck up and take it," Bakugo grumbled as he threw his hoodie at you. You had to admit you were freezing cold so you reluctantly put it on.

"Thanks, but I'm still angry at you," You said as you sat down on the bench next to him. As you sat on the bench you folded your arms and crossed your legs as you looked in the opposite direction of Bakugo.

"When do you think they will let us back in?" Bakugo grumbled.

"I don't know? Do I look like a fortune teller," you went on as you were still visibly shaking from the cold. Bakugo noticed your shaking and put his arm around you to try and warm you up a bit more.

"I hate you," You mumbled under your breath.

"Shut the fuck up," Bakugo grumbled as he pulled you closer to him. You felt his warmth on your body and your chills slowly subsided.

"I'm sorry," You said as you finally looked him in the eyes.

"I should be the one who's sorry," Bakugo said.

"No, I was a manipulative bitch. I legit acted as if I had amnesia just as a distraction by flooding you with emotions for food," You said with a deadpan look on your face.

"I mean it was pretty smart," Bakugo laughed as he patted your head.

"What time is it?" You asked as you yawned a bit and leaned your head on Bakugo's shoulder.

"Probably midnight at this point," Bakugo said with his voice just above a whisper.

"Oh? That's nice," You whispered as you slowly drifted off to sleep.


You woke up to an alarm the next morning lying in a bed. "Bakugo carried you here and forced us to open the door," Jirou said as she looked at your confused face.

"OMG, did you see how ripped he was?!" Mina said, giggling like a little kid. You were still pretty tired and not really processing what was going on so you just got up and brushed your teeth then walked out the door forgetting to change out of the clothing you had on. You walked and met up with all the class 1-A students wearing their gym uniforms, the adults didn't really care if you wore uniform or not since you were only there for punishment.

"Hey, nice hoodie," Mina whispered to you as she nudged you slightly with her elbow while Aizawa was explaining what you would do today.

"Thanks," You said with a yawn as you rubbed your eyes, still not fully awake. You suddenly felt someone's arm around your shoulder, you looked over and saw Bakugo.

"Hey," You said as you stretched a bit.

"You look good in that," He said as he looked down at you.

"Hum?" You finally realized what was going on and your face went red "Oh! If you want it back I ca-"

"Shut up dumb ass," Bakugo cut you off.

Once Aizawa finished explaining everything he came over to you. "Hey Y/N, ready for hell?" He said.

"I'm sorry but I am not allowed in hell anymore, Satan put a restraining order on me," You said trying to waste time so you would have to do less.

"Well, today's your lucky day! They lifted the restraining order just for this occasion," Aizawa said, making you grumble.

"Oh, I can't wait," You said sarcastically.

"What you struggle with most is hand to hand combat with power type quirks. So you will be sparing with Kirishima until you pass out from exhaustion, the end of the day, or you die. By the way you can use this when fighting" Aizawa said he handed you a katana and walked off as you and Kirishima started your fight. You were thankful that it was a katana you were given since you had been trained how to use it. You and Kirishima fought over and over and over again, you both felt as if you would collapse from exhaustion at this point.

"You okay Y/N?" Kirishima asked as he helped you up from the ground since he had knocked you down.

"Yeah, my ankle is kind of annoying but for the most part I'm fine," you said weakly between breaths as you got into a fighting stance with your weapon in hand.

After what felt like hours of training Aizawa came back telling everyone it was time to eat. You almost collapsed from your legs feeling like jello as you made your way to where all the food was to be made. You made food, ate it and went to bed. The next two days felt as if they were a repeat of the last training, making food, then eating. At the end of the day you were told that there would be a fun event but your ankle was really hurting so you chose to sit it out and just chill in the girls cabin.

"Hello!" you heard a voice at the cabin door as the person knocked.

A/N Who is at the door? Lol, Thanks for reading this so far, and if you like my writing here feel free to check out my other fanfics <3

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